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Legacy LEED AP: Can a Legacy LEED AP still work on LEED v3 projects?

I don’t believe a Legacy LEED AP can be designated as the LEED AP on LEED version 3 projects.

I have a list of questions I want to ask the USGBC via phone, and this is one of them. I’ll update the answer as soon as I get clarification. Thanks for your patience!

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4 Comments On This Post

  1. Hi Pat,

    Being a Legacy LEED AP, can I still function as a LEED AP in version 3 projects until 2011?

  2. This is what is really confusing. If we can’t use a “legacy” LEED AP on projects, they’ve basically rescinded the meaning of the credential. Why didn’t they just convert all of us automatically into “Green Associates”?

  3. It is confusing– for us late comers it is also frustrating that people who took early versions like (2.0?) five or six years ago or more have had LEED AP next to their name since then but no criteria for staying current or meeting the much harder new testing or knowing the much more complicated newer rating systems.. I know of many young interns who got the AP credential, have not used it since, and just keep using it as resume padding. It is not their fault, they were/are smart I guess.. it is USGBC fault for constantly changing and no nice way to deal with legacy issues that either side will be happy with.


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