- To provide design teams and projects opportunities for extra credit points or exceptional performance points for going above and beyond LEED for New Construction Green Building Rating System requirements.
- Substantially exceed a LEED NC performance credit such as energy performance or water efficiency.
- Apply strategies that demonstrate a comprehensive approach and quantified environment and/or health benefit
- Greatly exceed the requirements of existing LEED credits of provide strategy not addressed by any existing LEED credit.
- demonstrate quantitative performance improvements for environmental benefit
- process must be comprehensive
- formula must be applicable to other projects
- provide title, narrative statement with intentions of the credit requirements and a detailed narrative description describing project’s approach to achieving the credit. Also include any copies of drawings.
Submittal Phase:
- design (for all 4 credits possible – ID 1.1 thru ID 1.4)
More Innovation in Design Credits
14 Comments On This Post
For credit SS2, remember the site must have been previously developed.
Can you please give me your thought on following?
Most of the pactice tests im encountered had following question.
How many total credits you can achieve under Innovative in design category?
There answer was 4 instead of 2.
But to me that is wrong.since this category has 2 credits not 4.
Innovation in design is ID1.1 – ID1.4 which allows for 4 credits. I think you are taking ID1 and ID2 as 2 credits, when in fact there are 4 for ID1 and 1 for ID2. Check out the WIMSEE for a quick credit-reference:
the question was how many total credits you can achieve under Innovative in design category?
You are confused points with credits.
Yes points would be ID1- 4points & ID2- 1 point
total 5 points.
But in 34 credits they contribute only 2.
Reference guide NC v2.2 first edition says that Submittal Phase is Design or Construction. Has it been changed?
I’m confused on whether the ID section has 4 or 5 available points. This website and the practice tests Ive taken say 5. But in my Reference Guide v2.2 (1st ed. Oct 2005) on the ID Overview page, in the upper right hand corner in a box called “Overview of LEED credits” it says “There are 4 points avaiable in the Innovation in Design category”. I was also told in a USGBC presentation that it was 4 and that the ID 2 counted for one of the 4 points available for ID1.1-1.4. Who’s right?
I was told max of (4)points for ID in my LEED classes but it looks like 5 to me! Which is right?
hi Pat,
can u clarify on 2 questions-
1.are all exemplary credits awarded under ID category?
2. if that is the case, is it that a project applying for LEED certification can be awarded a maximum of only 4 points for thier exemplary performance despite their exceptional performance in more than 4 credits?
I don’t know if anyone still needs to know about ID credits but I’ll write this just in case.
For starters, it is important to know the difference between credits and points.
1) CREDITS: A credit is based on an intent statement. In order to satisfy the creditâs intent, you must meet the requirements.
2) POINTS: A point is what you earn when you meet one or more of the requirements stated under the credit.
Aside from prerequisiteâs, when you meet a requirement you achieve a âPOINTâ.
Some credits will offer a single point for ALL the creditsâ requirements that are met.
Other credits will offer a point for EACH of the creditsâ requirement that are met.
In the latter case, you can achieve multiple âPOINTSâ for a single âCREDITâ. Thus is the case for ID Credits.
Under the LEED-CI rating system for Innovation in Design Category (ID), there are 2 CREDIT categories (credit 1 and credit 2). They offer a combined total of 5 points. It breaks down like this:
ID Credit 1 (4 possible points):
Credit 1.1 (1 point)
Credit 1.2 (1 point)
Credit 1.3 (1 point)
Credit 1.4 (1 point)
ID Credit 2 (1 point)
Add them up…5 total possible points.
Qualifying for ID Credits:
You can qualify for ID Credit 2 simply by having a LEED AP on the project. It is perhaps the simplest way o earn a LEED point.
You can qualify for credits 1.1 – 1.4 in two ways:
1) By achieveing Exemplary Performance for some of the credits (ex: achieving 45% reduction in power use for EA credit 1.1)
– or –
2) By achieving Innovative Performance (ex: eliminating ozone-depleting materials from HVAC&R products which is a strategy that could be performed in addition to the required elimination of CFC’s)
Hope this helps…and please someone correct me if I am mistaken.
Thanks Erin
I am not sure why they are the answers. Can anyone help?
answers for Q56 is B
56. Early in the design phase of a project seeking LEED certification, you are evaluating
its likely LEED certification level. You have evaluated all of the credits except for_____________ and ____________, and found enough points to achieve LEED Certified, but one point short of LEED Silver. You calculate that if the project achieves all of the available points in those credits, it would achieve LEED _______.
A) EA Credit 1, Energy Optimization; ID Credit 1, Innovation in Design;Platinum
B) ID Credit 1, Innovation in Design; EQ Credit 4, Low-Emitting Materials;Gold
C) SS Credit 7, Heat Island Effect; EQ Credit 4, Low-Emitting Materials;Gold
D) EQ Credit 4, Low-Emitting Materials; MR Credit 1, Building Reuse;Silver
The project currently has 32 points. There are 4 points available in IDc1 and 4 points available in EQc4. Totals 8 points for a total of 40 which is qualifies for Gold. A. 10pts + 4pts would still be Gold. C 2pts + 4pts would be Silver D. 4pts + 3pts would be Gold.
Hi all,
a quick question who is responsible for drafting a Innovation & Design document?
Hello, im wondering if anyone can tell me where about i can find these leed preactice exams?
Thanks Nathan