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How and When to take the LEEP AP Exam

“What should I know before signing up for to take the LEED AP Exam?”

  1. Before you think about signing up for the LEED AP exam, it’s good to know exactly what’s on the test. That way you can gauge how much time you’ll need to study before you pick a date.
  2. You should also download a copy of the LEED AP Candidate Handbook. It contains important information about current policies and procedures for the LEED Accredited Professional Exam. Read it through, as it explains how to sign up for the exam, how much it will cost you, etc.
  3. Really think about the time and day you’ll be taking the test. Don’t just pick the time and day that is most convenient for you as you should also think about how you’ll feel at that time. I’m taking my test on a Monday at 8:30 am.
    • I chose Monday, because I want to dedicate the entire weekend prior to studying for the exam – without any work related issues on my mind. Also, Monday’s are when I usually feel ready to work again each week.
    • I chose 8:30 am because that is the time I usually get to work each day, and so I know I’m usually ready and focused around that time. Plus, I won’t have to worry the entire day about taking the exam in the afternoon. I can pass it and get it over with. (Also, I know that personally I get sleepy after lunch, so no afternoon test taking for me!)
    • It’s different from person to person, but ultimately YOU know when you best take tests, so why not give yourself any advantage you can and take it then?

“How do I sign up for the LEED AP Exam?”

Signing up for the LEED AP Exam is simple. You can follow the instructions in the LEED AP Candidate Handbook, but I’ll give you a quick summary of what you’ll be doing:

  1. First, you must sign up and register through the Green Building Certification Institute. Under “Professional Credentials” you’ll find the link to “LEED AP Exam Registration.” You’ll have to register for an account here. While registering (with a name that exactly matches your ID, oh, and you’ll need two forms of ID at the test center), they will ask for your USGBC membership number. This is a number that comes from the United States Green Building Council. I wasn’t registered personally, but my company was, so by inserting that number, I was able to save 100 bucks on the test. The test is now $300.00 (as of January 10th, 2008) for USGBC members, and $400.00 for non-members. Luckily, many companies sponsor such tests as it is a benefit to have LEED Accredited Professionals in their office. Mine does, but in order to get reimbursed…I have to pass!
  2. After signing up, you’ll eventually be directed toward the third party testing company, Prometric. Here, you can easily pick a date and test location, enter your billing information, and BAM!
  3. Just remember, as I has mentioned above, please give much thought to when you’ll be taking the test. Changing test dates or times within 1 month of your testing date will cost you an extra $30.00. If you do end up wanting to change your test date at any point, you can do it by logging back into your account.
  4. After you confirm everything it wouldn’t hurt to print out your confirmation page. I don’t think it’s necessary to bring this to the test site – but just in case they don’t have your name on record to take the exam, you will. Good luck, and Cheers!


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9 Comments On This Post

  1. Great info for anyone needing to know the most efficient way to sign up for the LEEP AP exam.

    Keep writing great posts like these!


  2. Hey,

    This is a GREAT resource you’ve set up here! It’s all incredibly clear and concise, though some of your internal links lead to dead ends. I’m hoping to take the exam in a few weeks and I’ve got a feeling that I’ll be living on your site until then.

    PS – I’m making a donation. You rock.

  3. Adam,

    Thank you so much!!! Wow you are incredibly generous to leave a donation and I’m so glad this site is helping you. I’m also taking the test in a few weeks, so the timing of the posts and tips will probably be right up your alley.

    I will go through the links to make sure they are linkin correctly. Thank you for the heads up.

    If you have any other suggestions or notice anything else, please feel free and let me know.

    Thanks again for your kindness!


    p.s. No Adam, YOU rock!

  4. Internal links still not linking. Specifically the “what’s on the test” link above.

  5. Hi Pat!
    Great website.
    I had a question(of the several)on the reference guide version.

    I am using the 1st addition for the NC exam. I plan on taking the exam in April. I was going thro your website and found the errata sheets that you compiled. Does this mean that if I use your excel, it would help. I am not able to open the others…..Please please help.

  6. Hi Pat,
    I am looking for a little guidance for studying. I am a geotechnical engineer and don’t have much work experience with LEED, but have taken a short course on it a year ago. My company would like me to get LEED Accredited. The one hitch in this is- I am pregnant and due May 10th and would prefer to take it before then. I am generally a pretty good test taker (lucky for me!). Can you give me a rough idea of how much time I can expect to need to become adequately prepared?

  7. Pat,

    Needing your advice, I am new to LEED and would like to learn more about what study material you recommend for LEED New Construction. If i start studying this week do you think I have enough time to take the June 30th exam. Also, if I do not take the exam will the old material still be useful for the new V3 exam?

    Thank you for your help,



  8. Test tomorrow, wish me luck!

  9. You you should edit the webpage name How and When to take the LEEP AP Exam | Green Exam Academy – Tips and Tricks to Pass the LEED AP Exam to more generic for your blog post you write. I loved the blog post however.


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