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Indoor Environmental Air Quality 6.1 – Controllability of Systems – Lighting


  1. Provide high levels of lighting system control by individual occupants or multi-occupant spaces for various tasks for occupant’s comfort and well-being.


  1. Individual lighting controls for 90% minimum of building occupants
  2. Multi-occupant lighting system controls that meet group needs and preferences


  • none

Submittal Phase:

  • design

Indoor Environmental Air Quality


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10 Comments On This Post

  1. Does Anyone know if there is a limit to the number of CIR (Credit Interpretation Requests) per project. For some reason I have in my head that each project is only allowed 3. Is this correct?

    Thanks! PS. I’m taking the test tomorrow (August 4 2008) so any help ASAP would be great.

  2. There is no limitation on number of CIRs as such. The first 2 CIRs are free u ll have to pay for 3rd CIR onwards.

  3. I believe that as of November 15, 2005, project registrations will not include free CIR’s.

  4. How does the electrical contractor provide lighting control for 90% of the building occurpants?

  5. @Chris,

    It can be through a number of means. It’s fairly easy, actually. The contractor could make sure there were outlets for adjustable task lighting at desks, provide switch systems with comfort control (dimmers and various layers of lighting for various uses), task-ambient lighting, etc.

  6. Based on the material I studied I didn’t observe any free CIR references, can someone tell me where that is indicated in the reference manual?

  7. Russel,

    The free CIR reference is no longer included in the reference guide because as of November 15th (as Greg stated above), project registrations no longer include any free CIRs.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!

  8. For controllability of lighting will LEED accept the control method of an office space to be a local override initiated from the occupant’s desk telphone to a computerized lighting control system.

  9. Hi everybody,
    I am taking the exam two weeks later so I will be posting a lots of questions. Thanks in advance helping me out. This is really a helpful website, thanks Pat.

    My first question;
    A fortune 500 company is planning to build a new office building. The last office building they built had some indoor air quality problems and the president wants to avoid such problems this time around.
    what 3 credits would be more helpful in achieving this concern?
    a.EQ C2, Ventilation effectiveness
    b.EA C5, measurement and verification
    c. EQ C6.1, controllability of systems
    d. EA C8.1, daylight and views
    e. EA prerequisite 3, CFC reduction in HVAC&R equipment
    f. EQ c4.1-4.4, low emitting materials


    can somebody explain why c is correct? I picked e.

  10. Derya-

    My first thought would be a simple one…A, C and F are credits in the Indoor Environmental Quality section. Don’t know if that’s the most logical answer though. I would have also picked E probably. But I guess that, upon further thinking, results in ozone depletion, not air quality depletion.

    Anyone else thoughts?


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