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The LEED AP Walkthrough – Screenshots and Features

The LEED AP Walkthrough – Screenshots and Features

If you just purchased The LEED AP Walkthrough , I just wanted to say thank you and I wish you the best of luck on your journey. If you have or haven’t checked it out yet, either way I’d like to take this opportunity to quickly show you some of the basic features of the 189 page study guide , which you can use to your advantage while studying to pass your LEED AP Exam.

One you have purchased and downloaded The LEED AP Walkthrough , you’ll receive an email and be directed to download the .pdf file. Additionally, if you don’t have it already, you’ll need to download an Adobe Acrobat Reader. It’s free and will allow you to view this e-book as well as any other PDF files. Click the link below to direct you to the Adobe Acrobat Download page.

Get Adobe Reader

Now that you’re all set, locate the file "the_leed_ap_walkthrough.pdf " on your computer and open it. This screenshot is similar to something you should see (i’m on a mac, so it looks a little different, but it’s all the same):

LEED AP Walkthrough - Screenshot 1

If you maximize your screen, on the left-hand side, you’ll see what is called the bookmark panel. This will be the means by which you’ll do most of your browsing through the guide. When you start out, however, I recommending reading through the guide cover to cover once, just to get familiar with it. For that, you’ll just use your "page down" or "page up" keys on your keyboard, or your arrows work just the same. Here is what the navigation panel looks like:

LEED AP Walkthrough - Screenshot 2

If this panel does not appear, or you accidently close it, you can get back to it by clicking on the bookmark icon on the left, or through View > Navigation Panels > Bookmarks. The e-book features expandable categories which makes it super easy to organize, navigate and click your way through to any section of the guide. Let’s move to the table of contents and some of the printing features.

LEED AP Walkthrough - Screenshot 3

Instead of using the bookmark panel to nagivate, you can also use the clickable table of contents.

Also, you’ll notice throughout the guide are scattered printer icons. If you hover your mouse over them, you’ll get a description of what prints when you click. The printer icons on the upper right-hand corner print that single page only, while the printer icons next to section headings print that entire section. No more wasting paper, and now you can print only the sheets you need! Now, let’s take a look at a sample credit summary:

LEED AP Walkthrough - Screenshot 4

Pretty self-explanatory. My email is at the top of each page, in case you ever have any questions. Also, the erratas on the bottom are just for your reference only. If you are using an older version of the LEED Reference Guide, this will show you what has been updated since.

Lastly, let’s take a look at a brand new exercise that I created to help you memorize the exam material:

LEED AP Walkthrough - Screenshot 5

This is Exercise #1: The LEED AP "Fill-in-the-Blank" Study Guide . It should match the credit from the summaries, as you can see in the screenshots above. Just another method I thought would help to teach/trick your brain into learning all of this material.

There are some other features and updates inside the guide that I’ll leave for you to figure out.

If you have any comments, questions, criticisms, or anything of that nature, please leave a comment on the introduction page . Again, I’m always here to help, and I’m just an email away.

Writing this book was a really fun project for me. I’m just a one-man team hoping you’ll find this information to be the best and most helpful for the exam. I spent the last 4 months learning how to do everything on my own, from writing the content of the e-book, to the graphic work and images, down to the promotion and sales part. It was one of my goals to write a book someday and I guess I can check that one off the bucket list. (Hopefully you all like it, hehe!)

If you haven’t already purchased The LEED AP Walkthrough , and you would like to, please click the link below, or visit the introduction page for more information.

The LEED AP Walkthrough is being offered at the ridiculously low price of

only $34.99!

Buy Now

Thank you all again! Good luck!


-Pat Flynn, LEED AP

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About Me

Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


Thank you very much!!!I passed the exam in Italy and now I’m in the LEED AP Directory(country Italy) as a “LEED AP” in Italy!!!


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