If you didn’t know already, there are three editions of the LEED for New Construction version 2.2 reference guide. The first was issued in October of 2005, the second in September of 2006, and the third and latest edition in October of 2007. If you borrowed one from a friend, or have one in your office, check to see which edition you’re using. Not the latest? Don’t worry, this post will help you.
There are slight variations from edition to edition. Many of the changes are minor, such as website link updates and re-definitions of terms. Others, however, may impact what you see on the exam.
Luckily, the USGBC has been kind enough to issue what they call "Errata Sheets" or corrections & updates for each printed version of the reference guide. For your convenience, I’ve posted links to the errata sheets (in PDF format) here:
- Latest Errata Sheet for LEED NCv2.2 First Edition (10 pages)
- Latest Errata Sheet for LEED NCv2.2 Second & Third Edition (13 pages)
You’ll notice that the second link is for both the Second & Third editions. Yes, there are changes to the newest version as well, and they are listed at the beginning of that PDF.
WAIT! Before you look too deeply into those Errata Sheets, I’ve conveniently made note of which changes you should know for the exam. No matter which reference guide you’re using, please use the following to update your reference guide:
(updated July 2, 2008)
download the excel file below so you can edit it
inthe-LEED-errata.xls (6,652 downloads)
Also, for your information, there was an update that was made to EAc1 – Optimize Energy Performance. The information is not found on errata sheets above (for some reason), but I found a separate errata sheet especifically for this credit below:
Now you should be equipped with all of the required updates and erratas to correctly study for the exam – no matter which reference guide you have. Again, don’t be freaked out by these changes, there really isn’t that much. But the ones I did put into the chart above you should definitely examine a little.
Hopefully this is helpful for all of you and you can spend more time studying rather than catching up on what the latest updates are all about. Please let me know if there is anything I should add to this list.
As always, best of luck to you – and cheers!
20 Comments On This Post
I am new to your web site, but I find it very well organized and helpful.
I am following your tips and advices since I have look arround and your study plan seems more specific and at the same time simple and direct.
I am aware that the release of the third edition of the LEED NC 2.2 reference manual will not affect greatly the exam but just for my future reference…
Do you think you can email me the word/excel document used in preparing the image showing the erratum (above)?
I will continue to look into the different areas in your site to keep picking up tips for my preparation. It’s just that you have a lot of information on LEED, which also has a lot of info.
I will just follow your LEED! Thank you for a great site
Ernesto, I’ve uploaded the excel file to the blogpost for everyone use. It’s probably a good idea so anyone can add, edit or make notes of their own on it.
If you have any questions about anything, please post as many comment’s and questions as you’d like for everyone to contribute to!
Good luck Ernesto!
Thank You Pat,
I was so happy to stumble across your website while trying to google a definition..
You and your site are truly wonderful. With your organization and encouragement,the material becomes manageable. I wish I had found it a while ago!
Thanks also for your continued visits and responses!!!
hi, guy!
i am doing some preparation on LEED AP exam, and intend to attend this exam in secondhalf of 2008. i have pretty many questions on LEED because of my environmental background.do you guys have similar questions, the same as me?
Everybody has many questions about the exam, and I’m not sure which particular questions you have at the moment, but please feel free to ask them and I or others will do our best to help. You can also use the LEED ARE Forum (http://www.areforum.org/forums/forum12/) to ask your questions as well. Who knows, maybe some of your questions have already been answered!
Best of luck to you, Jason. Stop by anytime.
I was wondering how much interest you see in LEED CI or EB? It seems that the vast majority of LEED APs take the LEED NC exam and as such the majority of the study materials are for LEED. Does anyone know of study materials or sites dedicated to the other LEED standards?
I have been starting to go through some of your tables and they are going to be very helpful. I am looking at the “Summary of Credits” table, and I have a question. For Credit No. SS2 you have down that there are no Exemplary points available for this credit. Is this True?
From my reference guide it seems that they explain how to earn an exemplary point for this credit.
Thanks for all the info,
your question is already answered at this link
http://www.intheleed.com/ss2/ . each credit has its own page.. so most probably ur question was previously asked.
you are missing the latest errata
Do you have a reference for the responsible engineer, architect,owner-developer,landscape architect, contractor, etc. that is responsible for decisions on each of the LEED credits? Many questions are asked on sample tests, but the NC2.2 doesn’t seem to identify who the responsible team member is. Please advise. BIRDR
Hi Ryan,
This link should help you out:
Best of luck!
Hello Pat,
I have the October 2005 edition of the NC Reference Guide and plan to take the exam soon… would you recommend purchasing the 3rd edition, or do you think I can manage with the 1st edition and the errata sheets?
Thanks for your help.
Lets say your client wants to build a project in two phases. The project has to be LEED silver. Everything go’s as planned for the first phase, but when the second phase start’s three years later the added sq ft on the site expands the footprint and now changes the project’s LEED calcs for most of the credits. Will the first phase of the project lose its Silver status and get recalibrated?
How does LEED certify existing certified projects that need to expand out not up?
I currently have a copy of the first edition October 2005 reference guide. The errata sheets for the first edition seem to no longer be posted on USGBC. Do you have a copy of the errata sheet that you can post?
I appreciate you help.
Pat – same as above (Kat’s question)- or does the errata for the 2nd/3rd cover the same info in the 1st as well?
on the spread sheet errata chnages, for the last few entries, should that be june 08 rather than june 06? or is it correct as is? thanks
Is the only difference between the Ref Guide 2nd edition and 3rd edition that errata for the previous edition were incorporated? Ie. were there any other changes in the 3rd ed. RG that were policy changes, not errata?
If so is there a list of the differences between second and third?