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Basic Information about the LEED Canada NC 1.0 exam

LEED exists not just in the United States, but all around the world. In Canada, LEED is handled under the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC). The most popular LEED Canada exam that is taken is the New Construction (NC) version 1.0 exam. This particular exam is very similar to the LEED for New Construction v2.2 AP exam that was the exam taken for LEED accreditation in the U.S. until it was retired in July of 2009.

The United States Green Building Countil (USGBC) and Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI) have recently upgraded to LEED version 3.0, which is significantly different than the previous versions with both a more efficient building certification process, and a more complicated and updated Professional Accreditation program.

The CaGBC, however, has not yet updated LEED to reflect the current changes in the U.S. version and is currently still administering the LEED for NC v1.0 exam. An excerpt from the CaGBC website states:

“The CaGBC will continue to offer the LEED Canada NC 1.0 and LEED Canada CI exams in Canada for the duration of 2009. Further information will be posted soon with respect to the new credentialing program being developed by the GBCI ( and its impact on LEED AP’s in Canada.”

The GBCI will be taking over administering the LEED Canada exams in 2010. Here is a link to some important FAQs regarding this transition, as well as information about the new versions of the exam and credentialing system.

Below are some important links that you may find useful regarding the LEED Canada NC 1.0 exam:

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3 Comments On This Post

  1. this is great!
    thank you Pat.

  2. I’m selling my LEED® Canada for New Construction Reference Package. I was scheduled for an exam for december but for ana emergency I’m going back home & I’ve canceled the exam & don’t need the package now, but need the money..for info call @ 647-832-6762

    • Hi,

      I live in Montreal and am thinking of taking the exam before the exams change at the end of this year.

      How much are you asking for the books and what’s included? Are they the latest version? I believe it’s called the LEED® Canada for New Construction Reference Package (English version) and has about 441 pages.

      By the way, do you think I have enough time before the end of this year to study for this exam?

      Let me know.



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