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Sustainable Sites 1 – Site Selection


  1. To avoid development in inappropriate sites.
  2. To reduce environmental impact from the location of a building on a site.


DO NOT develop on sites:

  1. Below 5ft. above the 100 year flood elevation as defined by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
  2. Within 100ft. of Wetlands as defined by CFR (Code of Federal Regulations)
  3. Prime farmland as defined by USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
  4. Within 50ft. of a water body (lakes, seas, rivers, etc.) Comply with Clean Water Act.
  5. Habitat for any endangered or critical species.
  6. Public parkland (Park Authority projects are exempt)

Codes/Standards Applied:

  1. FEMA
  2. USDA
  3. CFR
  4. Clean Water Act

Extra Credit:

  • none

Submittal Phase:

  • Design

Links from Reference Guide:

  1. Natural Resources Defense Council

Other Sustainable Sites Credits


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9 Comments On This Post

  1. Hi Pat ur site is truley VALUABLE! Thanks for sharin your knowledge and experience with us!

    I took trainin on leed AP preparation exam and i started studyin today and planin to take it end of dec.

    can u tell me how to study effectievly in this short period plz

  2. The reference guide mentioned PREVIOUSLY UNDEVELOPED sites with respect to the flood elevation and next to bodies of water.

    So if a potential site has been already developed, and is still below the flood plane OR is closer than 50 feet to a lake, etc could you still qualify for this credit? Or is this credit only related to undeveloped sites?

  3. This credit is available to all sites as long as it does not breach any of the listed requirements.

    Regarding the “previously undeveloped” sites for the two particular requirements you mentioned, if the site has been previously developed on, then it does not breach the requirement therefore would count towards this credit.

    I hope that makes sense. Thanks and good luck!

  4. If you create a wetlands as an ‘on site wastewater treatment system’ to qualify for WE 2, does this need to be located at least 50′ from any development per the Clean Water Act?

    Per the explanation on p. 31 of the 2.2 Ref guide: small man-made ponds, such as those used in storm water prevention, fire suppression and recreation are not to be included BUT man made wetlands and other water bodies created to restore nat. habitat and ecological systems are not exempt

  5. Hi Steve,
    For SS1 Site Selection, Wetlands to be defined as wetlands by U.S. code of Federal Regulars 40 CFR or identified by state or local. Man-made wetlands for the waste water treatment system are not going to be defined as wetlands by 40 CFR or identified by state or local.

  6. How do you define developed land as apposed to undeveloped land within the context of SS Credit 1: Site Selection.

  7. hello everyone, i am not taking the exam just yet. i am just taking a class and for the final we have to make an old project leed approved. and this is all chinese to me. for the first credit if you go with option one, select a leed certified building for 5 point can you still do different options for more points? thank you.

  8. Hi,
    can anyone answer this question?
    What aspect of a local community would be of most interest to a project team?
    A-Pedestrian access
    B-Proximity to green power
    C-Distance from the landfill
    D-Local zoning

  9. SSp1-Is the Erosion and Sedimentation Plan submitted during Construction? Is the Civil Engineer or Architect responsible for the Erosion and Sedimentation Plan?


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Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


Hey thanks for this all the tips on this website – and also the links- I just passed my exam this morning with a 189.


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