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Indoor Environmental Air Quality 7.2 – Thermal Comfort – Verification


  1. Assessment of building’s thermal comfort over time.


  1. Survey within 6-18 months after occupancy
    • anonymous responses of overall satisfaction of thermal performance
  2. If 20% or more of building occupants dissatisfied, develop a plan for corrective action
    1. Plan should be in accordance with ASHRAE 55-2004


  • ASHRAE 55-2004: Thermal Comfort Conditions for Human Occupancy

Submittal Phase:

  • design

Indoor Environmental Air Quality


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13 Comments On This Post

  1. The reference guide says “..more than 20%” not “20% or more,” it’s a big difference. I got a question mixed up and confused b/c of this variation in information. GEP practice test count 80% of people in a building that are comfortable as acceptable but 79% not. I would advise re-wording this. Thanks


  2. Sorry if this is getting picky and beyond the scope of the LEED prep test but I am interested in the following:
    1- How do you collect anonymous responses to the post occupancy thermal comfort study and follow up with those that were dis-satisfied (if they were anonymous to begin with) ?

    2- The plan for corrective actions in MR 7.2 calls for a plan to be developed.
    Does this need to be implemented? If so, where does it say so?

  3. On page 375 of the NC LEED ver. 2.2 manual it notes that EQ7.2 is given 1 point in additional to EQ 7.1
    Do you need to qualify for EQ7.1 in order to achieve EQ7.2?

  4. How can this be submitted during the design phase when you perform this task 6-18 months AFTER occupancy?

    Thanks for the help Pat. I must say that you have done an excellent job with your website and Walkthrough. I am scheduled to take the test next Friday and we’ll see how good I did at studying the information.

  5. Pat or someone-
    Can you answer Steve’s question above?
    Do you need to qualify for EQ7.1 in order to achieve EQ7.2?

  6. Matthew/akoak, In reading the guide, it seems that a project needs to follow ASHRAE Standard 55 – 2004 standards to achieve acceptable thermal conditions for 80% of the occupants/users in order to gain that point for EQ credit 7.1

    EQ credit 7.2 only verifies that you met ASHRAE Standard 55, so I think yes, you need to meet 7.1 before you can achieve 7.2.

    And credit 7.2 only says you PLAN to verify that the building meets ASHRAE 55 with an anonymous survey. “Agree to implement…”

  7. same question as Matthew…How can this be submitted during the design phase when you perform this task 6-18 months AFTER occupancy?
    Can anyone explain…is there logic behind the submittal phases
    thanks guys

  8. Jerseygirl-
    You need to provide proof of compliance that the requirements of 7.2 will infact be met. This could be in the form of a contract or other binding documentation as far as I understand it.

  9. thank you parker….it helps a little

  10. Yes, you have to earn EQ 7.1 before you can earn EQ 7.2.

    “In addition to …” is the key phrase. Same thing for WE 1.2, WE 3.2, MR 1.2, MR 2.2, MR 3.2, MR 4.2, MR 5.2, and EQ 7.2.

  11. thank you
    different question…ssc6.1 stormwater design…do i need to know how to calculate the quantity of runoff?…how complex does the exam get? will i need to show how much of runoff is captured?
    thanks everyone.
    this is a great site!!!!

  12. The reference guide does not mention who the occupants are specifically for this credit. If the building is a visitor’s center, where there are a few dedicated occupants, and many very-short-term occupants, is it just the employees that need to partake in the survey?

  13. The problem that we are having in our project is that ideally you could use an online survey, but what if you are dealing with students in a school setting? My other problem with this credit is that people who will complain will self-select and fill out the survey while others with ‘thicker’ won’t care and not fill one out. So is your 20% dissatisfaction supposed to be based on total occupants and not respondents. I hope the former is true.


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Hey i cleared yesterday with a score of 185.. i started studyin one month back and followed this website thoroughly.. thanks a lot pat for creating this website.. i followed the same study schedule as yours..


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