There are two phases where a project team can submit documentation for LEED certification: they are named the design phase and construction phase .
Here is a quote straight from the USGBC on why:
"Project teams will have the option to submit documentation in two separate phases: first for the design phase, and then the construction phase. Submitting design phase credits at one time and then moving to the construction phase facilitates ongoing feedback to the project throughout the project’s progression. This will allow design teams to modify design documents prior to commencing construction, and will give teams and building owners confidence that the project is on track for certification."
Each credit has it’s own submittal phase, but it’s not that difficult to learn. I like charts – so here’s another one for your viewing pleasure regarding submittal phases for the LEED AP exam.
Here some other helpful charts that I’ve recently posted:
Thanks for your awesome comments everyone! They make me work even harder to provide useful tips and info for the exam. Keep ’em coming!
30 Comments On This Post
Awesome site! Just found it today. Wish I had found it earlier…my exam is tomorrow.
I think there are a few mistakes in your chart based on the reference guide for v2.2 (see below):
SSc5.1 – construction
EAc4 – design
EAc5 – construction
Thanks Danielle,
Are you sure about EAc5? In my reference guides I have it in the design phase, but it does make sense to have it in the construction phase. Can anyone confirm which phase this credit belongs to please? Thanks!
The reference guide does say Design submittal EAc5. I just thought it was strange that this wasn’t a construction submittal since M&V can’t be done until after construction, so I checked the errata to make sure my thinking wasn’t crazy. The errata posted on 8/1/07 changes EAc5 to a construction submittal.
Hopefully this won’t be on the test…seems unfair to test on all the stuff in the errata.
Thanks Danielle, I agree with you. Anyways, good luck on the test! Thanks for checking up on that!!!
Personally, I find it easier to memorize the chart if I use “AD” as All Design and “AC” as All Construction. AD is the top and botttom two and the middle is 1D 2C, then AC below it. I’m a very visual person, so the less letters the better.
Would it not be easier to remember this chart if it was in WIMSEE format?’re probably right Andrew. I made this chart a few weeks after I made the WIMSEE one, so I didn’t want to go back and change the original post. I don’t really know why I started with SW though, maybe because that’s how it was in the reference guide, then I wanted a “word” to memorize so i just went from there. I dunno. Should I change it?
Thanks for your comment Andrew.
It’s your call. Maybe others will comment too….For me, I wrote it down as WIMSEE right next to it. I’m an engineer, so I need the consistency…
I think the chart is wrong about the I credits. In the book it says Design or Construction for the 1.1-1.4 credits.
Thanks for all your support!!
Hey Jeremy,
Which edition of the reference guide are you looking at? The second edition says design for 1.1-1.4 and construction for 2. Any insight would be very helpful! Thanks!
To answer your question to Jeremy; on page 395 of V2.2 Third Edition October 2007 there is a “ID Credit Characteristics Table”. The Table states that IDc1.1-IDc1.4 are Design or Construction Submittal and IDc2 is Construction Submittal. Hope that helps clarify.
Pat – I’ve been loving your website – thanks! I revised this chart to have the section with the least construction credits on top, and the most on the bottom (similar to the WIMSEE idea). I ended up with WISE(a)QM W=0, I=1, S=3, E(a)=4, Q=6 and M=all,except P1. I’ve been remembering it as “Wise Queen Mary”. Don’t know who Queen Mary is, but as silly as it is it works…
Hi Pat! Thanks a ton for this grt website…! I read all the comments and am now confused regarding the errors in this phase chart…Could you pl clarify my doubts??
S.S: AD (Except P1,5.1,7.1)Why 7.1?
E.A: AD (Except P1,3,5,6)
Hi Swatee,
From my understanding, the SS and EA credits you mentioned are correct in their phases. To be honest, the exam will probably not ask you about which credits are under which submittal, but definitely know them since it’s not that hard to memorize, and just incase.
SS7.1 per the reference guide is under the construction phase, but for the real reason, I am not sure. Would anyone like to clarify?
I found this a great starting point, but to me it made more sense to change how you have EQ and EA stated. I made EQ “construction = 3, 4” and EA “design = 1, 2, 4.” To me, it made more sense – and less to write.
I also added a column to the WIMSEE chart, and put this ‘phase’ info in that column. Now it’s all one chart.
i have made this chart with consolidated info to write before exam , want to know how big piece of paper is provided, i dont think we can take one.
You will be provided with standard 8.5″ x 11″ paper, i can’t remember if it was one or two sheets, but I only used one myself.
You cannot bring anything into the exam room with you, not even your wallet and keys (they provide lockers for you)
Hope this info helps. Good luck!
oh great!!! the chart size is about right.i am so glad.
Could you update your chart?
It is a great reference…
How many days will it take to get the LEED Walkthrough to Dubai, UAE? Is the payment procedure same?
Greetings A/all!
I passed! God is good!!! 185 on My first try!
This website was a big reason! The charts are great but more importantly, the input from everyone to all the questions really made a difference!
By the way…..What is LEED AP+ ???
WIMSEE advanced…. this chart combined with WIMSEE, based on above comments
I have a WIMSEE chart from the U of Florida site (I believe) that has the Indoor Environmental Quality as the “I” in the chart at 15 points, and does not list an EQ. The call it the WMSIE Chart. Is your chart the same, and I’m missing something? (They have an “E” – Energy and Atmophere at 17 points.)
How did you determine these submittal phases? I am studing for the LEED-CI exam, and can’t seem to find this information anywhere in the reference guide. Did you just infer this info?
thanks so much!
Pat, I have a question. If all ID 1.x credits are to be submitted, how do you submit for Exemplary Performance in SS 5.1, which is supposed to be submitted during Construction Phase Submittal?
Rachel, I had the same question so I searched online and found this.
hope this helps.
J… Thank you so much!!! This is awesome! I really appreciate your post, it helps a lot!
Best of luck to you!!
Do you have an updated wimseer and ASHRAE chart for LEED V3 New Building Construction and Major Renovation?
Thank you,
HI Scott, I’ll do my best to have these up as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience.
What about V3, how do I know if a credit must be submitted for the design or the construction review without LEED Online?