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Indoor Environmental Air Quality 7.1 – Thermal Comfort – Design


  1. Provide a comfortable thermal environment supporting productivity and well-being of building occupants.


  1. Design HVAC systems and Building Envelope per ASHRAE 55-2004.
  2. Evaluate air temp. radiant temp, air speed, relative humidity
  3. Coordinate with EQ P1. EQ 1, & EQ 2.


  • ASHRAE 55-2004: Thermal Comfort Conditions for Human Occupancy

Submittal Phase:

  • design

Indoor Environmental Air Quality


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2 Comments On This Post

  1. Can anyone point me to the right direction? i am looking for the information pertaining to the duties of the LEED Admistrator and waht can and can’t be done/completed online i had about 4 of these questions on my exam on Saturday.

    Thanks in advance

  2. HAs any one used exam secrets from Morrison Media, LLC good or no good?

    Thanks in advance


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