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Indoor Environmental Air Quality 5 – Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control


  1. Minimize potentially hazardous particulates and chemical pollutants.


  1. Minimize and control pollutant entry
  2. Minimize Cross contamination between occupied areas
  • Install permanent entryway systems at least 6′-0" long to capture dirt
    • grates
    • grills
  • Exhaust rooms where hazardous chemicals are stored
    • keep negative pressure at .50 cfm/sf
  • If Mechanically Vented , installed filters should have MERV 13 rating or better


  • ASHRAE 52.2-1999: Method of Testing General Ventilation Air Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size

Submittal Phase:

  • design

Indoor Environmental Air Quality


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16 Comments On This Post

  1. I’m a bit confused with this credit and the first area in the requirements. It says you need a “permanent entryway system at least 6′ long in the primary direction of travel.” Is this an entirely seperate space before fully entering the building, does anyone have any like photos of what this would be exactly. I’m a picture person.

  2. Erica,

    Good question. There is some flexibility here, but it’s better described in a post by Joel @ reallifeleed, who actually had this issue while working on a real LEED project. You can visit that particular post of his here:

    It is a little unclear in the guide, as you said, but I hope this link helps a little!


  3. thank you I GET IT!

  4. Thanks for your site Pat. It’s a great resource.
    I believe that MERV 13 filters apply to “regularly occupied areas” in “mechanically vented buildings”. Not, storage rooms which need to be exhausted.

  5. Chris,

    You rule, nice catch. Thanks! I’ve updated it for everyone. Good luck!

  6. Just a thought. (web page is a terriffic help BTW). Maybe think about putting terms such as MERV 13 Filters and ASHRAE 52.1-1999 in blue with a hyperlink that explains exactly what those things are…. I know that If a search I can find them but Im only human 🙂

  7. To achieve both EQc3.1/3.2 and EQc5, would MERV 13 filters need to be used and replaced for the construction, flushout, and immediately prior to occupancy?

    Say for instance the HVAC system was not operated during construction, could you use MERV 8 filters for the flushout and then replace with MERV 13 filters immediately prior to occupancy and still comply with all three credits? It seems like it would be a waste to use MERV 13 filters for a 2-week flushout and the replace them…

  8. people have probably caught this on their own, but thats ASHRAE 52.2 not 52.1

  9. Can anyone recommend manufacture for permanent entryway system – EQ-CR 5 ?

    Does 3M matting – Nomad Scruper 9100 series, meet the design requirement?

    My understanding is that this spermanent entryway ystem is to be installed on the outside of the building entryway – is this right?

  10. Pat,
    Code reference is incorrect.

    Correct Standard Reference
    ASHRAE 52.2 1999

    Thanks for the great website!

  11. Hey Thanks Pinc, great catch – my apologies. It has since been updated. Happy Holidays to you!

  12. hey, i know the template for this says “design” phase, but it’s asking to confirm location of the INSTALLED filter and that the filter was replaced prior to occupancy. is this actually a construction phase template?

  13. The suggested answer is A, C & D. But why D?

    11. Which credits may require confirmation of a contracted service beyond completion of
    construction? (Choose three)
    A) ___ EA Credit 3, Enhanced Commissioning
    B) ___ EA Credit 4, Enhanced Refrigerant Management
    C) ___ EA Credit 6, Green Power
    D) ___ EQ Credit 5, Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control
    E) ___ ID Credit 2, LEED Accredited Professional

  14. I believe the key word is “may” require —
    For EQc5, though not ideal, roll-out mats are acceptable if, and only if, they are maintained on a weekly basis by a contracted service organization (this is referred to on pg 359 of the Ref guide, 3rd edition, under Requirements), which must be confirmed in the submittal.

  15. many thx..this forum is really helpful

  16. Does anyone know what size (measured in yearly volume of copies) of copier must be in an eclosed and exhausted space?

    BTW Lillian, It’s a bit late for you probably, but Walk0-Off mats should be inside the building.


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