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Materials and Resources 3.2 – Material Reuse – 10% Reused Items

Same as credit MR 3.1 , except for percentage of total construction material is reused items (5% in Materials and Resources 3.1)

10% of Total Construction Material is from reused items


  • Reduce waste
  • Reduce processing of virgin resources and materials


  • Definition of Reuse: bring back to original capacity & reduce use of original sources
  • Excludes:
    • recycled items
    • MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing)
    • Elevator equipment
  • Includes:
    • salvaged items
      • beams, floors, posts, paneling, doors and frames, cabinetry,brick and decorative items
      • furniture may also be included only is it is included consistently through credits MR 3.1 through MR 7
    • Reused items
    • Refurbished items
  • Calculation:
    • Based on COST $$$
      • replacement value vs. total cost of construction
        • Total Materials Cost —> 2 options
          1. 45% construction cost (total construction cost of entire project multiplied by 0.45) OR
          2. actual materials cost
            • benefit of using actual material cost rather than default 45% is that projects with < 45% actual materials cost would find it easier to achieve to 5% and 10% (MR3-2) thresholds sinde equation of percent reuse = cost of reuse divided by total material cost.
      • FIXED items are not used for calculation (door becomes a door)
      • FINISH items are not (door becomes a table)

Codes/Standards Applied:

  1. none

Extra Credit:

  • 1 5% (instead of 10% or 5% as in MR3.1) reused items

Submittal Phase:

  • Construction (tip: all Materials and Resources credits are submitted in the construction phase except MR P1)

Links from Reference Guide:

  1. Guide to Resource-Efficient Building Elements
  2. Industrial Materials Exchange – Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County, OR
  3. Reuse Development Organization
  4. Salvaged Building Materials Exchange – Green Building Resource Guide
  5. Building Materials Reuse Association
  6. Used Building Materials Exchange

Other Materials & Resources Credits


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5 Comments On This Post

  1. Pat, I think this line is incorrect: FINISH items are not (door becomes a table)

    It should say that FINISH items ARE included (door becomes a table)

  2. can someone help me with this question?

    The renovation of an apartment building will use the wood from the old doors for new cabinets. The project will not qualify for MR Credit 1 Building Reuse. What credits can the old doors contribute toward?
    A MR Credit 5.1 Regional Materials
    B MR Credit 6 Rapidly Renewable Materials
    C MR Credit 2.1 Construction Waste Management
    D MR Credit 4.1 Recycled Content
    E MR Credit 3.1 Materials Reuse

    the answer is e,c,a

    but I thought you could use materials in MR 3.1 and if you are using them in MR 2.1

    can someone help – please!!!

  3. I meant to say I thought you could NOT use credits from MR 3.1 and also attain MR 2.1
    I am confused!

  4. Liz,

    I was confused by this at first too because I was thinking of MR1.3. This is the one where the use of the material must remain constant before/after construction. MR 2 and 3 seem like good synergy to me.

  5. Liz. I’d have to guess the question is only about what credits an old door qualifies for, depending on other variables, and not whether it can apply to all at once.


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Hay Pat, Thanks a million for this website, I am scheduled to take my exam on the 14th of June. I still have a little while but this is really going to make if a lot easier to organize my studies, love the charts and tables, Golden.


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