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5 Days Left Until LEED Test – Plan of Attack

It’s been about 2 months since I first opened the NC 2.2 reference guide and it’s been about 1 month since I started to study hardcore style (staying up late, forcing myself to memorize everything, and the creation of, etc.) I have 5 days until the LEED AP test.

Below is my 5 day plan of attack. Again, my test is on a Monday for various helpful reasons. You can follow these guidelines yourself – but you should know what you need to do to be confident enough to pass the exam. At this moment I’m pretty confident I could name each and every credit with the correct strategy and percentage thresholds and code/standards. When I test myself using the LEED AP Blank Study Guide, I miss about 5-10% of the important items. Now it’s time to fine-tune all the information, fill in the gaps and take some practice tests.

Day 1 of 5 (3 hours):

  1. Fill out the Blank Study Guide from memory
    • Anything I forget, i add with red pen – this helps me see what I missed
    • I rewrite each credit that I didn’t get 100% in it’s entirely
    • If I have trouble with something in particular, I’ll make a flashcard or two.

Day 2 of 5 (3 hours):

  1. Fill out the Blank Study Guide from memory (should be better this time!)
    • same as before if I miss anything
  2. Take a practice test
    • calculate my score, examine the questions I missed and why I missed them

Day 3 of 5 (6 hours – this is a Saturday for me):

  1. Take a different practice test
    • calculate my score, examine the questions I missed and why I missed them
  2. short break (30 min.)
  3. Take a different practice test
    • calculate my score, examine the questions I missed and why I missed them
  4. longer break (1 hr.)
  5. Memorize all the necessary “charts” to organize information in my head:

Day 4 of 5 (2.5 hours, Sunday)

  • Yes – it’s the day before the exam – so why only 2.5 hours? Because I want to use the day to relax and not kill my brain before the exam the next morning. I should have learned everything I need to know by now. I hear that this is the way to go before an exam like this. Any comments? Should I go all day with tons of information or stick to the plan?
  1. Re-take a practice test or 2 (scores should be better)
    • calculate my score, examine the questions I missed and why I missed them
  2. Write down charts from previous day by memory.
  3. Practice a braindump for exam day.
    • At the beginning of the exam, you’ll be given 10 minutes to “learn how to use a computer.” During this time I’ll will write down everything I can on my scratch paper in such a way that best helps me during the test (aka braindump). I will be practicing writing the braindump so I can do it quickly from memory on exam day.
    • As far as what I’ll be writing, I’m not sure yet. Look for a post in the next few days on a useful pretest braindump.

Day 5 of 5 (Monday, Exam Day)

  1. 7:00am – Wake up, shower, eat a good breakfast that won’t hurt my stomach in two hours
  2. 7:45am – practice my 10 minute braindump
  3. 8:30am – take the exam
  4. post-test – a beer to celebrate

As you can see, I’m using a lot of practice exams. Four different kinds to be exact. I’ll review which ones I like best after I take the test because I want to compare them to the real test.

Please let me know if you think this 5 day plan looks alright or if you have any other recommendations – please feel free to comment. Wish me luck!

Click here for the best Study Guides & Practice Exams

24 Comments On This Post

  1. Hey Pat,

    I’ve fallen behind on my studies, working on a new portfolio for the past week. I have been keeping an eye on your blog – and just wanted to wish you the best of luck on your exam!

  2. Hey Adam,

    Thanks for the wishes! I’m sorry you’ve fallen behind with studying for LEED, but I can understand because your portfolio is definitely something thats really important. I’m hoping I can add this website and a LEED AP after my name to my portfolio soon too. Good luck on all of your stuff!

  3. Pat,
    It seems as though you are well prepared for your exam. Thank you for putting together this web-site. I’ve found it very useful in helping me study. I look forward to hearing of your success and your input of what practice exams you found the most helpful. Thanks again for all the info and good luck Monday!

  4. Hey Pat,
    I’m planing to take my exam on July(lot’s of work). Just wanted to give you best wishes on Monday!. This blog is amazing. Thanks a lot for all the info.

  5. Pat,
    I want to wish you luck on your upcoming test! Good luck!!! You have worked hard on this site and it is evident. With that said, I feel that you will do great! Let us know how it goes! Your schedule seems good. The only thing I probably would do different is day 4. I personally would probably study for a good portion of the day (it’s just me…it’s my feel good measure…I guess) watch a good movie that I’ve missed because of studying 🙂 and get a good night sleep. Best of luck!

  6. Great site, Pat! I know it took a lot of time and work to put it together. Thanks for sharing with us, and good luck!

  7. Pat,
    Do you have an exam study guide filled out(same format as your excellent blank study guide) that you can share?

  8. RW,

    Great suggestion, I’ll spend a little bit of time and type a completed sheet and have it posted sometime this afternoon. Check back for it.

  9. Good luck Monday!! Great site by the way… very informative.


  10. Pat,
    Good Luck tomorrow. Hope to hear good news from your exam!

  11. I’m just starting to study, but I noticed your blog and found out you might be taking the test like RIGHT NOW!!. Incredible, well, hope you are rocking and rolling on it, as we all think you are.

    Thanks for the great help and keep us posted

  12. Hay Pat,

    Thanks a million for this website, I am scheduled to take my exam on the 14th of June. I still have a little while but this is really going to make if a lot easier to organize my studies, love the charts and tables, Golden.


  13. Thanks I have been following your website for last two months, Exam Time is here in two weeks. I dont have much time, between job and baby. Thanks for helpful tips. I scored 60% in green prep exam(one I took) I am not sure I should take the exam in two weeks or not.

  14. I join others in thanking you, Pat, for this blog. I was scheduled to take the test this Friday but I rescheduled yesterday after finding this wonderful website. I found there was much more to learn, and you have answered many of my questions. BTW, regarding brain dump. A friend of mine went into the test planning to use the first 15 minutes to write down the entire LEED scorecard he’d memorized. He was given a magic marker and a dry erase board for his figuring. No room of course for all he wanted to note. That would have done me in! Thanks again. buzz

  15. Hi Pat,

    I am just starting your LEED AP walkthrough Exercise 2, where you write down the Intention & Implementation for the various Credits, SSP1.

    There is nowhere near the room to handwrite all the narrative. I am doing something wrong?

  16. Hey Rob,

    You’re not doing anything wrong. For one, I can only fit so much space onto the page for each credit, so please feel free to use the back of the sheet if it’s blank.

    Also, I would try to fit or at least shorthand all the information you need to know into the spaces. That way, your brain will have less to memorize, in a sense. You’re on the right track…keep on studying, and good luck to you!

  17. Took the test twice (first time missed by two points). The first try I did not utilize (big mistake). The second time around I reviewed each section using while also having my reference guide opened to the corresponding section just for any extra details added by either resource. There are many critical points mentioned and highlighted on that are difficult to find in the reference manual. This study technique, in combination with a few practice tests, helped me pass the second time with flying colors!

    Pat, you are doing a great thing with this site. Many thanks for your help and I hope others are able to take advantage of your hard work. I will recommend this site to everyone I know studying!!

  18. Pat

    Amazingly a lot of good info for (any)exam prep. You spent and spending a lot of time to maintain this site. Appreciate your progressive LEADership. Thank you on behalf all LEED’ers.

    Any plans to include materials for LEED-AP Canada exams?

    Hope you are working on LEED projects now.


  19. Pat,

    Thanks for your excellent article. I agree with you that practice exams in the last few days are critical, because it is all about how to use the information that has been memorized in the weeks of reading the RG. I have been taking practice exams from the websites and GEP. Any others that I am missing?


  20. Hi everyone! I want to take the LEED NC exam, but I can’t find a study guide. does anyone know how and where to get one??

  21. I am studying for the LEED GA test and want to know if I need to study the NC, School, and C&S. Thanks for the help, and Pat…keep up the good work!

    • Hey Stephen, there is information about each rating system that is required to know for the exam. However, that information is far less detailed than what is needed to know for the AP specialty exam.

      You don’t need to get the BD+C reference guide to study for the LEED GA exam, however it wouldn’t hurt to find one if you can and see what it looks like and how it related to the GA exam.

      There will not be any specific questions on specific credits names for NC, School & CS – however there may be questions about basic green building strategies that are used for NC, School & CS.

      Hope this helps!


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Study Guides

My recommendations for the most helpful study guides and audio books that you can find for every LEED rating system.
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Study Guides

Practice Exams

There are tons of practice exams available to help you study for your LEED exam. Here are the BEST practice exams you can find that I’ve personally used and recommend to anyone.
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Practice Exams

Continuing Education (CE) Units

This 30 hour package includes everything you need to meet the GBCI Credential Maintenance requirements for LEED APs with Specialty.

Continuing Education (CE) Units


Find out where LEED exam prep classes are being held in your local area. Training courses will help you get through the exam process quickly and easily.
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About Me

Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


Pat, Just wanted to thank you for this great website. I took the exam yesterday and passed!!! I will continue to pass on your website to all of my friends who are interested in LEED.


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