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SEMI-Blank LEED AP Exam Study Guide

Here is a handy-dandy "semi-blank" LEED AP Exam Study Guide. Think of this as sort of an answer key for the LEED AP Exam Blank Study Guide I posted earlier. Different people study in different ways, so here is another option for you – rather than filling out everything yourself, you can read off of the worksheet.

Note that I didn’t fill out the "Intent and Implementation" section. I did this for a two reasons:

  1. I wanted YOU to fill it out because you are best at organizing this type of information in the best way possible for you (i.e. your own shorthand style, etc.) Plus, the answers are already posted on this website, so just head over to the table of contents.
  2. I didn’t want you to just print a completed sheet and then leave my website forever! There are continuous updates and I don’t want you to leave the community as your input and participation is important.

Here is a preview of the semi-blank worksheet:

Semi-blank LEED AP Worksheet / Guide

  LEED-semi-blanksheet.pdf (17,575 downloads)

I hope this proves to be helpful.

Cheers to all!

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12 Comments On This Post

  1. This is great Pat- Thanks for putting all this information together on one site. It is very complimentary to studying from the LEED NC v2.2 book.

  2. Pat I found a few things that may need correcting…
    -The codes (ZEV) & (ACEEE)- listed for SS5.1 (site development)-don’t those belong under SS4.3 (Alt. Trans/Low-Emm. & Fuel Eff. Vehicles) instead?
    -Extra Credit for MR3.1-3.2 (Material Reuse) is 15%,not 40%.
    -Code for EQ P2 (Env. Tobacco Smoke Control) is ANSI/ASTM E779.03.
    -Code for EQ3.2(Constr.IAQ Mgmt Plan, Before Occupancy) is US EPA-“Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Air Polluttants in Indoor Air”-not SMACNA or ASHRAE.

    Thanks again for putting this all together!

  3. Whoa, my mistake. I’ll work on those tonight and get a fresh version out by morning. I apologize for that!

    Thanks for the great catch rw. This is very much appreciated!

  4. Updated! Thanks RW. Good luck studying!

  5. i like to know the leed exam procedures

  6. Hi bharanidharan,

    I’m glad you’re interested in LEED. For exam procedures, download the “LEED AP Handbook” on the right hand side of this webpage – under resources. There you’ll find everything you need to know about exam procedures. Let me know if you have any more questions.


  7. pat,

    i am starting to study for LEED and found a few items on this list that did not appear to be correct to me under the Code or Standard portion:

    SSP1: I did not see NPDES referenced, rather NTIS. Did not see EPA 2003 as you reference rather just EPA.

    SS1: Missing Endangered Species List. Missing Wetlands reference. I did not see CFR or Clean Water Act as you reference.

    SS4.3: There is no standard as you reference.

    SS4.4: Missing the Oregon Zoning Code.

    EAP3: I did not see where Montreal Protocol was referenced.

    EA1: Option #3 is missing whereas Benchmark 1.1 is actually Option #4.

    EA2: is an ASHRAE standard not CBECS.

    EA4: I did not see where Montreal Protocol was referenced.

    EA6: has a standard- Center for Resource Solution’s Green-e Product Certification Requirements.

    EQ2: should be “CIBSE” not “CUBES

    EQ5.2: should be 52.2-1999 not 52.1-1999.

    hope this help. thanks for the work.

  8. Hey,
    I am new to everything about LEED and have a very basic query. With no offense meant, I want to know if the material available on this site is sufficient for the exam preparation? Is there nothing else required at all?
    would e really glad and thankful if you could please answer this query of mine.

  9. Chirali,

    Technically, I guess it MIGHT be possible to pass with just the information on the website, but I have never heard of that happening. Check the ‘What to study’ tab at the top of the website, I would recommend getting both the reference guide and the colorado study guide.

  10. Mitchell,

    Thanks so much for the information.

  11. Hi Pat,

    I am a bit terrified now – about LEED as i realized the book that i was referring too for LEED NC is v.2.2 but Sept 2006 version – which apparently is different from the 2007 version – is there a place to see what the differences are? and am i going to be way-off since I looked at v2.2 ’06 Guide?

    helpppp pleaseeeee
    nervous and tensed

  12. Unable to download your pdf. How do I become a register user in order to be able to access any downloads?!?


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Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


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