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Indoor Environmental Air Quality P1 – Minimum Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Performance (prerequisite)

1st of 2 prerequisites in Indoor Environmental Air Quality (EQ for short)


  • to establish minimum IAQ performance to enhance indoor air quality in buildings
  • contribute to the well-being of the occupants


  1. Meet minimum requirement of Sections 4 thru 7 of ASHRAE 62.1-2004: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality 
  2. Mechanical Ventilation Systems: designed using Ventilation Rate procedure OR applicable local code (whichever is more stringent)
  3. Naturallly Ventilated buildings: comply with ASHRAE 62.1-2004.


  1. ASHRAE 62.1-2004: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, Sections 4 thru 7

Submittal Phase: 

  • design

Indoor Environmental Air Quality


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    10 Comments On This Post

    1. can someone calrify using N, S, E and W axis for:
      shallow floor plate
      narrow floor plate.


    2. Lilian, I’m not really quite sure what you are asking.

    3. Below are taken from Reference Guide NC- CANADA – 1.0 version

      EA-C1- Optimize energy performance
      To realize simple solar control, the building should be aligned on an east-to-west axis.
      ( shallow )

      EQ-C2 – Ventilation Effectiveness
      Synergies & Trade-offs
      Older buildings were designed with close attention to microclimate, often with narrow floor plates and operable windows.

      EQ-C8-Controllability of Systems
      Adopt a design with shallow floor plates to maximize daylight.

      I just needed to clarify the terms ‘narrow’ and ‘shallow’ floor plates, used in the reference guide as well as in some sample exam questions.

      my understanding ;
      shallow floor plates – horizontally elongated on a east to west axis

      narrow floor plates – vertically narrow on a north to south axis

    4. ASHRAE 62.2 – 2004 may be used for low-rise residential projects pursuing LEED certification for New Construction

    5. Pat or anyone…

      Do we need to know the Ventilation Rate Procedure and how to calculate it? It seems confusing. I hope we just need to know that the Ventilation Rate Procedure is used to determine the required ventilation rates for mechanically ventilated spaces. Can anyone elaborate?

    6. can you give me the link where we can find pdf copy of the LEED NC v 2.2 reference guide for EQ?

    7. Hello
      Do we need to know what each element in the calc. stand for? ie- Voz and Vbz and Ez or just a general idea that the mechanical system needs to be calculated to create an appropriate ventilation rate?

    8. Jessie, I think there is NO need to remember each element.

    9. “Narrow” and “shallow” floor plate refer to the same thing. The footprint of the building is elongated in one direction to increase perimeter for maximum day lighting.

    10. Hello All,
      I am working on project which is HVAC units for cooling, Fresh air is not supplied to the units but it is complying Natural Ventilation requirements ASHRAE 62.1-2004 Section 5.1.1. Can this project eligible to meet the IEQ P1 requirements? or Is it necessary to supply fresh air continuously to achieve this credit?


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