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Indoor Environmental Air Quality P2 – Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control (prerequisite)


  1.  Minimize exposure of building occupants, indoor surfaces, and ventilation systems to ETS (Environmental Tobacco Smoke).


  1. Option 1: Prohibit Smoking
    •  no smoking except outdoors at least 25′-0” from:
      • entries
      • outside air intakes
      • operable windows
  2. Option 2: Designated Areas
    • no smoking except in designated area and outdoor (same rules as previous for outdoor)
    • Designated smoke rooms to:
      1. effectively capture, contain and remove ETS from building
      2. be directly exhausted to outdoors
      3. enclosed with deck to deck partitions
      4. operate at negative pressure to adjacentspaces
  3. Option 3 (residential only): No smoking in common areas. 
    • no smoking in all building common areas
    • wall, ceiling and floor penetrations are to be sealed off
    • doors are to be weather stripped
    • be tested for performance (ASTM E779-03)


  • ANSI/ASTM E779-03, Standard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate by Fan Pressurization
  • Residential Manual for Compliance with California’s 2001 Energy Efficiency Standards (For Low-Rise Residential Buildings), Chapter 4

Submittal Phase:

  • design

Indoor Environmental Air Quality


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    3 Comments On This Post

    1. pat,
      i think you have to refer again to Leed NC 2.2 for the information above as you mix between option 2 and 3 and some other req. are missing from option 3, also you will find that there is another standard mention in the summary of the referenced standrds

    2. Hi,

      There looks like there is a caveat in option 3 that allows you to avoid having to weather strip the units so long as there is a positive pressure differential the same as in option 2 (5 pa avg). To follow this compliance path, you must follow ANSI/ASTM E779. I see no mention of this in the summary. Can someone please clarify? Tks

    3. Aaron, ANSI/ASTM E779-03 is NOT to be followed when you can show the positive differential ( 5 PA Average). But, the standard is required only for the “blower door test”. Obviously, the standard issue is confusing since option 3 has two sub-parts within it without OR/AND.

      Hope this helps.


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