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What are the eligibility requirements to take a LEED AP specialty exam?

In order to take a LEED specialty exam (BD+C, ID+C, O&M, Homes or ND), you will have to meet an important eligibility requirement:

You MUST have previous experience with a LEED registered project within three years of your application submittal date.

This must be documented in the form of a letter from a supervisor, client, or project manager, etc. and must describe your involvement on the LEED project.

For more information about eligibility requirements, please take a look at the O+M exam candidate handbook, which can be found on the GBCI website.

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LEED AP Specialty Exam

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6 Comments On This Post

  1. As a sole practitioner trying to pursue green projects, but not LEED AP, how does the council expect me to be involved with a LEED project without having my LEED AP?

  2. Pat,
    Your site is great, the information is fantastic.

    I looked but couldn’t find the answer to this question. I am trying to determine the difference between a “Stand Alone” and a “Combined” specialty, If it is already here, I apologize.

    I am also a ‘victim’ of this wonderful economy and hope that if I can add LEED GA and/or AP to my resume’ it will give me a leg up on finding a job.

    I worked on, and I’m working on getting a letter from the architect, a LEED registered project, I was putting together the IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) info.

    Would you have a suggestion of which specialty would be ‘best’ for a person whose experience has been in estimating and project management of multifamily projects?

    Thanks for your time.

  3. My registeration portal with GBCI does not shows the “take the exam” tab. How can I register for LEED AP exam?

  4. Hi Pat,

    Thanks a lot, your site clarified a lot of confusions.

    I worked on a master plan project and we were planning to apply for LEED certification but due to global slowdown the project was stalled. Will this suffice the eligibilty criteria for LEED AP exam. I do not have a LEED GA accreditation.



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Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


Thanks for the reply and most of all thanks for the website. I passed the exam last week, and your site had a lot to do with it!


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