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Can I take the Green Associate exam now, and take a specialty exam later?

Yes. Since the Green Associate exam is the first part of the specialty exam, passing it ahead of time and then passing a specialty exam later is doable. I’ll find out more information about the logistics behind this method and how sign up works, etc.

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Green Associate Exam

LEED AP Specialty Exam

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4 Comments On This Post

  1. I wish to be Leed AP. I am qualified Architect. I have no work exposure on Green Project. Is it mandatory to pass LEED Green Associate first then be elligible for LEED AP? After passing Green Associate, am I elligible or I still need to be involved on Live Project?
    What all docymnets needed for eligibility?

    • Hi Rajendrasinh,

      You always have had to be involved with a LEED registered project in order to qualify to take the LEED AP Exam. You can take the GA exam (if you are eligible for that), but that alone does not qualify anyone to take the AP Exam.

      For documents required for eligibility, you’re going to need a letter that you upload during the application process. For more information about this letter, I recommend reviewing the LEED exam handbooks for the exam you are interested in taking on the website at

      • Thank you so much. The conclusion is if I do not get an opportunity to be involved on LEED registered project, I can not be LEED AP.

  2. Rajendrasinh,

    You can use Permapave in one of your projects if that helps 🙂

    My question is lets say I take the GA test now (and pass). If I want take the BD+C exam down the road it seems that I have to retake the GA portion? Any clarification?


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Hey thanks for this all the tips on this website – and also the links- I just passed my exam this morning with a 189.


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