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Energy and Atmosphere P2 – Minimum Energy Performance (prerequisite)


  1. Establish minimum level of energy efficiency for building system.


  • option 1:
  1. Building envelope and system to comply with ASHRAE / IESNA 90.1-2004 Sections 5 – 10
  2. Comply with prescriptive requirements of ASHRAE, 90.1-2004
  • option 2:
  1. comply with local codes or DOE (Department of Energy), instead of ASHRAE
  • mandatory: provide occupancy controls for:
    1. class rooms
    2. meeting rooms
    3. break rooms


  • ASHRAE / IESNA 90.1-2004
  • Local Codes
  • DOE (Department of Energy)

Submittal Phase:

  • Design

Extra Credit:

  • none

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17 Comments On This Post

  1. Prereq just asks to comply with what is already on the books on Ashrae 90.1 2004. It tosses around a few key terms in it’s various categories- mandatory, prescriptive, and Appendix G: performance alternates..
    as pertains to section 5-10 are
    bldg envelope
    water heater

    I am not sure we need to know the breakdown thresholds for the test?

    The emphasis will be Appendix G performance alternates in Credit 1

  2. for example, do we need to know the Space by Space method for the performance based lighting density requirements?

  3. what is the minimum energy savings requirement for ASHRAE 90.1?

  4. For the implementation portion above, for #2 it should read use the prescriptive requirements OR the performance requirements (Sec. 11)

    I got caught on that one during one of my practice tests. I didn’t study the ‘OR’ part and got it wrong.

  5. This credit also states “local codes” as a baseline.
    In Europe local codes are very much stricter than USA codes.
    If the “local codes” in Europe have to be used as baseline, one would get a Nobel prize for saving 50% of energy on those codes.
    Which would also mean that a building, 70% more energy efficient than ASHRAE baseline, wouldn’t even be rewarded the prerequisite, let alone the extra credits from EA cr 1.1 – 1.10.
    On the other hand, a building according to ASHRAE baseline could never get a building permit in Europe.
    What is the interpretation of these credits?

  6. The intents are very US-centric. I think it could be shown that your European standard project complies with the threshold limitations as outlined in the ASHRAE standards, and that you should have a look at going for the exemplary points as well.

    Have another read on page 165 of NC 2.2 3rd Ed., the last paragraph starting from…

    “If a local code has demonstrated quantitative and textual equivalence following, at a minimum…”

  7. Thanks a lot, Franco, Would that mean, that if we would demonstrate the quantitative and textual equivalence of, in this case the Dutch mandatory building codes, once for instance in a CIR, that you can use them all the time to claim the credits involved?
    That would mean EAc1 – 10 + IDc1, EAc4, WEc3.1, WEc3.2 + IDc2, MRc2.1, MRc2.2 + IDc3, EQc1, EQc2, EQc3.1, EQc4.1, EQc4.2, EQc4.3, EQc4.4, EQc6.1, EQc6.2, EQc7.1, EQc7.2, EQc8.1 are met by legislation only.
    That makes 30 LEED-NC credits that should not have to be documented anymore!
    Without proving these credits in the design phase to the local authorities, it is impossible to acquire a building permit.

  8. Hi,
    Could you please advice me a building simulation program? Is free simulation programs sre accepteble for leed. What is the best choice. Thanx

  9. Pat

    Thank you so much for this wonderful web site,
    I sat for the exam this morning (I passed); the comments/questions from the group and the information on the web site are good resources to understand
    Leed process

    Thanks again


  10. THe ECB method may not be used for EA1. CAn it be used to show compliance with ASHRAE 90.1 here for pre 2 if you are not intending to try for the credit 1?

  11. Requirements (ref guide 2.2) seem to say comply with ASHRAE 90.1-2004 AND prescriptive OR performance. Your notes don’t mention performance. By the way, does anyone have an easily understandable definition of prescriptive vs. performance standards?

    Also, your notes on EAp2 single out occupancy controls for classrooms, meeting rooms and break rooms. I can’t find in the ref guide why this deserves special notice.

    Thanks for your great web site!

  12. One thing to considere for the site overall is that with the LEED 3.0 coming out there is begining to be more of an emphasis on the submittals and the proper documentation. It maybe worth adding a “Submittals” section as we dive into 3.0.

  13. I was wondering why it lists under this study guide that we should know the list of required areas for controls. This comes from one of the mandatory categories, lighting requirements, but in the reference manual, it also lists several other requirements. Why is only this pulled as something we need to know?

  14. like Rachel, do not understand the difference (if any) between prescriptive requirement versus performance standards

  15. got it! prescriptive could be replaced by the performance standard explained in section 11, also called ECB (Energy Cost Budget Option).
    See P166 “allow the user to exceed some of the prescriptive requirements provided energy cost savings are made in other prescribed areas”
    It is still not clear in which sections you can use this, it is every time you have a prescriptive requirement?

  16. do we need to know all the stategies mentioned in reference guide point by point for this prerequisite?

  17. I just downloaded the 2009 LEED for New Construction and Major Renovation. Form Energy & Atmosphere P2 it requires compliance with ASHRAE 90.1 2007 -AND- a 10% improvement in performance above the baseline building. When did this change occur?


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