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Indoor Environmental Air Quality 4.4 – Low Emitting Materials – Composite Wood & Agrifiber


  1. Reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, irritating, and or harmful to the comfort and well-being of installers and occupants.


  1. Composite wood and Agrifiber products (MDF, particleboard, plywood, wheatboard, strawboard, panel substrates, door cores) used in interior of building shall contain NO ADDED UREA FORMALDEHYDE RESINS.


  • none

Submittal Phase:

  • construction

Indoor Environmental Air Quality


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4 Comments On This Post

  1. What is an OSB door core??

  2. OSB stands for Oriented Strand Board.

    links with more info:

  3. Can anyone shed light on this question for me?

    Which of the following are considered composite woods as part of EQ Credit 4.4 Low Emitting Materials: Composite Wood & Agrifiber Products?

    A Cabinets made of MDF
    B Desks made with wheatboard
    C Doors made with 50% Certified Wood and 50% recycled pine
    D Conference tables made of plywood
    E Bamboo wall panels
    F OSB door cores


    A&F: Furniture is not considered a base building element and thus is not included.

    ??? Isn’t cabinetry considered furniture? I thought the answer would be E&F because

    • poorly worded question…
      MDF,wheatboard,plywood,OSB are all “considered” composite woods in EQ4.4.(bamboo is not) BUT the way the answers are written is deceptive: for answer A. the subject is “cabinets”. Thus the question asks Are “cabinets” considered composite woods ?. Of course,no. Rewording A as “MDF used in cabinets” Then the answer is Yes,and, provided the cabinets are permanently installed,the MDF would effect credit. Bottom line,
      F is the only correct answer ???.


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