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Energy and Atmosphere 5 – Measurement and Verification


  1. Provide for the ongoing accountability of building energy consumption over time. Basically, develop a plan to measure and check the building’s energy consumption.


  • sidenote: there are 4 options, but for LEED we only look at 2, B and D.
  • Develop and implement a Measurement and Verification (M&V) Plan consistent with:
    • OPTION B (smaller buildings): Energy Conservation measure isolation – for isolating main energy systems
      • as specified in IPMVP (International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol) & EMS (Energy Management System)
    • OPTION D (whole building systems): Calibrated Simulation – for buildings with interactive systems
      • measurement and verification shall cover a period of no less than 1 year of post-construction occupancy


  • IPMVP (International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol)

Submittal Phase:

  • construction

Extra Credit:

  • none

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28 Comments On This Post

  1. Hey, just noticed that you have this credit down as a design submittal but per the errata sheet, its now Construction…FYI
    Thanks for this website, i check it out all the time.


  2. Yes. Please change the submittal phase to ‘construction’. Thanks~

  3. Pat,
    Hey Pat, I looked this up in the NC 2.2 Version 3 Reference guide and the M&V credit is now a construction submittal.


  4. Sorry, I didn’t realize that there were two posts ahead of me.

  5. Hey Jon,

    No worries, thanks for the comment. I’ll change it right away. Cheers.

  6. Hi,
    I have a quick question regarding this credit. Credit EA C 5 M&V and EA P 1 Are they connected somehow? Because the CxA in EA P 1 need to verify the installation and performance of systems, and EA c 5 does the same thing but in a period of 1 year. Am I getting this right?


  7. Hi Claudia,

    They are really close to being related, as they both have to do with the energy use of the buildings in one way or another, but the major difference that you should know between the two is this:

    EAp1 is primarily about the CxA, as you know. He or she checks and verifies the “installation” and the “performance” of the systems through a plan that deals mostly with the actual root of the systems.

    This is different than EAc5 where as EAc5 is about measuring the output of those systems through various measuring and metering equipment. The actual output of whatever it is that is being metered) is compared to a prediction that can be from a simulation or just known standards.

    It’s a little confusing, but EAp1 is really about the actual components of the system, i guess you could say, and are they working correctly and up to par. EAc5 is are what these components, that we know are “up to par” because of EAp1, metering at the correct levels.


  8. the way i figured out which option refers to which building type is option D is a big “circle”: whole building; option B is a big circle broken into smaller circles (almost two D on top of each other), so for smaller buildings, multiple isolated system withing one building. Hope it helps someone.

  9. love those memory helpers. thanks ella.

    BTW, the one I have for constuction and design submittals…

    W-all design
    I-all design but 1 and that’s C2
    E(q)-all design but 2 and that’s C3 and C4
    S-all design but 3 and that’s P1, C5.1, 7.1
    E(a)-all design but 4 and that’s P1, C3&5&6

    M-all constuct but 1 and that’s P1

    Hope this helps more than confuses!


  10. thank you! Memory tricks are really helpful! I am trying to develop one for decision makers, which gives me the most trouble for some odd reason.

  11. if you come up with the one that makes sense, please share.

  12. Is a Commissioning agent necessary for EA5: Measurement and verification.
    It seems like it would but cant find anywhere where its listed that ‘the on going accountability’ has to be done by a commissioning agent.
    Now if you were going for EA 3 Enhanced Commissioning, I can see how the CxA agent might fulfill the EA5 role.
    Suggestions appreciated!

  13. In BMS systems we devise in the Netherlands, performance and consumtion data are necessary to optimize the overall performance of the installations (intelligent BMS). The optimizing process is automated.
    Usually these data are stored 3 month, but extending that period is no problem. Can we use these for proving this credit?

  14. Hi Buzz,
    Thats is really helpful. Thanks so much.
    March 30, I take my exam. I know that is in the last minutes. I hope I passed it.


  15. Good luck, Gabby! My final “hint” is to go ahead and take the time you have after your first run through the test and use it to revisit even the questions you felt sure about. I would have made two errors for sure if I’d not reread the questions. After all, you’ve got lots of time and money in this effort. Might as well use all the time you’re given. Hope you do great!

  16. Thanks Buzz!

    On your memory helper for E(q)- all design but 2 and that’s C3 and C4. Instead of that as of, in Indoor Environmental Quality Credit Charateristic table 1, NC version 2,2 Reference Guide Second Edition September 2006, page 288 there is all design but 6 and that’s C3.1, C3.2, C4.1-4. Maybe you mean all of under credit 3 and credit 4?

    Anyway, I love your memory helper. It is helpful for me.

  17. Yeah, that’s the way I was thinking of it…tried to impose some sort of “pattern” on the numbers that way. I’m glad the hint helps. So many people on this website shared and, I feel, helped me pass. Ain’t Pat great for starting this!!!???

  18. Has someone come up with any tricks to learn decision makers..Beth referred to it long back.

  19. Can someone help me figure out if outdoor irrigation system is measured under M&V? Thanks

  20. I keep reading over this section and I just can’t get a handle on Option B and Option D. I have memorized that Option B is for smaller buildings and measuring individual systems but I still don’t understand what’s going on. Can someone please explain to me in a real world example what is the difference is between these two options.

  21. Option D is for complicated buildings that have sophisticated systems you can tap into for the M/V data. The system works off a simulation, much like the “simulation” done for EA1 under ASHRAE 90.1 Performance Rating Method. Only the M/V simulation is an adjusted baseline building performance and is compared to the actual. Thus, a Calibrated Simulation. Option B is for less sophisticated systems, that don’t work as a whole. The actual performance is monitored at each isolated component(like a single AC unit) and measured against a theoretical baseline.

    The only question that came up on this was “when does the verification begin?” The choices were narrowed to “After the commissioning report is filed” or “when the occupancy and the systems are operating at reasonably stabel levels.” I chose the latter answer, as commissioning could take a while, especially under EA3.

  22. Hello,

    I’m faced with this question which I couldn’t figure how they got the answer.

    A project wants to provide for ongoing accountability of a building’s energy consumption. What must be done to meet this goal?

    A- Monitor post-construction activity for no less than one year

    B- Perform a partially measured retrofit isolation

    C- Install metering equipment

    D- Measure energy use at the main meters

    the answers are A,C

    I understand “C” but why is “D” not correct, if we are going fr IPMVP-OPTION D then wouldn’t we need to meaure the actual total energy consumtion of the building against predicted energy performance.

    And why would “A” be correct it’s very broad to say that we need to “Monitor post-construction activity” while all we need to monitor is special building/energy systems.

    any advice would be appreciated.

  23. I have the same question as Wisam asked on June 24th. Is there somebody to answer this question? Appreciated for your time.

  24. In reference to Wisam’s question. ‘A’ is correct because one year is the minimum amount of time to establish a baseline or measure system performance (per IPMVP and ASHRAE Gdln 14). Although allowable under LEED for new construction Option B is really for renonvations/retrofits where the baseline is the pre-retrofit bldg which is then compared against the renovated building/equipment. ‘D’ is incorrect because measuring energy use at the main meters is not specific enough to determine savings. Option B allows for measurement of specific ECM/EEMs and Option D uses a whole building model that includes ECMs to formulate a baseline.

    Hope this helps

  25. Hi Pat, a quick question. Does project needs to delay 1 year just to get this credit submitted? Or project can self declare on the plan? Same as EA c3 enhanced commissioning, does project needs to delay the submission for 10 month?

    • Same as EAc3. no need to wait for that. You can proceed the submittal with seif declare on the plan.You need to explain what should be done after 10 month.

  26. I have a question regarding this credit EA C 5 M&V . if the actual (from meter data)energy value is not similar with the simulation. Are we need to do simulation for this.


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