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100,000 Visitor Giveaway Results & LEED 2009 News

First of all, I would like to congratulate the winners of the 100,000 visitor giveaway!

And the winners are………drumroll please……….

Timothy Bakewell


Sandra Alvarado!

Congratulations! Both of you win a brand new 8 gig ipod nano from Apple. You will be receiving an email from me soon so I can get the colors you want and ship them to you right away. Again, congratulations to you both! And thank you all who have used The LEED AP Walkthrough and participated in the giveaway.

LEED 2009

I’m sure a lot of you are wondering about what is going on with the new version of LEED, aka. LEED 2009. There are a lot of rumors flying around, but the reality is that no one is certain about anything right now.

We understand that when the official  launch date announcement is made, it will be about three months in advance of when the new version will be administered.

The Greenbuild International Conference and Expo is happening between November 19-21. There is speculation that there will be some clarification as to the details of the launch of LEED 2009, so I’ll definitely keep my ears wide open around then.

It’s my opinion that it’s still smart to take the LEED-NC version 2.2 exam before the launch of LEED 2009. If you’re worried about having to re-take the entire LEED 2009 exam, I highly doubt that the USGBC would do this to us. There would be a lot of angry people if this happened, especially those who just passed, or are about to pass soon.

If you’d like some quick help since there’s still some time left, please consider using The LEED AP Walkthrough as your primary study guide. It’s been a major success and has helped many people pass their exam already within the 1st month. A huge thank you to those of you who have already read it and for all of your emails saying thanks. Those always make my day.

The best way to find out about what’s going on with LEED 2009, if you’re not visiting Boston to attend Greenbuild, is to sign up for my newsletter in the form below. I’ll definitely keep all of you as updated as I can as soon as I hear any news.

Thank you all, and congrats again to Timothy and Sandra!

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Continuing Education (CE) Units

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Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


Hay Pat, Thanks a million for this website, I am scheduled to take my exam on the 14th of June. I still have a little while but this is really going to make if a lot easier to organize my studies, love the charts and tables, Golden.


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