I’m going to attempt to make sense of all the new changes and how it will impact your current or future LEED credential:
There is now a two-tiered credentialing system for LEED. Under LEED v3, you can either be
- A LEED AP with Specialty
- A LEED Green Associate
Click the highlighted text below to find out information if…
If You Are Currently a LEED AP
If you’ve passed any of the LEED AP Exams already (NC, CI, EB) and have earned your LEED AP Credential before LEED v3, then this section is for you.
You have these THREE options:
1. You can become a LEED AP with specialty by enrolling in the new LEED v3 system before June 2011. This involves:
- agreeing to the Credentialing Maintenance Program (CMP)
- signing the Disciplinary Policy
- completing the CMP requirements for the initial 2-year reporting period.
Once enrolled, you can use the BD&C, ID&C, or O&M designations after your name.
Application for this process will begin this summer, although the O&M (operations and maintenance) specialty credential can be applied for already. Click link below for more information.
2. You can become a LEED AP with specialty also by passing one of the new specialty exams, which is required to do before June 2011. Normally, specialty exams include the Green Associate Portion and the Specialty Portion . Since you’re already a LEED AP, you only need to take the Specialty Portion ). This involves:
- agreeing to the Credentialing Maintenance Program (CMP)
- signing the Disciplinary Policy
- passing one of the Specialty Tests (BD&C, ID&C, or O&M)
After you pass, there will be ongoing CMP requirements that you must complete for your specialty.
Application for this process will begin this summer, although the O&M (operations and maintenance) specialty credential can be applied for already. Click link below for more information.
3. You can do nothing. You will still be considered a LEED AP without specialty .
If You Are NOT Currently a LEED AP
You will have to become a part of LEED under the new v3.0 system. Registration for the older exams (New Construction v2.2, Commercial Interiors v2.0) ended on April 1st. For confirmation about this on the GBCI website, please click here .
To enter the LEEDv3 program, you have two options:
- Take the LEED Green Associate Exam
- Take a LEED Specialty Exam (which includes the GA Exam from above as well)
So how do you know which one you should take? Read more about each exam below:
1. The LEED Green Associate Exam (LEED GA)
From the GBCI website:
This exam is basic green building knowledge. Based on a quote from Beth Holst (VP of credentialing for the GBCI) from the GreenBuild 2008 annoucement of LEED v3 , it’s for the product manufacturers, the marketers, the finance people, people in customer service for a large construction firm, students, etc.
So, if you’re going to be working on in the field on green projects, then you’ll want to look at the specialty exams below, but if you’ll somehow be associated with green buildings, then the Green Associate Exam is for you.
There are, however, eligibility requirements necessary to be able to sit for the exam. From the handbook (see link below), in order to take the LEED Green Associate exam you have to at least ONE of the following:
- You must have previous experience supporting a LEED-registered project
- You must have experience working in a sustainable field of work
- You must have attended an education program that addresses green building principles.
Your experience must be documented in the form of a letter from a supervisor, client, project manager, or teach and must describe your involvement. (A completion certificate from an educational program, or an official transcript will suffice).
- You must also agree to the disciplinary policy
- You must also agree to the CMP (credential maintenance program)
More info in the handbook (see link below).
Test Info:
- 2 hour exam
- 100 multiple choice questions
- computer-based
- USGBC national members/full-time students: $150, All others: $200
- more information in handbook (see link below)
You can now apply for the GA exam on the GBCI website by clicking on the link below (an informational handbook can be found here as well ):Apply for LEED Green Associate Exam
I just finished working on a new study guide for The Green Associate Exam. Click below to check it out!
From the GBCI website:
A LEED AP is an individual who has passed the exam and possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in the design process, to support and encourage integrated design, and to streamline the application and certification process.
This exam is more technical than the GA exam, and is for those of us who will be working in the field. Architects, contractors, engineers, etc. are all likely test-takers for a LEED Specialty Exam.
The exam is a two-part exam. The first part is exactly the same as the Green Associate Exam from above, and the second part is for the specialty that you choose. As previously mentioned, if you are already a LEED AP and are planning on taking the specialty exam, you do not need to take the GA portion of the two-part test.
There are, however, eligibility requirements necessary to be able to sit for the exam. From the handbook (see link below), in order to take a LEED AP specialty exam, you MUST have:
- You must also agree to the disciplinary policy
- You must also agree to the CMP (credential maintenance program)
Test Info:
- 2 part exam, about 2 hours each (4 hours total)
- 100 multiple choice questions for each part (200 total)
- computer-based
- For two-part exam: USGBC national members $300, All others: $400
- For specialty exam only (current LEED APs): USGBC national members $150, All others: $250
- more information in handbook (see link below)
You can already apply for the O&M exam. The other credentials will be rolled out later this summer as well. Please visit the link below for more information about the new LEED AP+ exam from the GBCI website:
Apply for LEED AP O&M Exam (or see handbook)
Feel free to ask questions below. I may not have the answer right away, but I’ll do my best to search for the answer for you.
Thanks everyone for your support.
-Pat Flynn, LEED AP
Note: I’m still trying to figure out exactly what the Credentialing Maintenance Program (CMP) is all about, so I’ll keep you updated on that as I find out new information.
Also, I do realize there is a third tier (LEED AP Fellow). It won’t involve most of us, but if you’re interested, you can read about it here . Thanks!
70 Comments On This Post
Thank you for kind time and support
my question is:
can I be LEED in New Construction & Existing Buildings only.
If yes can you provide me the importandt documents and materials to understand more about LEED & Green Buildings and to pass the exam
Thanks in advance
Hi Pat,
Once again an excellent job of digesting all the LEED 2009 information down into an abridged format.
Nick D.
Hey Pat… Thanks a lot for all the effort in putting everything up here. The material here is quite simplified and helpful. I am taking my exam on this 11th and I am wondering if i have sufficient time! Its still ver2.2 for me. I have read through the guide once and I am starting from today to really get into it. how much time on a daily basis do you think will be enough?
Dear Pat
Thanks for your info.
You mentioned that” previous experience with a LEED Registered Project within three years of your application submittal date.”
Is Registered Project adequate, no need of any certification required?
What do the following mean?
* You must also agree to the disciplinary policy
* You must also agree to the CMP (credential maintenance program)
I’ve been pursuing my studying for the previous LEED AP exam, and due to work overtime, missed the deadline for the 2.x exam. Now I’m looking at the LEED Green Associate exam as a stepping stone to get into the LEED industry and expand my job prospects – however with employers reluctant to hire anyone not certified for LEED projects, how is one expected to gain the “previous experience with a LEED Registered Project” in order to be allowed to take the exam in the first place? It seems that if the Green Associate exam is meant to be the stepping-stone entry certification, then that should be a prerequisite for working on a LEED project, not the other way around. (Seems the USGBC is disallowing an awful lot of interested people from becoming certified.) Do you have any suggestions on how to gain the LEED project experience required with understandably reluctant employers in this tough economy?
Hi Pat-
Thanks for the great info.
I am considering taking the LEED ND test when it comes out – but am a little unclear how my status as a LEED AP will work with that.
Is there anyone else out there in this same position? Any info to share?
I feel B, Gibson’s pain. I discovered LEED and the USGBC two years ago when I was working on my interior decorating certificate. I started reviewing LEED-NC last Fall,as well as attended the Expo in Boston. Just like Gibson, I cannot sit for LEED-AP. I want to be involved with Neighborhood Development as I work towards a possible Master’s in Landscape Architecture during the next two years. Seems to me, folks working on LEED projects should be eager to have Green Associates helping. It takes a lot of time, energy, and MONEY just to do that much! I took the LEED-NC for Contrator’s workshop, and what a load of documents to keep up with. As a professional organizer, that’s my cup of tea…it’s a “team effort” isn’t it? I have my own time-line and goals, but am frustrated by the lack of response from others to help me out in this, at least in the current area I live. I’m hoping to have a better response when I move.
Hi Pat,
I’m a little confused about the new exam process and would appreciate if you can make this a bit more clear. LEED AP + Specialty Exam requires 2part exam with a total of 4 hrs. Can I take the LEEd Green Associate Exam separately and then take the LEED AP Specialty another time? Or is the exam taken at once with a total seat time of 4 hrs?
Do you know what study guides I need to get to study for LEED Green Associate? I called USGBC and they said for LEED G.A., we dont need the Reference guide and just what was given on the handbook, but I’m not so sure if that is true. What do you think?
Hello Pat,
Thanks a lot for the update. I’m an Indian. A graduate civil engineer having experience in participating a LEED registered Core and Shell Building from Client side as project coordinator and worked with the feedbacks from a LEED AP Architect(Ar. Karan Grover based on Baroda, India) and a LEED AP HVAC consultant(Deepa Satiaram based on Chennai, India).
Now worked as an AGM of a PMC company undertaking the renovation and refurbishment work of Taj Group of Hotels at Vizag.
Want to prepare for the Exam.
My question is what speciality i should opt for and where could i sit for the exam.
Thanks for your patience.
Saibal Saha.
I am a current LEED AP who would like to add the Homes designation. As a current AP, do I have to have meet the eligibility requirements for participating in a LEED project in the last 3 years in order to sit for the Homes Exam? I haven’t been able to find an answer to this question!
Since you passed the exam before the June 30th, 2009 deadline you do not need to sit for this exam. You probably passed the NC (new construction) version of the test and will automatically be categorized into the new BD&C designation. However the webinar by GBCI recently stated that if you are working in another category such as “Homes” then you can request to go to that category instead when you are in the process of opting in.
You do need they fore mentioned experience to sit for the v3 homes exam and can segway to BD&C pass homes and add that behind your name as well. There will be some people who take another version so they can advertise themselves as able to work on more styles of projects. If your primary bussiness is going to be homes I would just find out how to request that you are re-categorized into LEED for homes during the opt in process and skip any additional exam.
Hello all,
I participated in the LEED Green Associate Beta Test and passed the test. If anyone has any questions I’ll be happy to answer them. Pat, please feel free to contact me. Your site has been a great help to me, and I’m happy to return the favor.
Thanks for the info on V3. I just passed the V2.2 exam and I am curious about the advantages, if any, of going for a specialty.
Mark S.
Since you have taken the LEED Green Assoc. exam what would you suggest as study material. I have read through some of the reference material listed in GA Handbook, but is just seems to be list of vast material.
Prior to the beta test had you already taken any of the AP test?
You are very generous with your wealth of information, thank you.
I’m currently a LEED AP, took the NC 2.2 version test last year. I plan on:
1. You can become a LEED AP with specialty by enrolling in the new LEED v3 system before June 2011. This involves:
a. agreeing to the Credentialing Maintenance Program (CMP)
b. signing the Disciplinary Policy
c. completing the CMP requirements for the initial 2-year reporting period.
Once enrolled, you can use the BD&C, ID&C, or O&M designations after your name.
I neglected to check notify of followup comments via email, therefore, I’m submitting my question again.
I am currently a LEED AP, took the NC 2.2 version test last year. I plan on:
1. You can become a LEED AP with specialty by enrolling in the new LEED v3 system before June 2011. This involves:
a. agreeing to the Credentialing Maintenance Program (CMP)
b. signing the Disciplinary Policy
c. completing the CMP requirements for the initial 2-year reporting period.
Once enrolled, you can use the BD&C, ID&C, or O&M designations after your name.
Thank you!
Hi Pat,
I am a RA in the States of New York, but have no required experience to sit for the LEED exam in the future. I am teaching in Ireland and don’t see myself working in any LEED project in the near future. I really want to study and sit for the AP Speciaty Test. Please help.
Many thanks.
I just took my test and got a 164 score. How do I take the test again before June 30th
I would like to know what I should study in order to take the LEED Associate exam. I missed the date to take the LEED v2.2 and now I do not have the eligibility requirements to take de LEED with specialty exam.
Thank you,
I’m taking the LEED version NC 2.2 exam this weekend and after reading the information above, it appears if I pass this exam I not really getting much of a benefit from USGBC in order to get certified with their new credentials.
Which brings up another point, I think most of us feel very strongly about the importance of what LEED is trying to do for the environment requiring buildings to be designed more efficient and hopefully over their life-cycle more cost effective but, I believe within three to four years most of this LEED criteria is going to be incorporated into IBC so whether or not anyone has LEED credentials or a building is LEED certified may be pointless. Obviously the cost is substantial to get a building certified which is part of difficulty of getting clients willing to pay for these costs. Clients still have to justify costs to potential tenants and most are not as willing to pay $3 to $4 more per SF on their rental rate.
I am impressed by your website and the effort you have put in to helping others get through the LEED examination. You obviously have a desire to help others which might serve you very well after you get the professional qualifications you need (RA or PE-I’m assuming you were either educated in an architectural or engineering field)to go back to academia and use your skills in teaching others. You’re doing a great job of providing information to those of us planning to take the exam.
Ok, my first attempt at answering your questions:
@Fadi: If you’re already a LEED AP, you can either stay what they call a LEED Legacy (by doing nothing), or categorizing yourself in only one of those specialty categories mentioned above. (BD&C, ID&C or O&M) BD+C does take care of Major Renovations, Core and Shell and School Projects, all in one.
@Yog: good luck on your v2.2 exam. It depends on each person, but I think a good 3 – 4 hours of studying per day, and possibly more right before your exam is sufficient. This is just my opinion, however.
@SR.Valluri: I believe previous experience on a registered project will suffice, so long as you can get a letter from your supervisor or someone else working on the project describing exactly what you did. Also, the disciplinary policy is just a document from the USGBC that you must sign, like a terms of agreement regarding your LEED credentials, and the credentialing maintenance program is a requirement that is kind of like continuing education. A certain amount of hours will have to be done every two years, and you must agree to this.
@B, Gibson: I agree with your statement. Anyways, it can be difficult to find that experience. If you work for a firm that is somehow related to a LEED project, I would make sure to try and get on board with that. If not, maybe there is some volunteer work on a local project that you could do? I’m not sure exactly how that would work, but it’s worth a shot. I think it would be much easier to attend an education program for LEED, which would qualify you for the LEED GA exam per the requirements above.
@Loulie: I think it will work in the same way as the specialty exams. The ND (neighborhood development) exam will probably come out later, but you can read more about it here:http://www.usgbc.org/DisplayPage.aspx?CMSPageID=148
@Annie: I agree.
@Helly: I believe you’d be able to take both parts separately, although it will cost you more in the long run. There is no exact reference guide for the GA exam, but there is a list of resources in the GA handbook. The test is going to be more general than the specialty exams (no standards, forumlas, etc.), so I do believe a reference guide is not necessary. Here’s a link to the handbook: http://www.gbci.org/ShowFile.aspx?DocumentID=3571
@Saibal Saha: Which specialty exam you should take is totally up to you, and your decision should be based on the type of buildings you want to work on, or projects you believe you will be working on in the future. You can read more about the different rating systems for LEED here: http://www.usgbc.org/DisplayPage.aspx?CMSPageID=222.
As far as where can you take the exam, I do know a lot of people who found prometric testing facilities in India, so it shouldn’t be a problem. I think when you sign up to take your exam, you’ll be prompted to a test facility find closest to where you live.
@Autumn: See Robs answer below your question: Since you passed the exam before the June 30th, 2009 deadline you do not need to sit for this exam. You probably passed the NC (new construction) version of the test and will automatically be categorized into the new BD&C designation. However the webinar by GBCI recently stated that if you are working in another category such as “Homes” then you can request to go to that category instead when you are in the process of opting in.
You do need they fore mentioned experience to sit for the v3 homes exam and can segway to BD&C pass homes and add that behind your name as well. There will be some people who take another version so they can advertise themselves as able to work on more styles of projects. If your primary bussiness is going to be homes I would just find out how to request that you are re-categorized into LEED for homes during the opt in process and skip any additional exam. (Thanks Rob!)
@Mark Siegel: the new specialties will be what is required to work on a particular project of that kind. Also, it will show that you’re currently up to date with LEED, which may help for marketing purposes and/or your resume and work experience.
@Terry, you are correct.
@Loy, your best bet would probably be to take the GA exam first. Once you have that under your belt, you may be able to use that to gain some experience on some LEED projects in the future, which will be the stepping stone for you to take the specialty exam, since you do need that experience in order to do so.
@Calvin: Registration for the NCv2.2 and CIv2.0 exams has expired, so if you took your exam after April 1st and failed, you cannot reschedule and you’ll have to go for LEEDv3 GA or a LEED v3 specialty exam, per the requirements above.
@Maria: see my answer for Helly’s question above.
@John from 5/19: Good luck on your exam
@John from 5/20: Thanks John, I really appreciate your kind words. I’m just a guy trying to help people, who will ultimately help the world.
Thank you for supplying us with the answers to our numerous questions, you are appreciated.
Thanks for the information on WIMSEE, I’m sure it will help me to recall this information.
I also added a number sequence to help me remember what for me are difficult questions that keep popping up in the practice exams. These questions involve Credits in the Material Resource Section. I have a hard time recalling which credits can be taken with other credits so I wrote down the following to help: MR 12/3467 +5
Credits 1.1-1.3 are Building Reuse credits
Credits 2.1-2.2 are Construction Waste credits
Credits 3,4,6 & 7 cannot be taken together.
Credit 5 may be taken with any of the credits as long as it is extracted and manufactured within 500 miles.
By doing this I’ve not missed a question on the practice exam pertaining to MR Credits.
The only other items I’ve bother to memorize involves the following (I don’t memorize everything just enough info to help with the questions)
Hopefully this little bit of memorization will be enough to allow me figure out the correct answers when I get to them.
I’ll let you know how I did after this weekend. If anyone has any other things to jot down quickly I would greatly appreciate their notes. Thanks.
Hi Pat,
Thank you very much for the detailed explaination of LEED 2009.I am an Architect by profession and have done my Masters in Renewable Energy, i dont have any experience of working on LEED project.Now as per the new rules we need to prove the experience of working on LEED related project. Can i use my Masters education as an experience to qualify for Green Associate exam? As rightly said by others in previous comments, it is difficult to find a job which can get you experience of working on LEED projects without having some kind of accreditation.
I hope I’m not showing my ignorance too much but what is a Masters in Renewable Energy? I didn’t know there was such a degree. Wouldn’t it be a Masters in a defined field of practice with maybe an emphasis in “Renewable Energy”? Degrees have changed a lot since I was in school so I’m always curious when I see one that seems rather extraordinary. I would guess this LEED exam will be rather easy for someone with your educational background.
Quite honestly if I were you, I would look toward firms that are fairly large for employment. Firms such as HOK, SOM maybe HNTB which have an interest with individuals that have a specialty background in renewable energy; they also have clientele that typcally have the resources for designing their buildings to LEED standards so it might be easier to get the experience of being on a LEED project for the new examination. Look for EA firms such as HNTB may have the resources to continue to employ new people during this downturn in the economy.
Though LEED projects have become much better known in the past few years, the large majority of projects currently are not LEED projects. Another potential employer to look for are employers that do a lot of governmental work. The new administration seems to be encouraging green applications for new governmental facilities so look for this type of employer.
Many chapters of Habitat for Humanity are doing LEEDs projects…this is a possible way to volunteer and participate on a project.
Hi Pat,
I’m a Construction Professional from India and wish to obtain LEED certification under the new format (i.e. LEED AP (ID+C).
However I haven’t yet had any opportunity to work on LEED certified/registered projects. In such case, can I still apply to appear for the exam. Also what is the earliest timeframe in which the new exams will be rolled out. Please let me know.
Thank you very much for your responses. I had been considering offering to volunteer to assist in a project, but was hesitating due to concerns about the potential of a firm’s liability not covering non-staff efforts. The idea of checking out Habitat for Humanity is worth considering (I would assume their liability structure would sufficiently handle volunteers.)
I am most interesting in this comment:
“I think it would be much easier to attend an education program for LEED, which would qualify you for the LEED GA exam per the requirements above.”
I can’t seem to find anything in the documentation making this an allowed option. Could you please elaborate on which education programs are sufficient to qualify as “previous experience with a LEED Qualified Project”?
Per Page 11 of the GA Handbook, under eligibility requirements:
“To take the LEED GA exam, you must have previous experience supporting a LEED Registered Project, working in a sustainable field of work, or attending an education program that addresses green building principles. You only have to meet one of these criteria to demonstrate eligibility”
Dear Pat
I am based in India. Could you suggest me an educational program I may take up which would make me eligible for LEED GA. Are such educational programs available online which are recognised by USGBC as valid educational programs.
Hey, I’m lucky I passed on my first try. This is a great website with many interesting people contributing. Thanks to everyone and thanks again Pat for getting this going!
Hi Pat, help me out. what’s the maximum category of test that I can take for the LEED 2009 V.3?
I’m a certified general contractor in Fla. since 1976. I have worked on different commercial and residential project with a wide range of energy designs to lower operating cost. I have not worked on a LEED project but have build A Best in Sunbelt Homes in 1986 for nonmechanucal passive cooling and an Aurora Award winning home in energy efficient in 1988.
What can I qualify for?
Have you had any luck finding out specific information about the new CMP requirements? GBCI and USGBC websites are pretty vague on the topic. I’m especially interested in whether the learning units will overlap with the AIA’s new required sustainability learning units. It would be nice if we could kill two birds with one stone when we sit for these seminars.
Hi Pat, regarding the criteria of attending an educational program that addresses green building principles, what kind of programs are acceptable? Is there a list of approved programs? I am a member of IIDA and attended and received credit for a CEU titled “Sustainable Interior Environments”. Would a course such as this qualify me to take the Green Associate exam?
If one is already a LEED AP, you said there are three options.
If I take the first option, I can become a LEED AP Speciality without giving any exam(pls confirm this) but following the three actions.
* agreeing to the Credentialing Maintenance Program (CMP)
* signing the Disciplinary Policy
* completing the CMP requirements for the initial 2-year reporting period.
When can we get the procedure for doing the above?
Thanks, I passed the AP test….
Hi Pat,
I wish to know about study material /reference guides for green associate exam.How I should decide short course that are on USGBC site to fulfill the GA exam eligibility criteria
Thank you once again for all the information you have on here. I have passed LEED AP exam last December (with a lot of help from your site), and I had a questions about specialties that I was not able to find an answer to. So, If I took LEED NC, but I also do residential, can I have both BD&C AND Homes specialty? In the case I can, would I ONLY need to take Homes Specialty exam and automatically be enrolled into BD&C because I took New Construction V2.2? Or if it is specialty, then it can only be one specialty?
Thank you so much!
I wish i had known about your site when i studied (and passed) v2.0 – just a couple of comments to all Leed 2009 confused people. If you have a certification under the old system don’t bother with the new system. It will require continuing education and yearly maintenance fee and it will require you to take tests on a 2 to 3 year cycle. Even for my Architects license i’m not required to retest every few years. The USGBC is sitting on a money pit. That is why the AIA voted against making LEED the official standard this past year at the convention. Don’t get me wrong I am all for continuing to push the envelope but the USGBC is wayyy behind nations in the EU. I wish everyone luck.
I agree the USGBC is getting beyond ridiculous for their professional certification and people need to understand it is a certification NOT a professional registration like a professional architect or professional engineer designation. It is not required by law in any state for practicing or performing services. That’s not to say a client may want you to have the certification but it is more like a CPA designation which is also a certification not a professional mandate for performing accounting services. In other words, no one’s health and safety is specifically jeopardized when someone who is not certified performs the service.
I agree with the AIA it should not be made an official standard; should municipalities want to incorporate these USGBC standards then that should be up to the municipality and the building codes. I do think IBC will incorporate many of the standards in the next few years which of course may cause the base standards to become more stringent especially if ASHRAE and the other similar entities change their standards.
You mentioned that LEED 2.0 will require … you to take tests on a 2 to 3 year cycle.
Could you provide me with a source on this testing requirement?
The testing requirement is listed above at the top of this email. There are 3 different options and Zoe is correct all will cost you money but option one does not require taking another test. If you took version 2.2 or version 2.0 I think it is the same for both.
Regarding Green Associate 2009 V-3, does anyone know, where I can find practice tests, q-cards, etc.? Are they available yet? Since there have been several changes within USGBC and GBCI. I’m not sure if the 2.2 practice test will apply.
Similar to what srvalluri asked, how do we go about “opting in” to the new LEED version? I passed LEED v.2.2 in 2008 and have heard about having to sign the disciplinary policy, etc., but I have not heard HOW we are to do that. Does anyone know? Is there a benefit to waiting until 2011 to opt in rather than doing so now?
This site is fantastic, Pat! I so appreciate your efforts to keep it current with continual updates.
I haven’t seen or heard anything beyond what is listed on this website concerning upgrading our credentials. I justed passed so I hope option one is correct. I really don’t want to take another test.
On a different topic, has anyone trying to take the test again had trouble with getting access to the USGBC website for getting another verification number for taking the test again? I have a friend who failed his first attempt at the exam and he can’t get in to the USGBC website to pay for another test and set-up time with Prometric. Unfortunately, he needs to get access quickly to retake the exam before June 30th.
Once you fail under the old system you have no choice but to take the new tests. You only get one strike then your out. (If you pardon the baseball metaphor!)
Although you will know your score before leaving the testing center on exam day, you cannot sign up for a second attempt until your score posts in GBCI’s system. This usually takes roughly 72 hours. Additionally, you may take the exam as many times as you like, but you have to pay the same $300-$400 fee each time.
Hi Pat
i just bought your Walkthru Ap guide earlier and am trying to downlaod it as we spaeak, The download time it shows is 2 hours, does that sound correct or something is not right?
please advise..
Thanks Zoe & Paul. I was under the same impression as noted by Paul. I thought if he just paid the $400 again USGBC would assign a new access number for the exam but he can’t even get in to the USGBC website that allows you to pay for the exam.
Zoe, you’re saying because it was a one shot deal for him, now he’s got to take the version 3 exam. In other words, USGBC is not allowing anyone to retake the exam that failed the version 2.2 NC? Has this been in affect since April 1st?
John, Zoe, & Paul. I can confirm that the version 2.2NC can NOT be “retaken” at this point. I spoke with support personnel at GBCI who affirmed that if you fail your attempt your only option is to pursue v.3 – Green Associate. At the testing center yesterday they told me that the new track (all three parts) will require six hours of tests and the 3rd level (Fellowship) will not be available for testing until sometime in 2010. That’s pretty good incentive to pass v2.2 now, on the first (and only) attempt.
Thanks Andy. I’ll let Jim know the unfortunate news for him.
i want to know exactly what is the handbook i have to bye if i want to go for leed v3, new construction?
I have not taken any LEED exams before. Do I need to take the LEED GA exam and become LEED GA certified before I can take the LEED AP exam? Or can I just take the LEED AP Specailty exam?
I have the NCv2.2 Reference from my failed attempt at passing the AP for NC. Does your new Green Associate Walkthough require any new 2009 reference material to get the info I will need to pass the GA? Secondly, any idea what they will accept as ‘educational programs’ besides their list of classes?
Do I need to take the LEED GA exam and become LEED GA certified before I can take the LEED AP exam? Or can I just take the LEED AP Specailty exam?I have the NCv2.2 Reference from my failed attempt at passing the AP for NC. Does your new Green Associate Walkthough require any new 2009 reference material to get the info I will need to pass the GA? Secondly, any idea what they will accept as ‘educational programs’
Sue and liju,
I know the credits have changed from the NCv2.2 Reference Manual; rather than 69 points possible, it’s now 110 points possible but you’ll need to get the updated version 3 to know and understand the new point system totals that will be on the new exams. I was able at one time to pull up the changes to the NCv2.2 Reference Manual but I’m not certain if USGBC still has that information available over the internet. You might want to check the USGBC site for this information.
John & Liju,
My original question was about this website’s GA Exam Walkthrough – I was trying to find out if it included everything for the new GA exam so that I could avoid purchasing the USGBC $35 GA Reference Guide. I don’t qualify for the new AP+Specialty credential, yet. (Liju- GA exam = Part One of the two-part AP+Specialty exam. Your qualifications determine which one you can sit for.)
FYI to anyone confused about the GA exam & registration – you must download the FREE GA Handbook and read every word of Pages 11-12. There is a $50 NON-refundable application fee just to consider your application documents. If they approve you to sit for the exam, they will let you know in about a week. If you are denied, you cannot reapply for 90 days…
Dear Pat,
Which specialty exam are you planing to take and when? Could you please give us pointers and brain dumps when you take your exam?
I’m wondering how hard the GA exam is… i took my leed 2.2 exam yesterday and JUST failed…
Towards the end of the GA handbook, the few questions they provided were very easy…
i just failed my 2.2 exam with a 166 haha
oh well
im only a student in a university and
am curious about a couple things. If im only a student with no experiance workin with a LEED project,am i not eligable to take the exam?
Hello Pat,
I was wondering where I can find LEED GA study guide on your in your website? Please advise.
Hello Pat,
I was wondering where I can find LEED GA study guide in your website? Please advise.
Hi Pat
I regret to say I have failed a second time, all be it that I found your study material to be very helpful.
I now cant take the 2.2 version of LEED so I intend to do the newest 3.0 but does any of the material I currently have help or do I need to start again. Is the newest vwersion much different ie can I use the study material I have already and just learn the new updates seperatley?
I did an education class on Leed 2.2 ages ago like xmas 07 but like many others didnt do exams until it was too late and last minute studying (doesnt work not like other exams – you either know it or you dont)
Does this class qualify me to do version 3.0 and if so how do I prove it – do I send it to GBCI via post or email or either
As per earlier comments by others I am learning that doing version 3.0 is virtually impossible without previous experience. Because of the industry I work in, my employers have instructed me to do and PASS this exam but how can I go about doing version 3.0
would you help me ,please,where I can find LEED GA study guide on your in your website?
another question. do you know that the “LEED Fellow”. whAT’S FOR?
Please advise.
Talk about circular. From the GBCI:Glossary
LEED AP without specialty: The credential earned by candidates who were credentialed under NC, CI, or EB tracks. LEED APs have three options:
1. Become a LEED AP with specialty by enrolling in the new tiered system—i.e., agreeing to the Credentialing Maintenance Program (CMP) and signing the disciplinary policy—and completing prescriptive CMP for the initial 2-year reporting period. Once you have enrolled in the new system, you can use one of the new specialty designations (O+M, BD+C, ID+C) after your name.
2. Become a LEED AP with specialty by passing one of the new specialty examinations; only the specialty part of the exam will be required if testing by June 2011. When applying for the exam you will need to sign the disciplinary policy and agree to CMP. You will need to complete the ongoing CMP for your designation and can use one of the new specialty designations (O+M, BD+C, ID+C) after your name.
3. Do nothing; you will be designated a LEED AP without specialty title in the LEED Professional Directory. vvvv
Prescriptive CMP: Continuing education requirement that contains a minimum number of hours in each domain. It is one option for LEED APs credentialed under NC, CI, or EB to enroll in the tiered credentials. Prescriptive CMP ensures a LEED AP’s continuing education mirrors the level of knowledge required to pass a specialty exam. (See LEED AP without specialty.)^^^^
According to the Green Associate Exam Prep page at (http://www.usgbc.org/DisplayPage.aspx?CMSPageID=2011#eligibility), the list of acceptable “become eligible today by taking one of these current USGBC courses” for the GA exam includes two webinars, even though the text states “with the exception of its webinars”. The two in question are the “Introduction to LEED for Homes” and “Introduction to LEED for Schools” courses – are these, or are these not, sufficient to meet the requirement of “attended an education program that addresses green building principles”?
I’m also wondering, what is the determination criteria of “worked in a sustainable field of work”? Is there a time requirement (i.e. 5 years, etc.)? I have worked in architectural, structural, and civil engineering for over 5 years and although no projects pursued any environmental certification, all projects were done in an environmentally-aware manner with a focus on use of resources and minimizing environmental impact – would this (relatively undocumented) work qualify as having worked in a “sustainable field of work”?
(P.S. I have also sent this as an email request to the USGBC, but responses are much faster here .)
I am from India and working as a CEO for a company manufacturing and exporting apparel to usa/europe.I have more than 20yrs experience in manufacturing/project/marketing. I want to appear for LEEDGA exam in India and request your guidance for the same.
Hi Ganesh,
My advice would be to apply to take the GA exam through the GBCI website. There are testing centers in India where you can take the exam. You’ll have to visit the prometric.com/gbci website to see exactly where those locations are. Good luck!