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LEED Building Design and Construction Blank Study Guide Template

Back by popular demand is the Blank Study Guide Template for the LEED Building Design and Construction LEED AP exam.

This is a one-page template that you can fill out with all of the important points for each prerequisite and credit as you’re studying from the LEED Reference Guide. If you can take 5 or 6 pages from the reference guide and narrow it down into 1 easy to read page, you’re going to have a MUCH easier time trying to remember everything you need to know.

In addition, you can use the template page as a practice test. After you think you know everything there is to know about a prerequisite or credit, print out a copy and fill it in from memory. You’ll easily be able to see which parts still need help memorizing, and which parts you’ve already got down.

The blank study guide for the previous version of the exam was downloaded over 30,000 times, so you know this is definitely a helpful tool.

Please note that I do not and will not post a completed, filled-out version of the blank study guide because I do not want to infringe on any intellectual property copyright that is the rightful property of the USGBC. Everything is in the Reference Guide, and trust me you’ll learn more after you fill out the templates yourself, in a way that will optimize memorization specifically for you. Thank you for understanding.

  Blank Study Guide Sheet for BD+C (5,973 downloads)

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Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


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