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How do I prepare for the LEED Green Associate exam?

You should definitely take a look at the Green Associate handbook found on the GBCI website. The handbook will tell you important information about what is covered on the exam, as well as test taking policies.

In addition, you are always free to use the information on to help you along the way.  On the homepage you’ll find information about you’re the exam, including summaries, tips and charts to help you organize all of the information for you.

I also have published helpful study guide called The Green Associate Exam Walkthrough, which you may find very useful.

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7 Comments On This Post

  1. Hi,
    I’m a newbie starting to gather material for my studies towards the LEED AP BD+C exam and have a question for you about the resources on the USGBC site. They have a chart on their Exam Prep Strategies page showing those studying for LEED AP BD+C should get the BD+C Reference Guide. They also note that those going only for the Green Assoc should get the Green Building and LEED Core Concepts Guide. Do you think I need to purchase both? or does the BD+C Reference Guide cover everthing for the Green Associates exam, too?

    • Hi Sara,

      Thanks for stopping by Green Exam Academy. The BD+C reference guide will not really cover the Green Associate part of the exam. The GA exam is a more general exam that goes over the general green building and sustainable design concepts, which the BD+C guide is “too advanced” for. This is why they are recommending the Concepts Guide. The BD+C guide will help with the GA exam a little just because the general concepts are covered in detail in the BD+C reference guide, but it definitely won’t cover everything. Hope this helps! Best of luck to you.

  2. Thank you! …and your website is awesome. So helpful.

  3. I am planning to appear for the green associate exam and have registered for it. I am a landscape architect and want to do specialised AP course pertaining to my subject. Which one should i consider once i clear the green associate exam. Also whats the best study material for the green associate exam

  4. I am planning to appear for the green associate exam and have registered for it. I am a landscape architect and want to do specialised AP course pertaining to my subject. Which one should i consider once i clear the green associate exam. please advice

  5. I purchased the Green Exam Academy LEED GA exam prep materials. Will I pass the exam if I know these materials, or is it necessary to use additional materials or classes?


  6. Hi Pat,
    Hearty Thanks for this friendly website.I am an Architect and hav applied for LEED GA.Just want to know will the LEED GA Silver Pack(Practice test)which has a study guide too, be enough to study and preapare for the test?or do i need to take the special studyguide as well?Waiting for your reply.
    Thankyou so much,


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Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


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