There has been a lot of LEED ARE Forum talk about recent questions on the exam involving ID (Innovation in Design) thresholds. That being said, I hope this is a timely and useful post for you.
Here is a question I found from the Colorado Chapter LEED Study Guide:
Exceptional performance, also referred to as exemplary performance, under ID Credit 1, Innovation in Design, generally requires which one of the following?
A. that performance achieved is at least 100% better than that established by an existing LEED Credit, regardless of which credit it is.
B. that performance achieved is either 25% better or the next incremental percentage threshold established by the existing LEED Credit that is being exceeded, whichever is greater.
C. that performance achieved represents either a doubling or the next incremental percentage threshold established by the existing LEED Credit that is being exceeded.
D. that performance achieved is at least 50% better than that established by an existing LEED Credit, regardless of which credit is being exceeded.
E. that performance achieved is at least double that established by an existing LEED Credit, regardless of which credit is being exceeded.
The answer is at the bottom of this post, in case you don’t want the answer upfront. As promised in a previous post about ID Credits and exemplary performance , below is another helpful table that shows you which credits have an exemplary performance requirement. Again, most (the question above says generally ) are achieved through a doubling or the next incremental percentage threshold, as you can see.
As always, please let me know if there is anything wrong or missing from the chart. I appreciate every single comment! Oh, and the answer to the practice question is C. Cheers!
76 Comments On This Post
do you know why for MR5.2 exemplary performance jumps up to 40% rather than 30%? MR5.1 states using 10% regional materials-extracted,processed, & manufactured regionally. MR5.2 states 20%. I thought for exemplary performance points you increased incrementally, if applicable.
Hey rw,
I don’t know the reason why the exemplary performance threshold is 40% for regional materials, but I back checked the reference guide and my other study guides and it is indeed 40%. It’s weird because the recycled content (MR 4.1 & MR 4.2) exemplary performance threshold is at 30% when 4.1&5.1 are each 10% and 4.2&5.2 are each 20%.
It’s true that exemplary performance points will usually increase incrementally or double, but this is an exception i guess – i don’t know why though.
Nice catch though =) Now you won’t forget!
what does incremental mean ?
increment: one of a series of regular consecutive additions
1.5, 3, 4.5, 6,…those #s are increasing by 1.5 increments.
Thank you, rw.
I have a question about MR 6. In my reference book, the exemplary performance is 10% or greater. But here it is 5%. Which is correct?
I am working on a LEED presentation to give to my professor on regional materials. I am having trouble finding any extensive information on the credit. Does anyone know what products i could mention in my presentation that would be regional in the southeast or any website that would go into greater detail about the credit? What about other credits that may become unattainable because of this credit? please help! thanks
Fred, you must have an old edition of the 2.2 reference guide. I have edition 1, which also said 10%. In the errata sheet, it said to change the exemplary credit from 10% to 5%
I also wanted to add that according to the lastest NC 2.2 Reference Guide Erratta sheet, EAc1 and EAc2 are eligible for exemplary performance as well (EAc1 – 45.5% New Buildings, 38.5% Existing, and EAc2, 17.5% On site renewable)
Also, any projects today must get at least TWO EAc1 points (Required)
Rebecca, thank you very much.
canadian version 1.0 ( us 2.1)
mr 4.1 – 7.5%
mr 4.2 – 15%
exemplary perf – 15% +7.5= 22.5 % ?
is this 22.5 right based on icremental of 7.5% in this version ?
Hi pat,
Might want to updated this chart by including SSc2 Development Density. A project can get an ID credit for that as well. Thanks.
There is also SS2 with Exemp Performance – Errata sheet NC 2.2v. Doubling the density from 60,000 to 120,000 sft.Check the CIR dated 09/22/’06
Does the exam cover information on the errata docs or the latest publication of the Reference Guide?
For example – if the question was regarding the exemplary performance requirements for SS Credit 2 and you were going by the Reference Guide – then you would most likely give a wrong answer.
Does MRc4 Recycled Contents always has to consist of 1 part post-consumer + 1/2 part per-consumer? For example for exemplary performance 30% is =
20%post-consumer +10%pre-consumer?
After final ruling, what is another option other than Appeal? Accept ruling? or re-apply for other credit?
yes, it’s always going to be the percentage post + 1/2 pre
Other than appeal, anyone have the answer?
After final ruling, what is another option other than Appeal? Accept ruling? or re-apply for other credit?
to Binu, congratulations and thanks for more tips!
I have a couple questions regarding the test format. In the GreenBuilding practice tests, the number of correct answers is given (ex. Choose 2). Is it the same on the actual exam? Also, after working the practice exams a couple times, you get to where you know the answer without even reading the question. So my question is, are the questions on the practice exam representative of the real exam; do the GreenBuilding preactice exams do a good job of covering the same material as the actual exam? Any answers are greatly appreciated.
I found the answers. Just had to dig a little bit. yes the number of answers is given and yes the GreenBuilding practice exams are representative, but not the exact same questions. Thanks.
Fred, the correct answer for MRC6 is 5% exemplary. 2.5% is standard point.
Margie, could you help me with this?
After final ruling, what is another option other than Appeal? Accept ruling? or re-apply for other credit?
Accept ruling means we might go down one step.
Is it possible to re-apply for a new one after final ruling? Thanks!
I have no idea ana, Hopefully this won’t be on the test
let’s hope someone would answer this question, margie…I am preparing for my second exam…got 165 last week…I need the answer…
I would try calling USGBC and asking. Let me know. are there any questions on expedited review policy?
good luck
non, but I will memorize it this time..
btw got the answer from, sample question about appeal explains: that appeal is the only way after a final ruling..I think it means: to do the appeal or accept the ruling.
Thanks, I actually called USGBC. I am disheartened by their lack of information and timely responses, as i’ve contacted them in the past and either not gotten an answer, and an email reply 3 weeks later.
you can do 1 of 2 things-accept or decline-if you decline that means that you have 25 days for the appeal
The WIMSEE chart shows no entries for EP/ID in the Energy & Atmosphere category, yet the October 2007 LEED Reference Guide lists point for Credits 1,2 & 6. I apologize if this was already noted previously. My exam is this month and I’m really studying hard, but keeping abreast with all the Errata is frustrating me. Your site has been extremely helpful as no classes have been available in my area. Thanks.
Does anyone know if USGBC limits a project to (1) ID credit of exemplary performance within an existing credit per LEED category? Or could I, for example, submit for (2) SS exemplary performance credits and (2) MR exemplary performance credits? Thank you!
I had a very similar question and didn’t notice this until I was about to follow up with the same sort of question as you.
It looks like ID1.1-4 can be satisfied by any combination of exemplary performances from different categories but maxes at 4 (see link).
!@#$ it didn’t show link (it’s the 2nd link on this page, just above the chart).
Some others have mentioned that SSc2 and EAc1 are not on this list. SSc4.1 is also missing. Here’s what I have for these three (according to v 2.2 Ref Guide Version 3, Oct 2007):
SSc2 – double the density req’s (a few options for calculating)
SSc4.1 – twice the bus or rail lines and 200 total trips per day
EAc1 – 45.5% – New, 38.5% – Existing
Elyce, thanks for that. I’ve updated the chart to reflect these latest changes. Cheers!
Hey Pat! Thanks for doing this. Your sense of contributing in this way to the promotion of green building is inspiring. I’m 45 minutes away from taking the test, practicing my 10 minute charts (great idea, btw), and noticed another one missing:
EAc2 – 17.5% on-site renewable
a couple questions:
1. how do you know if a credit requires a template or not. some credits don’t even have a template.
2. what is the exact definition of “prescriptive” vs “mandatory” re ASHRAE guidelines?
3. can you appeal a credit denial at any time in the process? it seems you can only appeal after final review.
4. when was the LEED AP certification created?
i can’t seem to find these answers anywhere in the primary reference data.
thanks so much.
thanks so much
Hi Gemini,
I’ll see if I can provide you with some answers:
1. it was my understanding that each credit and prerequisite has a template that is filled on LEED-Online. If you are looking at sample credits, you may only be looking at certain ones, while I believe that each one has a credit, since they require different submittal documents/information.
2. The “presciptive” part is just another way of saying there are rules/regulations regarding that specific ASHRAE code. It’s just part of the credit name that is used to describe it. I cannot find where “mandatory” is used re ASHRAE, unless you are speaking of the ashrae credits that are in prerequisites, then those are mandotry codes that the project team must follow.
3. For denied design credits, you have the option of appealing both after the design and construction phase review. Then after final review, you can appeal once again where you want to meet the points.
4. LEED began in 1998, and I’m only guessing that the test started near or around that time for the same reasons we are taking the test today. To be able to understand the process of LEED cretification and strategies involved with it.
Hope this helps. Good luck!
I ran across that phrase about following both mandatory and prescriptive sections of code someplace, but now I forget where. Possibly EA c1 but now I can’t find it.
Gemini, maybe this will help: generally speaking, “mandatory” would refer to a particular standard that has to be met–for instance, you must achieve a 2% daylight factor–but you are not being given any specific guidance as to how you ought to meet that standard. “Prescriptive,” on the other hand (as in the EA C1 option 2 and 3 Prescriptive Compliance Paths) would imply that you are being given a set of steps to follow, and that if you follow those steps you will be presumed to have met the standard without actually having to show measurements, calculations, etc.
I hope that makes things clearer, rather than more confusing.
I found it–Mandatory & Prescriptive requirements are described at length in EA p2.
Is there an update of this chart available based on the input given here in the comments section?
Thanks in advance!
Hey Franco,
I’ve updated the chart a few days ago, and it should reflect all of the comments here. If i did miss something (I am human!), please let me know. Thanks! Good luck!
Thank you very much, Pat!
Credit 4.1 says EP is given for 2x bus rail lines and 200 trips per day…. I’m not finding this anywhere. Can you verify this and let me know where I can find it published? Thank you for your help.
Hi Bill,
Which edition of the reference guide are you using? If you are using the first or second, you won’t find it as this was an “errata” for the latest edition, edition # 3.
Take a look at this post to make sure you catch all of the changes and updates for the third edition reference guide. I hope this helps!
If you still have questions about it, feel free to keep asking for clarification. That’s why we’re here! Good luck Bill!
Question: What is the difference between exemplary performance and Innovation Design Credit 1? Are the two related with each other?
Good question… exemplary performance credits are related to specific categories, but I think that the credits called out in IDc1.1 – 1.4 relate to the second type of innovation strategy which is not specifically addressed by any existing LEED credits. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
In terms of points, it is specifically stated that only up to four independent sustainability measures may be applied to ID credits (Last sentence of LEED NC 2.2 page 399).
2 weeks studying and I’m a bit confused with this.
If there are 19 (or whatever) possible Exemplary Points available, can you only use the 4 that you may select for ID credits? Or do you get to count them again, sort of as a bonus?
Hi Rookwood,
You can only earn up to 4 (of the 19 or whatever possible Exemplary Points available) which will be counted toward certification through ID Credit 1.1 through 1.4.
Here is another post regarding this matter:
Let us know if it’s not clear still. Thanks and good luck!
Thanx Pat,
The problem I believe I am having is trying to understand why LEED is providing all these areas where the project can earn additional points for going above a “baseline”, then limiting the number that can be claimed.
It seems to me that this is counterproductive to the USGBC/LEED mantra. Why even have the ID c1 section for exemplary performance when performance is addressed under the general rating system? I understand the other areas available for ID credits, but this logic was confusing to me, unless it is offered as bonus points.
Please correct me if I am wrong here, but my understanding is that the 19 (?) exemplary performance credits are available when you are able to (incrementally) achieve more than what is stated in the credits of the other categories (SS, WE, EA, MR, EQ).
The first four innovation in design (ID) credits are set aside for exceptional project innovations that are not covered in the other categories, that show a substantial and quantifiable impact on the project’s effect on the environment.
So I think that you can get up to four of these ID points as well as up to all 19 of these exemplary performance points, but it would be extremely difficult.
I forgot to mention that while getting the answers wrong on the GreenExam Prep practice tests, they show you the correct answers and reference a section of the LEED NC 2.2 guide to explain. In questions regarding innovation and exemplary performance they are quick to point out that there is a difference between the two.
Hey Franco,
That is actually incorrect. Take for instance the WIMSEE chart:
You’ll see that the points possible add up to 69 points total, which we all know is the maximum number of points possible for the top of the platinum rating.
If you look at the WE credit, which says that you can receive 5 points max, which are from: 1.1, 1.2, 2, 3.1 & 3.2. That’s 5 total points not including the exemplary performance credits.
The exemplary performance credits can only be used up to 4 times in ID1.1, ID1.2, ID1.3 & ID1.4. OR, you can use an above and beyond “innovation in design” method, such as making a part of the project a learning center for green and sustainable design, to fulfill credits ID 1.1-1.4.
If we included all of the exemplary points possible, that would be 69+19ish which is 88 points, which we know is not true.
Again, the ID credits 1.1 through 1.4 are reserved to fulfill the exemplary performance option of other credits AND/OR innovation and design methods that the project team goes above and beyond for that is not included in any credits.
Thanks for clearing that up, Pat.
No Problem! It’s a little confusing, and like Rookwood said it’s hard to believe that there could be that many exemplary performance options but only a few spots to actually use them.
Regarding Rookwood’s comment above, this is just how it goes, and I think it may be because it’s a lot easier to deal with the points this way and have projects choose a few specialities in order to achieve exemplary performance rather than try to attempt a whole bunch to reach a certain point threshold.
I am looking at page 37 NC menu
it say There is no EP point available for this credit. Is this mean above chart is not correct???
which version of the reference guide do you have? there were some updates to for the third edition, oct. 2007.
MRc5, regional materials, jumps from 20% to 40% because it is double the threshold minimum.
Keep in mind, MOST Exemplary Performance credits are given by achieving the NEXT INCREMENT (such as in EAc1) or DOUBLING (such as in SSc2) the min requirement.
Each credit is differnt.
I have (unfortunately) taken the test THREE times and keep missing by 1 or 2 pts! I have had the same question on all three tests and i cannot find the answer to it (and many others) no matter how much searching i do. here it is:
What is the incremental amount needed to achieve exemplary performance for recycled content (MRc4.1-4.4)?
I know 30% is the threshold but is it 20% post-consumer + 10% pre-consumer or just plain old 30%? This test does it’s best to trick you (for some sick reason) and i find myself second guessing my answer…which is 20%+10%. PLEASE HELP!
TRC is Total Recycled Cost
TMC is Total Material Cost
To achieve Exemplary performance for MRc4
TRC ? (0.3) TMC
look at this graphic representation
(0)TMC (0.3)TMC (0.6)TMC (1)TMC
0% 30% 60% 100%
TRC will ALWAYS satisfy this:
0 ?TRC?(0.3)TMC (to comply Exemplary Performance)
but we all know that TRC= PostC + (0.5 x PreC)
PostC is Post-Consumer Content Cost
PreC is Pre-Consumer Content Cost
0 ?PostC + (0.5 x PreC)?(0.3)TMC
wich means:
PostC PreC
(0)TMC (0.3)TMC (0.6)TMC (1)TMC
0% 30% 60% 100%
0?PostC?(0.3)TMC (any percentage between zero and 30% of TMC )
0?0.5 x PreC?0.3TMC equivalent to
0? PreC ? 0.6TMC (any percentage between zero and 60% of TMC)
I am just trying to probe you that:
Therefore the answer (20% post-consumer) + (10% pre-consumer) is ONE possibility of combination of the percentages among a set of many possible combinations!
hey, great chart, I truly appreciate it. One questionable element:
green exam prep is claiming an extra ID point for WEc3.2 – 10% reduction in process and non-regulated water use.
Is this accurate, I know green exam prep has missed things before.
Please forgive me if this topic has already been discussed.
Hello all I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a question I have a copy from my old work of LEED NC v2.2 second edition I know the current exam is based on the third edition do i really have to buy the new book or is there someplace i can get the changes? does anyone know how extencive the changes are?
Hi Pat:
On page 87 of your “walkthrough guide” it says: “There are 23 credits in the LEED for New Construction rating system that has(have?) this Exemplary Performance option”.
On the next page however, your chart lists 27 credits. What am I missising here? Can you explain?.
I’m sorry if I’m going over something already discussed. Thank you.
my understanding of the pre- vs. post-consumer recycled content was that the post-consumer counts fully, while you only get half credit for pre-consumer content. For example, something that is 40% pre-consumer, 25% post- would count the same as 45% post-consumer content. It doesn’t matter what the proportions of the two are, so long as they add up to min. 10% (or 20% or 30%)
This makes sense in the spirit of recycling, since the material gets more use before being recycled if it is post-consumer, and I think that is why it is tallied this way.
I am curious how I would include furniture in all MRc3-7. Can someone please give an example.
I have been studying decision makers on the LEED Flash Cards and find the terms architect and designer confusing. Are they one in the same?
Probably should post your MR question in one of the MR forums (if you haven’t already). I’ll try to answer it here quickly: If you use chairs made from recycled material, you can use the cost of the chair against the cost of all materials for MRc4. BUT you have to use the cost of the chairs in the other credits as well, whether or not they meet the requirements of the other credits (MRc3,5,6,7).
‘Designer’ is a generic term for the role designing a system. Mechanical Engineer is a ‘designer’ for the ventilation; Landscape Architect may be the ‘designer’ for vegetation tasks; Civil Engineer is the ‘designer’ for the stormwater management tasks. The term architect is more specific to the tasks of designing the building layout efficiency, windows, doors, exterior materials, etc, having to do with the functional ‘look and feel’ of the building. IOW, architect is a subset of designer.
Guess I didn’t do that very quickly, did I?
Question on the Florida practice exams – I&D Process Quiz – Question #6:
Which category offers the most opportunities for exemplary performance credits under IDc1?
I count 7 under SS because you can get two under SSc4 – one for the Transportation Mgmt Plan and one for making Public Transit more accessible.
I count 6 under MR.
They are showing MR as correct.
Perhaps the exam predates the last errata?
Thoughts on this?
ID credits.
What does it mean that “four indipendent sustainability measures may be applied to ID credits?
Can I obtain 4 ID creadits all in MR, for example?
Process loads.
Is there a simple logical way to remember what is to be included in process loads other than memorizing everithing?
Please clarify the following: According to the LEED for New Construction Version 2.2 (Page 135), the explemplary performance for WE c2 is given under the ID category, yet there are several sources that indicate that explemplary points are available under WE credits 2, 3.1 and 3.2. Are there 3 E.P. points available in WE or 2?
The exemplary performance point for WEc3 (40%) is just one. If you get a reduction of 20% you earn a point under WEc3.1, if the reduction is 30% you earn 2 points (1 for WEc3.1+ 1 additional for WEc3.2) and if you get a riduction of 40% you get the exemplary performance point.
Hope this helps
I was in a professional practice class that did a case study on a project that was under construction and applying for LEED certification. It is my understanding that our in-depth case study was used by the design team to acquire an additional point. Am I correct to assume that this falls under an ID point?
Hello Folks! How I wish, I had known about this excellent website earlier enough! My LEED NC v2.2 exam date is June 30, 2009, the very last day. I am very much under prepared. I have just 40 hours of expendable time to cram in as much info I could into my brain! Any tips? Thanks!
MR5 is doubling, 10%-20% is double, 20%-40% is double. A strange kind of doubling, but thats what helps me remember its increments.
can AP in commercial interior give Id credit for project rating system in new construction or AP should be proffesional in the same rating system to get the ID credit point for the project?
Hi Shereen,
Just read a post in that there is a discussion for LEED 2012 to do exactly that. Getting the AP ID point for a project means you need the right sort of AP for that specific rating system.
— Franco