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If I pass one exam track, can I work on projects being certified under a different rating system?

My initial understanding is, no. The LEED AP credential in LEED v3 is supposed to demonstrate one’s ability to specialize in a particular LEED Rating System.

For previous versions of LEED, it was a “pass one exam and you’re a LEED AP for all tracks” deal, but I believe the rule has changed.

I have a list of questions I want to ask the USGBC via phone, and this is one of them. I’ll update the answer as soon as I get clarification. Thanks for your patience!

FAQs about your LEED credential:

Green Associate Exam

LEED AP Specialty Exam

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3 Comments On This Post

  1. Dear Pat,

    Is it possible to take multiple speciality exams ..say..i am an architect urban planner… i am interested in both BC+D and ND..should i go with only 1 or can write both…

    just a doubt..many of my classmates have the same query too..
    Thanks Pat!

  2. To register for LEED-GA exam I need to provide a letter from my employer about my involvement with environmental design principles. Do I send it to GBCI by mail, or could I use an e-mail? Thank you, I could not find the info on GBCI

  3. @Diya, Yes, I’m sure you could take multiple exams and if you pass, you’ll be able to work on those types of LEED projects.

    @Natasha, When you register for your exam, there’s a part where you’ll be asked to upload relevant documentation, so just make sure you have a scanned copy of your letter ready before you apply. Good luck!


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Thank You Pat, I was so happy to stumble across your website while trying to google a definition…You and your site are truly wonderful. With your organization and encouragement,the material becomes manageable. I wish I had found it a while ago! Thanks also for your continued visits and responses!!


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