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Materials and Resources 2.2 – Construction Waste Management – Divert 75%

Same as credit MR 2.1, except for percentage diverted (50% in Materials and Resources 2.1)

Divert 75%


  1. Divert construction and demolition debris from landfills and incinerators
  2. Redirect recyclables back to manufacturing process
  3. Redirect reusable materials to appropriate sites


  • Develop a construction waste management plan to at a minimum, identify materials to be diverted:
    • salvage, refurbish, recycle, reuse
    • Include:
      • doors and windows
      • salvaged flooring, paneling, cabinetry, beams
      • recycled cardboard, metal, brick, acoustical tile, concrete, plastics, clean wood, glass, gypsum board, carpet and insulation.
      • MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing) updated
    • Exclude:
        • soil, rocks, vegetation
        • hazardous material
  • Designate site in construction area for separation process
  • Track recycling through construction process (general contractor to keep records i.e. receipts, of recyclable and waste diversion pickups)
  • Diversion can include donation to charitable organizations as well.
  • Calculation:
    • Based on WEIGHT (lbs.) or VOLUME (cubic ft.)

Codes/Standards Applied:

  1. none

Extra Credit:

  • divert 95% (instead of 75% or 50% as in MR2.1)

Submittal Phase:

  • Construction (tip: all Materials and Resources credits are submitted in the construction phase except MR P1)

Links from Reference Guide:

  1. Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Information – California Integrated Waste Management Board
  2. Construction Materials Recycling Association
  3. Recycling and Waste Management During Construction
  4. A Sourcebook for Green and Sustainable Building
  5. Environmental Specifications for Research Triangle Park – Environmental Protection Agency

Other Materials & Resources Credits


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13 Comments On This Post

  1. I found your site on google blog search and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. Just added your RSS feed to my feed reader. Look forward to reading more from you.

    – Sue.

  2. Thank you Sue, I really appreciate that. I will do my best to keep updating the website as often as I can. Keep checking back for new updates!

    Best regards,

  3. If divert at least 75%, does credit for MR2.1 apply as well?

  4. Mike,

    Yes, a team can earn two points bu diverting 75%, which surpasses the 50% threshold of MRc2.1 as well. Thanks!

  5. If 95% diversion (qualified for EP) is achieved, how many points will be earned? 3 or 4 points?
    MR 2.1: 1 point for sure.
    MR 2.2: 1 point for sure.
    Exemplary Performance:
    1 point for (MR 2.1 and MR 2.2)
    1 point for MR 2.1 and 1 point for MR 2.2?

  6. Hi, Pat:
    Why is MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing) included in this credit?
    I could not find it in the LEED NC Reference Guide under MR 2.1 or MR 2.2.

  7. Richard,

    It is shown in a table 2 at page 241 of the Reference Guide, under MR Credit overview.

    You are right about the MR2.1/2.2 sections not explaining this vital piece of info, makes me wonder if anyone from USGBC has proofread this thing…

  8. Yuki, thank you. Richard

  9. The construction waste management credit clearly states to exclude hazardous materials. If demolition debris with lead paint is actually diluted enough to be disposed of at a landfill, do you need to consider that in your calculations? Do you need to document your hazardous material waste or is this based on the honor system?

  10. Hi Pat
    Thanks again for the great web site.
    I have been using the various tests- Colorado- great, GBES- and have studied like the dickens. I thought I really knew the info- and as a follow-up was browsing the list of questions in the back of the technical review manual and ran into a few qustions that go against what I thought was in the reference guide- maybe you can help-
    Sec4 #1
    Which three should be included in the specifications to inform the contractors and subcontractors of the requirements for MR Creidt2, Construction Wast Management? (choose 3)
    a. quantity of waste leaving the site
    b. description of waste material
    c. approximate acount of recycled material
    d. requirement to identify haulers and recyclers
    e. description of the requirements for a site logistics plan
    correct answer A.B.D.

    how can the design team know the weight or volume of waste before the demolition?
    C. would be more logical- we would have a good idea of the amount of recycled material
    I can’t find anywhere in the guide or the submittals a ‘requirement’ to identify haulers and recyclers,
    and E doesn’t seem all that far fetched either for to require that the contractor make room for recycled material on-site or have have a plan for storage/sorting.

    Am I missing something?
    Are the questions on the test really this poorly written?

    another question in this test driving me over the edge-
    Sec.4 #3-
    A building is unergoing a major renovation and expansion. The addition is 1.5 times the square footage of the exiting building.
    To achieve MR 1 Building reuse, waht existing surface area information must be avialable to document compliance with this credit? (choose three)
    A. window assemblies
    B. exterior skin and framing
    C. lanscaped area to be retained
    D. Structural floor and roof decking
    E. mechanical, electrical, and plumbing equipment
    correct answer A. B. D.
    no problem- B. D.
    A. window assemblies????? everything in the guide states window assemblies are exluded- so where is this one coming from?

    If these are the sample questions that the USGBC thinks are good examples- it definitely raises my anxiety level.

  11. Can construction and demolition waste be ground up and used as alternate daily cover material at a landfill and still be considered reycling, or does it have to be diverted from the landfill. At the landfill, the construction/demolition waste would be taking the place of dirt to cover the garbage, however, the c&d waste can’t be moved after it is used as cover so it would ultimately be buried in a landfill.

    Also, what is the prereq for the waste mgmt. plan?


  12. Gail I think you’re confusing yourself because the question didn’t mention it’s MRc1.1 or MRc1.2 or MRc1.3… the window assemblies could be applied towards credit MRc1.3.

    But… as per Pats update at the top of this page E.Mech.Elec.&Plumbing should also be a right answer for this question.

    Right PAT??!!!

  13. in the Definitions of my Reference Guide Construction, demolition adn land clearing debris: Waste, and recyclables generated from construction, land clearing (e.g. vegetation, but not soil)… does that mean that vegetation would count towards MRc2???

    Thanks in advance:)


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