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Green Exam Academy – Tips and Tricks to Pass the LEED AP Exam

Archive for the ‘Prerequisites’ Category

Energy and Atmosphere P3 – Fundamental Refrigerant Management (prerequisite)

Intent: Reduce ozone depletion. Implementation: New Building: Zero use of CFC-based refrigerants in HVAC systems Existing Building: Consider replacement or “phase-out” program for HVAC units and fire systems with CFCs. CFC production stopped in 1995 and was phased out 5 years after that. Existing mechanical systems connected to existing chilled water systems have to be […]

Energy and Atmosphere P2 – Minimum Energy Performance (prerequisite)

Intent: Establish minimum level of energy efficiency for building system. Implementation: option 1: Building envelope and system to comply with ASHRAE / IESNA 90.1-2004 Sections 5 – 10 Comply with prescriptive requirements of ASHRAE, 90.1-2004 option 2: comply with local codes or DOE (Department of Energy), instead of ASHRAE mandatory: provide occupancy controls for: class […]

Energy and Atmosphere P1 – Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy Systems (prerequisite)

Intent: Verify that building’s energy related systems are installed, calibrated, and perform accord to BOD (Basis of Design), OPR (Owner’s Project Requirements), and Construction Documents. Implementation: (UPDATED!) Designate a Commissioning Authority (CxA) to lead, review, and oversee completion of commissioning process Must be experienced for two similar projects independent person for projects less that 50,000 […]

Indoor Environmental Air Quality P2 – Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control (prerequisite)

Intent:  Minimize exposure of building occupants, indoor surfaces, and ventilation systems to ETS (Environmental Tobacco Smoke). Implementation: Option 1: Prohibit Smoking  no smoking except outdoors at least 25′-0” from: entries outside air intakes operable windows Option 2: Designated Areas no smoking except in designated area and outdoor (same rules as previous for outdoor) Designated smoke […]

Indoor Environmental Air Quality P1 – Minimum Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Performance (prerequisite)

1st of 2 prerequisites in Indoor Environmental Air Quality (EQ for short) Intent: to establish minimum IAQ performance to enhance indoor air quality in buildings contribute to the well-being of the occupants Implementation: Meet minimum requirement of Sections 4 thru 7 of ASHRAE 62.1-2004: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality  Mechanical Ventilation Systems: designed using […]

Materials and Resources P1 – Storage & Collection of Recyclables (prerequisite)

Intention: Reduce waste from building occupants Reduce waste going to landfills Provide accessible storage and collection locations on site Implementation: Methods of Approach: separation collection storage Collection Sources: recycle chutes collection bins can crushers cardboard balers Materials Collected: glass paper metal plastic cardboards provide instruction to occupants encourage activities to encourage recycling and less use […]

Sustainable Sites P1 – Construction Activity Pollution Prevention (prerequisite)

This is a prerequisite credit. Prerequisite credits are mandatory credits that MUST be accomplished for a building to become LEED certified. There are 7 overall prerequisites in the New Construction version 2.2 LEED-AP reference guide which is the exam version this study guide covers. Construction Activity Pollution Prevention is the first. Intention: During construction, there […]

Study Guides

My recommendations for the most helpful study guides and audio books that you can find for every LEED rating system.
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Study Guides

Practice Exams

There are tons of practice exams available to help you study for your LEED exam. Here are the BEST practice exams you can find that I’ve personally used and recommend to anyone.
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Practice Exams

Continuing Education (CE) Units

This 30 hour package includes everything you need to meet the GBCI Credential Maintenance requirements for LEED APs with Specialty.

Continuing Education (CE) Units


Find out where LEED exam prep classes are being held in your local area. Training courses will help you get through the exam process quickly and easily.
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About Me

Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


Thank You Pat, I was so happy to stumble across your website while trying to google a definition…You and your site are truly wonderful. With your organization and encouragement,the material becomes manageable. I wish I had found it a while ago! Thanks also for your continued visits and responses!!


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