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Materials and Resources 5.2 – Regional Materials – 20% Extracted, Processed & Manufactured Regionally

20% Extracted, Processed & Manufacturer Regionally Intent:

  1. Increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and manufactured within the region. This supports indigenous resources and reduced environmental impacts from transportation.


  1. Use materials that have been extracted, harvested, recovered or manufactured within 500 miles of the site
  2. Minimum 20% (based on cost) of total materials value. (Use 45% rule or actual materials cost)
  3. Exclude MEP and elevator equipment.
  4. If only a fraction of the product/material is extracted, harvested, recovered or manufactured within 500 miles of the site, then only that percentage (based on weight) will contribute to the regional value.


  • none

Submittal Phase:

  • construction

Extra credit:

  • To achieve extra credit, use 40% (instead of 20%)

Other Materials & Resources Credits


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8 Comments On This Post

  1. Hi Pat,

    I just want to bring a possible error to your attention. In your Walkthrough regarding Exemplary Performance for MR 5.1 and 5.2, it mentions having to achieve 40% of “recycled” content where I’m sure you meant to say “regional”.

    Thanks for both your great website and Walkthrough.

  2. Thanks David, I’ll check that out. Much appreciated, and Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. For MR 4.1/4.2 Recycle Content, the next threshold or extra credit increment is said to be 30%. Why isn’t this the case for MR 5.1/5.2 Regional Materials? It listed the the next increment for extra credit is 40%. I thought it would be at 30% since the other two are a 10% & 20%. Please shed some light on this for me. Thank you.

  4. Nat,

    This is a common question.

    USGBC chose these exemplary thresholds and unfortunately they are not consistent. USGBC rationalizes it in this way: that it can be the next increment or a doubling of the value. There seems to be no pattern to follow, so you just have to memorize them.

  5. Thank you Nick. I find that to be rather interesting. Memorize it is.

  6. Hi Pat,

    i have a question about the word “OR” in :

    “Use materials that have been extracted, harvested, recovered OR manufactured within 500 miles of the site ”

    Should it be “and/or”?
    It makes a big difference.

    If building material is HARVESTED 300 miles away, then MANUFACTURED 600 miles away from site, respectively, would it contribute to earning MR5?

  7. Edred:
    It would not. The Reference Guide expresses it most clearly in the “Approach and Implementation” Section. It says there that the material should be “extracted/harvested/recovered and manufactured….” So, both stages need to be local.

  8. Whooooooopi, I passed my exam this morning. I did it before the “big change”. I was ecstatic, excited, nervous…hey pretty much a wreck but very, very, very happy. Thanks to “intheleed”. This website is a great source of information. It has a clear and straight forward breakdown of the requirements for each prereq. and credit. Keep up the great work.


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