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The LEED 2009 Greenbuild Update & the LEED 2009 Exam

Beth Holst, VP of credentials for the GBCI (Green Building Certification Institute), made an announcement today at Greenbuild 2008. There’s a LOT of things going on with LEED APs regarding LEED 2009, so I’ll do my best to break the major points down for you. Here it goes…

What You’re Probably Dying to Know

The New Exam: LEED 2009 (or LEEDv3) will begin it’s phase-out plan in March 2009. This is when the New Reference Guide(s) will be available (March 27th to be exact), not when the current version of the exam will stop being administered. You have until March 31st to register for the current versions of the exam (NC or CI), and then until June 30th to pass . After June, the old versions will retire, and LEED 2009 or LEED v3 will be in full stride.

Update (March 31st): The website went down, and because of this, there is an announcement on the homepage that the registration deadline has been extended to April 1st, 11:59pm.

For the formal press release from the GBCI about these dates, please click here to download the .pdf file .

What Happens to LEED APs from before LEED 2009? (i.e, if you will have passed your LEED AP Exam before June 2009): The GBCI has given us a name: "Legacy APs. " So what do Legacy APs have to do? The exact words of Holst are the following:

"In short, nothing…you’re going to be a LEED AP for the rest of your lives. We can never take that away from you. We don’t want to take that away from you. We celebrate everything you’ve done because you have changed the world…"

Sweet. We don’t have to retake any test, and we’re always going to be a LEED AP. But, Holst gives us a "however," in which she explains the following:

"[But…] There are two things you [Legacy APs] have to do…not too painstaking. You’re going to have to get on our website, you’re going to have to agree to our code of ethics – our discipline policy…The second thing you’re going to have to do is credential maintenance…but we’re going to make it as easy and as flexible as possible…"

The disciplinary policy is basically a code of ethics that will be made for LEED APs after LEED 2009 is launched, and you’ll just have to check a box on the website. That’s easy.

The credentialing maintenance is like a continuing education program. Since LEED is planning to be refined every two years , we’ll have to put in a certain amount of hours between each version to stay updated. Having to achieve these hours (between 15 and 30) within two years does not seem like much at all. Once I hear more about what exactly we’ll have to do, or what these "hours" will entail – I will let you know.

I do like the idea of continuous education, because it will keep us all up to date on the latest information and the new reference guide. There is a bi-annual fee for continuing education of $50.00. However, the current LEED APs (us!) will get the first two years for free.

When LEED 2011 comes around, all of us and the people who pass LEED 2009 will have to do credentialing maintenance together, and so on.

Now for the rest of the changes:

The Three Types of LEED Credentials

Instead of just one LEED AP credential that you can possibly earn, there will be three. Yes…three. Here is how they break down:

Tier I: LEED Green Associates

LEED Green Associates are for "the people who support the LEED rating system". The exam for the LEED Green Associates covers basic green building knowledge and will not require the in-depth knowledge that it takes to actually get LEED buildings built. It will be one exam that is the same for all of the different LEED tracks. The types of people who will take this exam are the product manufacturers, the marketers, the finance people, people in customer service, and students – for example.

Tier II: Specialized Credential System: The LEED Accredited Professional

This tier now gets into the "in-depth knowledge of the rating system for the area that you work in most," as Beth says. Here is a picture of the LEED rating systems under LEED 2009:

LEED 2009 Rating Systems

You’ll see some new acronyms, which I’ll go over here:

  • LEED AP ID+C: Interiors
  • LEED AP Homes: Homes
  • LEED AP O+M: Operations and Maintenance (previous EB)
  • LEED AP ND: Neighborhood Development
  • LEED AP BD+C: New Construction

Below is a timeline taken directly from the GBCI website regarding the roll out of these exams:

LEED 2009 Timeline

When it says "Beta Test" that means that they will begin to "offer" the test as a way to do some research on the structure of the exam and the types of questions they ask before it’s officially launched on a later date. You can volunteer to become a "beta tester" yourself, and the best part is that it’s FREE. Unfortunately, unlike the real exam, you won’t find out your results until months late – since they’re analyzing the data.

As far as how the test is thought to be graded, no one really knows yet. No one really knows how the current version of the LEED exam is exacly scored either.

Tier III: LEED AP Fellow

The LEED AP Fellow tier encompasses an "elite class" of leading professionals who are distinguished by their years of experience. Holst does not go into much detail about this particular tier, so I don’t have much to report about it.


As you can see, there is a lot going on, and if’s you’re confused – that’s ok. So are a lot of people. As with any type of new version of anything, it will take time for the details to seep through.

It is still undetermined about EXACTLY what will happen to us "Legacy APs" as far as what tier we’ll be in and how all of that is determined. When I find out any new information, I definitely will let you know.

If you want to pass the LEED AP Exam for the current versions of NC or CI while there’s still time left to do so, I would recommend doing it soon. You should at least register before March and pass your exam before June 30th to meet the deadline.

What this Means for

I’m very pleased with where LEED is headed as the USGBC and GBCI are doing their best to keep up with the rapidly changing industry. They are working so hard and are definitely doing everything they can, and I whole-heartedly thank them for that.

I am fully aware that LEED 2009 will make the current information on practically obsolete come June. I’m addicted to helping people, so that is why I’m ready to work overtime between March and May so that I can continue to provide as much help as I can for you and future LEED AP candidates once LEED 2009 is launched. It’s your continuous support with all of the "Thank You Pat’s" , "Awesome Website", "I Passed Because of You", and "Your Study Guide Is the Best" that keep me going full stride. Thank you so much. I’ll do my best to keep up for you.

I hope this information was helpful to you. Please sign up for the LEED 2009 newsletter below, if you have not already, to get updated information about LEED 2009 as soon as it happens.

Please visit the GBCI if you’d like to see the information on their website as well.

Any Questions? Opinions? Thoughts?

Ask or comment below. Let’s all help each other as we find out new information.

UPDATE (March 25):

I just got an email from the USGBC with some important info about the new version of LEED that I’d like to share with you.

Just so you know, the new version is now formally called LEED Version 3. All of the information I’m going to tell you about LEED v3 is available on the USGBC website. I’ve included a link at the bottom, but I’ll summarize it for you here:

First off, the USGBC has formalized some important dates:

-March 27th: Reference guides for LEED v3 become available. Prices range between $115 and $185, depending on your membership and if you attend a workshop.

-April 27th: LEED v3 officially Launches. This means that project teams can begin to register their projects for LEED v3 after this date. However, for 60 days, projects can still register for the current version (version 2) as well.

Projects currently registered for v2 have 180 days (until October 26th) to transfer it to LEED v3 free of charge. After 180 days, there will be a new registration fee to do so. Projects that remain registered under version 2 will be unable to use the new (better, faster & updated) version of LEED-Online for their projects.

-June 26th: The 60-day overlap period ends (explained above)

-October 24th: The 180-day free migration period ends (explained above)

There are some important dates regarding LEED APs as well:

-March 31st: The last day to register for the current version of the LEED AP Exam (NC or CI). The test can be taken after March 31st, but if you fail, you cannot retake it, since registration is closed. They make this very clear on the website and there are no exceptions.

One thing I found out is that you cannot schedule two exams, just in case you fail the first one and want to play it safe. You can only schedule one at a time.

-June 30th: The last day you can take the current version of the LEED AP Exam.

For current LEED APs and those who pass the current version, as you know you’ll become a Legacy LEED AP. As a Legacy LEED AP, you can opt-in or upgrade to the new LEED AP+ credential by signing a disciplinary policy and agreeing to complete credentialing maintenance within two years. I’ve mentioned this in prior emails, but I thought I’d bring it up again.

So, here is the link to the USGBC website that has a video on v3 as well as other helpful information which I’ve sort of outlined for you already:

And, here is information about USGBC and GBCI Credentials:

Thanks again for all of your support for I’ll do my best to keep you updated on any new news that I hear in the future.

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82 Comments On This Post

  1. Hi Pat,

    1.If somebody clears the LEED AP exam before May 2009,his or her status will be “Legacy AP” is it?
    2. He or she can assist to project get’s leed acredit. & those project will get one point (because of him or her) till 2011 Dec,am I right?
    & finally
    3.Who ever takes LEED exam from now till may 2009,his refrence guide will remain LEED NC 2.2 (for NC takers)& evrything remain same regarding question pattern or testing method?

    It’s bit to long,I am sorry for that.


  2. @ Ashutosh,

    1. Yes, LEED APs prior to May 2009 will be “Legacy APs” Details about Legacy APs are mentioned above.
    2. It hasn’t been determined exactly, but my educated guess is yes. Especially if the “credentialing maintenance” is met. Good question.
    3. Yes, the LEED NCv2.2 reference guide will remain the same as far as testing method and types of questions, before May 2009.

    Thanks for your questions.

  3. Pat,

    First, a big thank you for your walk through as it was invaluable in helping me pass the LEED NC last week (I highly recommend it folks!).

    Here’s my question though:

    1. I want to be LEED AP+ Homes, Neighborhood Development AND New Construction. Are you telling me I don’t have to take any additional specialty exams?

  4. will the neighborhood development have its own test, or will it be a part of the new development test.

  5. Hello Pat,

    During the phase out of the Existing building Exam there was a period of time where anyone registered to take that version of the LEED exam could do so, but if they didn’t pass they couldn’t register to take that version of the exam again.

    Do you think the last 90 days before they stop administering the current version of LEED NC V2.2 it will be “do or die time”?

    If so, could people try to pass the current version of LEED Commercial Interiors after NC expires? It seems odd that they would retire NC and CI at the same time after staggering the EB deadline.

    To all of us trying to become LEED AP’s you are already the Elite who already has a legacy.

    Thanks Pat,

    Rob Y.
    Columbus, OH

  6. Hi, Pat.

    I thought I read that the v2.2 exam could be taken until the end of 2008, but that the *registration* for it was cut off on September 30, 2008. Is that only for EB?

    I bought the v2.2 reference a few months ago and hadn’t gotten around to studying for it, yet, now all of this… Is it worth my while to try to take the NC and CI only and deal with EB later? Should I just wait until the middle of next year and buy a new book and wait for this website to be as comprehensive about the new version as it is the old one?

    Thanks for this site, btw! Just wish I’d gotten started sooner!


  7. Hi Pat,

    Any idea how we can take the beta test if we are not in US? and how to be eligible for taking the beta test?

    Thank you so much for all your information!

  8. Pat,

    They do talk about offering some speciality track exams for current LEED AP’s. Could you please throw some light on that.


  9. This does sound like some good news. One thing I am curious about is the exam fees. Will the LEED Green Associate exam fees be different for those of the Specialized LEED AP exams?

    This is going to have some very positive impact on our office… now our business development team, our purchasing department and the materials library folks don’t have to dive in over their depth pretending to understand the EA and EQ prerequisites and credits.

    – Franco

  10. First, thanks for this site Pat. It helped me pass the LEED AP exam last month. And I’m glad I did so with the changes coming up. For those of us that are Legacy LEED APs, as I understand it, we won’t automatically get a specialization if we opt-in. We’ll still have to take the specialization exam, otherwise (after opting in), we are just generic LEED AP+ (no specialization). That was my impression hearing them speak.

    You can specialize in multiple areas (ND, BD+C, Homes, etc), but you would have to take the exam for each area.

    As for beta testing, it’s handled through Prometric, and they do have international testing centers. They might offer it internationally, but you’d be best to check with GBCI.

    For those looking to get a better grasp of the new LEED credentials, I’ve tried to organize the information and developed a free online course available at hopefully it helps clear up some of the confusion. šŸ™‚

  11. I got this information from the GBCI passed on to me from my company’s LEED working group. It does a good job of outlining the changes.

    Pat, you may want to paste it to the site.

    Franco, the fees are going to be different for LEED Green Associates ($150 for the test vs $300, etc).

    Also note that in order to take the LEED 2009 test you will now have to document that you have worked on at least one LEED project.

  12. Here is a couple more LEED 2009 links to go with the previous comment. Some legacy LEED AP’s will be pulled out of commission like unspecified weeds on a green roof. Don’t forget to pay your $50 every (2) years after 2011!

  13. I will be taking the LEED exam this thursday, as an interior designer that works exclusively in residential I find the LEED for new construction covers a lot of material that does not pertain to what I do. Will I need to restudy for the home accredidation or should I just have waited. (although it is too late now)

  14. Hi Tricia,

    Good luck on your exam. I think it’s ok that you’re taking your exam now, and even that it’s the NC version.

    When LEED 2009 is launched (mid-year 2009), we’ll have to study to take the home accreditation, but you’ll be far ahead of the curve and a lot of the information may overlap.

    Hopefully by then I’ll have some helpful information on to help you as much as possible. Good luck!

  15. Pat,
    Just passed the LEED exam yesterday, now looking on to the Homes version. I am interested in Beta testing that is mentioned. Where can I get more information about this? Is it a good idea or not?
    Thank you for all your assistance.

  16. Pat, I presently hold two LEED-APs; Existing Buildings and New Construction. Under the new program will I still be able to hold the two LEED-APs, and if so will all the requirments double.

  17. Pat,

    First of all, thank you so much for giving us a lot of information about LEED. I just passed the exam last weekend. I would love to keep Legacy LEED AP status, but I cannot find a page to sign disciplinary policy and agree to credential maintenance on GBCI website. Can you post it please?


  18. Hi – i am a newbie to this forum and have registered to take the exam 1/5/09. I have one question on identificatiion at the prometric test site. I go by my middle name and use my first initial on credit cards and most everything else (i.e. J. Robert Smith).My drivers license has my full name (i.e. James Robert Smith). i don’t have a government issued ID with my first name spelled out. Will Prometric accept the driver’s license and credit card as such so I can take the exam? Many thanks!

  19. One more question: Has anyone out there used the LEED Exam Secrets by Morrison Media that is advertised on this site? Sounds interesting, but wanted to get multiple opinions? Thanks again.

  20. hi pat,
    I am an architect working in india. i would like to opt for LEED AP exams before May 2009 so that as i understand i will not have to give LEED exams every 2years. would like to know if there any other center in asia since it is not feasible for me to travel to USA for this exam.i have learned one can give exam from singapore center and thus would like to know whether ther is different reference material i will have to study?? how to go about entire process.
    please guide me how to go about it.
    thanks and regardss,

  21. Hi Samidha

    I am from India and appearing for the exam. Please leave you email in case you want any help.

  22. Hi Samidha,
    You can give the exam at nearest centre to India, i.e Kathmandu. There are numerous centres in Asia and u can choose b/w any of them eg. Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala lumpur, etc.

  23. hello,
    my email ID is
    would highly appriciated if you can answer the questions i have posted.
    i would like to opt for LEED AP exams before May 2009 so that as i understand i will not have to give LEED exams every 2years. would like to know if there any other center in asia since it is not feasible for me to travel to USA for this exam.i have learned one can give exam from singapore center and thus would like to know whether ther is different reference material i will have to study?? how to go about entire process.
    please guide me how to go about it.

    thanks and regards,

  24. Thanks for the great website. Just passed NC 2.2 with a 187!

  25. Can someone advise me where to take Leed AP exam in Singapore. Tks

  26. Hi Pat,

    Your website is very helpful!I’m planning to take the LEED-CI exam before the new version of the exams come out. Do you have a study guide for the CI exam or would your study guide for the NC be helpful to my studies as well?
    Thank you!

  27. Mcruz,

    Go to the link below for the CI leed prep book, flashcards & sample exam.

    I would also encourage PPI2Pass to advertise on this website as Pat can pull info like this for non-contributing entities in the interest of those who regularly advertise on this site.

  28. Hi,
    I have registered to take the LEED exam in early April 2009. Would I be taking the old version or new version?

    Thank you.

  29. Loy,

    Old version but if you don’t pass you will have to take the new version if you qualify to do so…verify your experience on a LEED project.

    Rescedule for the second half of March so if you don’t pass you can register to try again. If you don’t study hard and count on a one day seminar plan on leaving enough time to take the test twice in March and rescedule for a third attempt by March 31st. Good luck!

  30. To everyone!

    Here are several changes in LEED 2009 that I have got from the LA chapter siminar.

    *The total point will be 100
    *WE–Now has one prerequisite
    *ID–will be 6 pts
    *One more category is added: Regional issues

    So for LEED 2009 has 7 categories:
    SS–26 pts (1 prerequisite)
    WE–10 pts (1 prerequisite)
    EA–35 pts (3 prerequisite)
    MR–14 pts (1 prerequisite)
    EQ–15 pts (2 prerequisite)
    ID–6 pts (0 prerequisite)
    Regional Priority–4 pts (0 prequisite)

    It is better to take the test w/ NC 2.2 because more difficult with 2009 version as more pts and new stuff are added.

    good luck everyone

  31. EA – 35 pts!

    That’s gonna be rough! Thanks for the info!

  32. I would like to buy your e-book plus the hard copy. Please let me know the proceduer.


    Alex Kian,

  33. Does anyone have any idea when the LEED 2009 reference guides will come out? I’m about to become a “Legacy AP” in a few months and more than just signing a form I’d like to start studying again.

  34. The link below has February listed as the scheduled release date for the 2009 reference guide.

  35. I read the new “disciplinary policy” but don’t understand it. They say “noncompliance with laws related to the profession and to general public health” is grounds for action – but what does that even mean, and how can a non-lawyer be expected to know what the laws are “related to the profession”? The rest of it seems to be about non-disclosure of test information, which anyone who has taken the test has already had to sign a non-disclosure agreement about. There’s also something about how and where you can use your credential and on what materials. I don’t understand what they mean – like, if they don’t like your letterhead, they revoke your credential? If anyone has any insight about why they are doing this, I’d love to hear it.

  36. Dear Pat,

    Is it better/easier to take the LEED exams before May 2009 or after May 2009 when the new system sets in? What are the pros and cons of the two?

  37. Hi Pat,

    Will you be updating this entire site to reflect the changes in LEED 2009? It would be excellent if you had a “walk-through” for LEED 2009 available, including an audio version.

  38. Hi Pat,

    I am currently in the US and i am planning to give the LEED CI exam. I am leaving for India for Good in May 2009. Should I give the exam here in the US or shud I give it in India ?
    Also is the US LEED AP accredation valid in India.

  39. Hi Harshita,

    I hope Pat won’t mind this, but as I have researched in both LEED India and LEED-US, it thought of answering this post…..

    I think you should be fine with the LEED examination in US….

    As such, LEED India is also growing fast…now, it is required for all projects in India to be LEED-India rated…… As LEED-AP in India has been launched recently, I dont know how good/tough it is….

    Also, there is enough material to get prepared for LEED-NC (US) which I am not sure you will find it in India…….

    Varun (

  40. Hi Pat,

    If I register before the end of March 2009 and give the test before the end of May 2009 (may 31st). Will I be a legacy LEED AP then? I see that I need to register before march 31st and give the test befor june 20th. In few posts of yours you have asked to give the test before may 2009. Please clarify my doubt. To be a Legacy LEED AP, do I need to give the test on or before may 31st or june 30th?

  41. Fatir,

    If you take the LEED exam prior to June 30th you will be a legacy AP. You may wish to opt in to become a LEED AP+ after you pass. See details on the USGBC website, and my links erlier in this thread.

  42. I just got off the phone with GBCI. My understanding of the March 31 deadline was apparantly wrong. I read “register for an exam by March 31” to mean you have to sign up, pay $300, and commit to a test date by March 31. Not true. It turns out by “register for an exam,” they actually mean “register for an account” and get an exam eligibility ID. The woman told me if you get an eligibility ID by March 31, you are OK. I guess you can then study and sign up for an exam time anytime until June 30. Am I the only one who had it all wrong?

  43. I heard that you have to have participated in a LEED project to be able to take the LEED exam. Is it possible that people are confused by the 3 tiers of certification and are getting freaked out by tier III? I can’t find anyplace anywhere that says you have to have worked on a LEED project before taking Tier II exam. Any help is much appreciated.

  44. Laura: You don’t have to participate in a LEED project to take the current exam. But for the next one, it sounds like a Green Associate doesn’t need to work on a LEED project, but a LEED AP+ (tier 2 or 3) needs to be able to document involvement in LEED projects. I wish they’d let us transition from plain old “LEED AP” to Green Associate, but they don’t.

  45. Is anyone else having trouble registering today?

  46. my understanding (and I talked to someone at gbci) was that I had to be registered and scheduled for a test. so I took a test yesterday, 3/30/09 and failed. My understanding was then I have to re-register again and then I have until 6/30 to take and pass the test. Now I can’t get into GBCI to re-register due to web volume problems and my account wasn’t updated yet with results from the exam I took – so when it was up I couldn’t schedule yet. whew!

  47. Keith,

    You may use different email to register at, and they will give you other ID number for the prometric center. The best part is you don’t need to wait couple days for retaking the test. Also, I tried it before and i got the same test when I took second test. It may be good to you if you use other email to register the test.

    good luck.

  48. hi everyone

    please let me know when can i register for getiing leed v3 cetification,when does the registration start.

  49. Thanks begals. I’m not sure how this all works. Also the gbci website is mostly unavailable when you click “EXAM REGISTRATION”. I had one window opened and was logged in. I opened another tab (window) and went to gbci (had not logged in). I clicked exam registration and got a window. I used a different email and got:
    This completes the first step in the accreditation process.
    Within 48 hours, you will be receiving an email with instructions on how to schedule your exam. You have
    until June 30th to schedule your appointment to test with Prometric.
    Please contact GBCI Accreditation Staff ( if you have any problems
    proceeding with the scheduling process.
    – GBCI
    Then I noticed it had me logged in on that window as well. So I’ll have to wait and see. Meanwhile it is down everytime I try to click on exam registration. I can’t get through to GBCI by phone and emails have not been answerd except the autoresponder “received” confirmation. I imagine that gbci’s website got smashed by volume and they are trying to work through it. And it looks like their April 1st new deadline will have to be amended again as people still can’t get through to register. I assume (and hope) they’ll do the right thing and do right by us who were trying to make the deadline. This is very stressful for all. I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND TIP. It may have worked but I can’t tell or be sure at this point. It was great to have someone respond offering help.

  50. I would like to warn you to BE AWARE OF SCUMS and FRAUDS: —– —— This company sells LEED NC 2.2 practice test software through their website. They promote this program as a simulation of a real test with a choice of 10 different tests (each of 80 questions) and possibility of mixing random questions. Thay have 100s of testimonials on the web (don’t believe one word there!)
    I bought it for $50. I downloaded it and started to practice. Well, it never worked properly ā€“ I was getting exactly the same questions in the same order, no matter which test I picked. I contacted them for help, and they directed me to the folder containing all the questions organized by theme and credit. I started to go through them (it is a excel spreadsheet) and find out there was a lot of errors in their answers. When I asked about a refund ā€“ they guarantee money back within 30 days on their web ā€“ they started to ignore my calls or e-mails. Till now I havenā€™t heard from them.
    I passed anyway – but I don’t want you to waste your time and money. Getting through the LEED study is stressful enough!
    Good luck All!

  51. This is written to Beth Holst:
    Hi Beth, I’m a Realtor in Greenwich CT (see website) and after attending the Boston Expo feel strongly that I can help my clients sell and buy homes by becoming an Associate. I also think there is a tremendous need for Re-Green Certification courses. My clients need to know how they can start today to reduce their drain on our environment with practical adjustments. I want more than just change the lightbulb data. I see you have a course set up for students, but I’m a student too full of curiosity for how to make this planet greener and safer. Can you help? I want to find online course because I’m on the run all day. I want to find resources I can give homeowners who may be senior citizens stuck with an older home they can’t sell. Making small and many LEED suggested changes would help everyone. I want data to give my clients who want to buy a home (not always a new home) that will help them discern the pro’s and con’s of each listing they see vis a vie it’s green rating.
    I think there is room for action and changes within existing homes. In fact, Re-Green Specialist would be another great level of knowledge to offer. I look forward to hearing from you.
    Thanks, Susan Detchon Anderson , Coldwell Banker, Greenwich, CT

  52. The Legacy AP info has changed. There will be no maintenance or fees for existing AP’s as of March 18, 2009.

  53. This is a great site especially since the USGBC website has some performance challenges today.
    For someone who is starting LEED studies for the first time today with a view towards completing exams ASAP, what would be the best course to chart? How to study? When would be the soonest available exam? Beta exam?
    The intheleed study guide sounds excellent but will it apply 100% to V3? Is it worth getting the guide to begin now, or wait until a revised guide is completed?

  54. What does one need to study for the LEED GA exam?

  55. I am a civil engineer want to add this certification to enahnce my career prospects. please guide me about how to go about to become a leed certified professional

  56. pankaj

    You will have to wait until you are involved on a LEED registered project that your firm helps with in the hopefully near future.

  57. Hi Pat,
    When is the new LEED test registration started? When is your new book for the new LEED test out?

  58. Is LEED scamming us?

    I have failed the LEED NC v 2.2 exam TWICE and will be taking my 3rd exam at the end of this month (June 30th). Frustrated, angry, and extremely pissed, I KNOW have studied my butt off for the 2nd exam, was very knowledgeable with all intents, credits, implementations, etc. When I was VERY CONFIDENT about passing the 2nd time, I was disappointed with my score. Was it my fault or is the LEED exam designed so poorly/cleverly that its goal is to keep its exam pass rate near 30%-40%?

    This is what interests me most about LEED because IF LEED does not limit its exam pass rate, then EVERYONE is capable of becoming LEED certified. In other words, LEED risks getting watered down and their certification holds ā€˜little valueā€™.

    Is this a way for LEED to breed a whole new generation of buyers and sellers? In other words, if you want to market your product, what do you do? Simple, you sell a RARE product that holds high value. And we all should know a rare product is one that DOES NOT have a high ā€˜pass rateā€™.

    I was so confident with passing the 2nd exam. I find that the way the exam is ā€˜designedā€™ is what interests me further. The questions can often be misleading and are not usually straightforward. Again, is this a way of lowering exam pass rates?

    Take for example this sample question on a sample test: ā€œA value engineering exercise has proposed that exterior horizontal louvers above south-facing windows will be deleted from the project. The change requires that various project team members review strategies and reconfirm calculations for several credits. Which three credits would be affected by this decision? (Choose 3).
    A. EA Credit 6, Green Power
    B. B. SS Credit 7.1, Heat Island Effect: Non-Roof
    C. EA Credit 1, Optimize Energy Performance
    D. EQ Credit 1, Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring
    E. EQ Credit 8.1, Daylight and Views: Daylight 75% of Spaces

    The answers are A,C, and D.

    But many people wonder why E was not part of the answer when we ALL KNOW that E is definitely affected by this.

    So I looked back at the question, in general, and wonder is the question WORDED so poorly or so cleverly? How come it didnā€™t ask a question like ā€œWhich three credits would be MOST affected by this decision?ā€ If you can help me here then it is much appreciated.

    Otherwise, I need to know what mindset you were in when taking the LEED NC v2.2 exam and then pass? I really need help and do not want to fail my third time. Otherwise, I would be cursing LEED for stealing all of that money just to ā€˜financeā€™ their organization. Please respond.

  59. Wow, Anonymous. I hear you. Looking at the above question, I wonder how outdoor air delivery monitoring would be affected by this change at all. What has removing louvers got to do with air exchange? I don’t get it.

    I passed the exam the first/only time I took it, and I did okay – but I had no idea during the test if I was getting questions right or wrong. Scary, huh? I crammed relentlessly for the ten days beforehand, mostly using Pat’s notes. I wondered if a deeper understanding of the building process would have helped me. I spent about $1000 on study materials, in addition to the cost of the exam. If I were doing it again, I’d use Pat’s notes and the practice tests at Green Exam Prep – and that’s it. I felt like the testing set-up was a scam, too. Costs a fortune, and they make it as confusing as possible. The questions reminded me of practice questions on the LSAT, full of twists of logic and obfuscation. You need to see beyond the question into a broader view of what the situation calls for. Kudos to you for your persistence. It is kind of an endurance contest.

  60. Sara,

    You are probably right. I got the answers via ‘intheleed’.com in another post and I believe someone may have made a mistake. I must agree, though, that the questions are full of twists of logic and obfuscation.

    May I ask, that one should ‘assume’ and see beyond a broader view in order to get the answers correct?

    I’m glad you passed today. I’m sure you’re in high spirits! Congratulations! Now, all you have to do is help me out a little bit. Can I email you just so we can keep in touch? My last exam will be on June 30th…. the day I would like to call ‘Doomsday’.

  61. I passed in January, actually. Since then, I’ve forgotten everything.

    By seeing the broader picture, I mean step back from the question. I remember there was one about choosing pre- and post- development site runoff rates, and I would have gotten bogged down in the figures if I had not remembered the rules about which site conditions would determine if the rules applied. I think much of what they ask is geared toward establishing whether you know and understand general principles and when to apply them.

    Do you want to post your email address online? Cuz I sure don’t.

  62. That’s ok Sara. Thanks for your help. If you don’t want to post your email online then no worries. I am actually taking the Green Building Exam Prep online after paying $50.00. Obviously, it looks like my hunch was correct…. it’s about getting your ‘facts’ correct… no matter how difficult it may be to remember everything in one material.

    I think that’s my big weakness. Otherwise, I’m still cursing the day I will have to take the test at the end of this month.

    Until then, may I ask, has anything changed ever since you have become LEED AP? Promotion? More responsibilites for taking over LEED projects? Thoughts?

  63. I’m a land use planner taking the test on June 30th. I have a question regarding exam scoring:

    As an example, on practice tests I’m getting 2 out of 3 answers correct pretty consistently – Does the exam count 2 out of 3 answers or if you don’t get all correct the entire answer is wrong?

    Thank you.

  64. Anon,

    There is just a ton of memorization. Know all the percentages. Don’t neglect the registration and administration information – you’ll need to know fees. I regret to say it is a boring, tedious, excruciatingly painful ordeal, but you’ve got to memorize every piece of minutiae. I prepared by writing out long hand what I knew, in regular English, because I process better when I hear it like a novel. If you post YOUR email, I’ll send you my notes.

    Nothing has changed for me – near as I can tell, there are no jobs. I was supposed to get a raise that never materialized due to the economy. I have not worked on any LEED projects, because we don’t have any.

    Now that USGBC junked NC 2.2, I feel the credential is already obsolete. I’m glad I did it for personal reasons but I’m not holding my breath waiting for it to help me professionally. I’m a bit irritated about the NC 3 update and additional testing requirements. It was a real bitch to get, and I don’t want to do it again.

    Many people in the industry feel LEED is a racket – not just the testing, but the whole system. USGBC monopolized and dominates the market, but LEED is not the only way, nor necessarily the most effective way to build a green project. I’ve heard complaints that earning credits is more important than designing well. My boss likes Build Green.

    If green building is an important societal goal, the credentialing process should be designed to further that goal – not to create an elite workforce. If green building is a critical component of environmental preservation, all avenues should be open toward achieving it. I understand and agree with the need for third-party verification, but putting everyone in a straight-jacket creates more obstacles than it appears to eliminate. If you look at the statistics, it’s like some tiny percentage of registered projects actually get certified.

  65. Jamie:

    You have to get ALL of them. So if it’s multiple choice and there are six answers but only four of them are right, you need to select all four of the correct answers or the question is counted as wrong.

  66. They basically count it as an all or nothing question. The setup for the test is 80 questions, 5 of them do not count, leaving 75 (each worth one point). That gives the scoring range of 125 to 200.

    The extra five are questions specifically for GBCI and LEED to evaluate how difficult their questions really are. You of course don’t know which ones these are.

    I often wonder if the easiest ones are the ones that they claim to be evaluating, leaving us struggling with the other 75.

    But back to your question, the remaining 75 you have to get completely correct, all or nothing, which is most likely the main difficulty in passing this exam.

  67. Sara,

    You make a GOOD point about the USGBC being a racket. Yes, I agree with you…. while the process is slow, I think USGBC has monopolized their empire based on capitalism! It goes back to the concept of breeding a whole new generation of buyers and sellers. Now I’m thinking… where could I have saved that $1,500.00… if it wasn’t for paying all for the materials and exam fees? That money could have gone in my retirement or I still could’ve used that money to pay for an entire year of gas!

    I’m surprised you haven’t worked on any LEED projects. Now you’re wondering how much your LEEP AP is worth? I know, must be a bummer… but the fact is…. at this time… it’s not going to change anything… or is it?

    I hope USGBC can prove me wrong… otherwise, I’d be cursing them the day I earn my LEED AP certificate!

    Until then, good luck Sara. No worries about the email. We’ll just post on this forum.

  68. Sara,

    Can’t speak for other people, but for me, becoming LEED AP has turned my business around and I am now focusing on sustainable design as it relates to LEED for Homes (among other systems!). I’m sure the fact that I am a sole-practitioner “planting the seeds” has a lot of bearing on how becoming a LEED AP has been beneficial for me. I think the old adage “use it or lose it” describes what my experience would be if I did not make a business decision to pursue green building in general (not just LEED!).

    USGBC has made an effort to diversify certification by using 3rd party and GBCI, but I hear you about the “monopolizing” aspect of project certification and accreditation. Not the ideal situation, but someone needed to get the ball rolling and as the trends are telling us, building green is on the rise, so I think their early efforts are paying off. I have clients that know very little about building green, but will insist on a “LEED project.”

    I really believe you guys are savvy enough to realize that LEED will be the dominate rating system in the near future and I hope you can eventually put that hard work towards a LEED project.



  69. Pat,
    My husband and I are both reg architects and took the LEED AP test yesterday . We both passed (190! and 175)! We used your site as a basis for our studying as well as the sample tests (I never got higher than a 78% on the sample tests). Thanks for this site. Admittedly, we did not start the process very long ago- a month or so studying a little and then cramming the last couple of weeks. As architects, much of the material was very familiar; we just needed to learn how it related to the credits and rating system. Learning how the test questions are worded was the most helpful part. We didn’t want to even look at version 3 as to not confuse our studying; I would like to see a review of the differences to judge how to move forward with our new certification. For example, we have a project that may be interested in pursuing leed cert. Should we push to register the project beofre the deadline for V2.2 or is V3 better. The project is a small school. Good luck to all who are still studying for the test.

  70. I’m registered to take V 2.2 but do not feel prepared enough to take the exam. Can I simply postpone and anticipate taking V 3 after the June 30th deadline? or will my payment be swallowed up by USGBC and will I be forced to pay again?

  71. I have passed the LEED CI V.2 on last Friday. However, I don’t know where can I sign the disciplinary policy and agree to credentialing maintenance. Coud you please advise? How to do it?

    Many many thanks.

  72. Pat,

    Thanks alot for the website. It was very helpful and if I knew about it when I took my exam the first time I might have passed. I took the exam in December and got a 169 (uggh). I have stressed about it ever since and I took the test today and passed. Thank you so much.



  73. Please intimate the current date (for 2009) to take up the LEED exam version 3.Already I had taken LEED version 2.2 exam on June 30th.But just 5 marks was down to get through. I am planning to take up the exam this year.But current rules and regulation says that i should have a eligibility by either enrolling on online course or should have experience to in the LEED project.If I take up the online course , kindly suggest me the online course which is economical in terms of fees and I can finish the course ASAP and take up the exam in November.Also plz intimate about any training class taken in Dubai as I am currently located in Dubai.

    • Hi Ankitha,

      Online training classes will not be enough to qualify for a LEED AP exam. However, depending on the course, you could qualify for the Green Associate Exam. You may want to check the online courses at Green Exam Prep (, as I do know they have economical online courses that you’d be able to take online. I hope that helps. Best of luck to you!

  74. Pat,
    great website, thanks.
    i appeared for the last version of exam, but could not, clear the exam.
    what i want to know is, what is the addition / difference in the new version.
    where do i get this info. about the credits and course material.

  75. Anyone,
    do you have any information on the LEED Ap course in Indonesia?
    I am required to take the certfication but can not find the course in my home country so far

  76. Is there a LEED AP Exam in Singapore this year 2010? When are the dates are where can we get the Exam information?

    Appreciate any replies. Thanks.

  77. Dear Pat,

    i am from India, please let me know about the LEED AP/GP in India. when are the exams and what all do i need to study?

  78. Dear Pat,

    i am from India, please let me know about the LEED AP exam in India. when will be the next exam and what all do i need to study?

  79. Hi Pat,
    I am from India and willing to appear for LEED AP BD+C exam. I have already cleared the pre-requisite criteria and got the approval for the exam. And now looking for the V3 study material. I need to know whether V3 also has similer referance guide as V2.2? And how much it will cost me to buy entire study material for V3? and what does it include?


  80. Hi Pat,
    I am an architect and urban planner from india, and recently relocated to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I am interested in appearing for the LEED AP exam, what is requirement/criteria for appearing for the LEED exam? I am at present not working, will this restrain me from giving exam?


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Hi! My name is Pat and Iā€™m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


Dear Mr. Pat, Thank you very much for providing me the very helpful information on preparation of LEED Exam. I have passed the exam with 189/200 in June my first attempt. intheleed was a great tool during my studies.


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