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Legacy LEED AP: If I pass one exam track, can I work on projects being certified under a different rating system?

For previous versions of LEED, it was a “pass one exam and you’re a LEED AP for all tracks” deal. There seems to be a bit more confusion for LEED v3, but I went ahead and called the USGBC myself to get you a straight answer.

The USGBC representative told me that you can work on projects certifying under a different LEED rating system than the one you specialize in, and additionally you’re still able to earn that project a point for Innovation in Design Credit 2: LEED AP.

So, the specialty is just that – a specialty that you can say you are an expert in, which may help you land jobs, hire clients, etc. However, you’re still able to work on other projects under different LEED rating systems.

FAQs about your existing LEED AP credential:

Back to main FAQ page

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2 Comments On This Post

  1. Pat:

    Did you ever get any feedback from the USGBC on whether you can only work on LEED projects within your specialty to earn the LEED AP point on a project? Thank you.

    • Hi Bill. Thanks so much for the comment. I still wasn’t sure, so I went ahead and called the USGBC myself and asked for a straight answer. You aren’t limited to working only on LEED projects that you have the specialty in, and you can still earn the point. I updated the FAQ here, thanks to you. Cheers, and I wish you all the best!


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