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Life After the LEED AP Exam – What’s Next?

Creative Commons License photo credit: Admit One

A lot of people have asked me, “What happens after you pass the LEED AP Exam?” Well at first – nothing really. After you pass and have your celebratory beer or cupcake, and after the first day you get back to your office and everyone asks you how the test was when really all you want to do is add the “LEED AP” to the end of your name on your email signature – after that, not too much happens right away. But don’t get yourself down. You’ve put in the hard work, and it will eventually pay off, as it did with me.

A couple of weeks after my exam, a lot of my co-workers started to ask me about LEED. Even my boss was interested – as I’m sure he’s aware of the “Green Movement” in the building industry. Even the principal, my boss’ boss, pronounced that I was doing such a great job and taking initiative – doing things above and beyond what was asked of me. Soon after, I received a promotion. I was expecting a promotion, but not until the end of the year. It was obvious that my LEED credential helped that come about much sooner than expected. I am so grateful. I also joined the ULI, the Urban Land Institute, to further pursue (and share) my knowledge of Green and Sustainable design. I’ve met a lot of great people, and as you should know, your life excels with the connections and friends that you make – so is definitely a great opportunity for me. I invite you to become as involved as you can now that you are (or will be soon) a LEED AP.

Am I currently involved with any LEED projects? No – but I wish! I know quite a few new LEED APs who are already involved with LEED projects. I’m quite jealous because now that I’m LEED AP, I want to actually do what a LEED AP was meant to do: certify projects. The project will come, so I’m not worried. I’m doing all I can to stay involved though, and by answering questions and maintaining this blog, I can still retain the information quite well.

So to answer the question, “What’s next after the LEED AP exam?” For some, its a promotion and/or a raise, although it’s never guaranteed. For others, it’s being able to work on LEED projects for the first time. Some motivated people are even becoming LEED consultants and starting their own consulting firms! For most – it’s just waiting 6 to 8 weeks for our certificates to come in the mail, along with waiting for that next opportunity to come by. Whatever road you choose, just realize that you’ve earned (or will earn) your credential, and you should be damn proud of yourself.

Before I finish, I’d like to mention a blog started by Joel McKellar, LEED AP, who has also recently passed his exam. His blog focuses on LEED and real life projects, rather than the exam itself. He is actually working on a quite a few LEED projects himself, and he’s documenting his questions and experiences. Maybe after you’re finished with this blog, you can migrate over to his and stay up-to-date on the many questions people have while applying LEED to the real world. I’ve read it, and so far, and it’s great. Kudos to Joel.Cheers!

Click here for the best Study Guides & Practice Exams

149 Comments On This Post

  1. Hi pat,

    I’ve just received my LEED-NC Practice problems.
    Thanks it will be helpful for my preparation for the exam.

    Thanks and best of luck.

  2. Hey Pat,

    Great website, Wrote the Canadian exam and passed, took your tips, plus your submittal phase table really helped.



  3. Thank you, Pat, for the incredible resource. I passed today with a 196 – couldn’t have done it without this site.

  4. I took and passed the LEED -NC exam today!
    Last September I sat in on a workshop with a LEED AP who came in to teach our Project Execs and Project Managers about LEED (I work for a construction firm that has built LEED projects but didn’t have anyone in house that was accredited)I decided it was important and decided to persue it. I found out there was going to be a 5 week workshop through the USGBC and I signed up for it and then gave myself 2 weeks after the couse to take the test. It turned out to be a good strategy. We had study groups and talked about resources which is how I found this website. Take practice exams and study,study study!!!
    I can’t wait to get started on projects.

  5. I just wanted to let you know that I passed the LEED for New Construction exam on my first try! Woohoo!! I cannot thank you enough for such a wonderdul website. It helped immensely in preparing for the test and getting my head in the “right” place. As an Urban Planner, this whole construction world is a little out of my league, but after navigating this site and using the tips provided here, I felt really comfortable moving forward with the test. Thanks again!!!

  6. To Steven, Cheri, Nora and Rebeca:

    Great job on passing the test! You all deserve it! Good luck in your LEED careers!

    Spead the word about!


  7. I passed the LEED NC exam today !!!!!!!!!!! first try. I am so happy.

  8. Aha! I did it, I did it. First shot 196 on 200. Many of the traditional methods didn’t quite work for me. The brain dump, the wmsie… nothing. Just hard core studying or “mugging” as we used to cal it back in India.

    The sample test from USGBC Colorado’s study guide was the most helpful. Researching the answers to each of the questions there and reading further was very helpful.

    I’d say 20% easy questions. 65% reasonably difficult questions. And 15% really tough nuts to crack with difficult “best of all correct” choices.

  9. Done. 190/200 in first try, I feel like 2,000 pounds lighter now. Does anyone know how long does it take to be listed in the GBCI webpage?? I know that I should be receiving the certificate in 4-6 weeks, but when should I expect the system to acknowledge my passing score??? thanks……..

  10. less than a week for me, AA. Congrats!

  11. Ah, it feels great to have those 6 letters and one hyphen added after my name professionally, even id its only been 5 hours so far. Yup, passed this morning and I have you and your site to thank. I took it and failed it with a 163 on April 29 after only reading the book and taking LEEDPASS. I was OK technically but lacking in administrative/procedural stuff and a lot of the questions tricked me.

    Last week, i came across this site and read your outlines and memorized your chart. That and study the application/CIR/appeal process.

    Today, 175 and done. I’ll take it. The brain dump helped organize my thoughts during the test. And my knowledge of LEED process went from 40% to 80%. That and knowing the tricks to look for and it went better this time.

    This arguably was the most difficult standardized or professional exams I’ve ever taken, and the only one I ever failed. I felt knowledgable even when i failed the test, now I feel more knowledgeable AND confident.

    I’ve already passed the link to this site to other candidates in the office. You wrote the perfect Cliff’s Notes to LEED. You should publish it- heck I would buy it as a resource even after now having passed the test.

    Again thanks for this site!

    -Rich Vehlow PE MBA LEED-AP
    HVAC Engineer
    New York State Office of General Services
    Albany, NY

  12. Done and done. Results were updated today and what a relief. I had been reviewing on and off for about the last 5 months, but it has only been in the last 2 weeks that I really study. Your website has been a great help and I thank you for putting a great resource tool for everyone to follow.

  13. Took the LEED-NC Test today… and passed!!!
    Thanks so much Pat for all of your help. Big focuses on my test were flush rates and # of bicycles.

    When it comes to studying aides In The LEED is by far well… In The LEED. haha Also the greenexamprep was very helpful.

    Thanks again guys and WOOHOO

  14. I passed my LEED NC exam yesterday, scoring 192! I’m so happy!!!
    I guess for me it was even harder, as English is not my first language. But the materials from your blog have helped me a lot. Thanks for doing that! I will recommend your www to whoever takes the challenge next.

  15. I passed the lead exam yesterday thanks to your website. It is by far the most helpful out there! Your brain dump idea was GENIUS! I am telling everyone in my company about the site. You need to write a book…LEED for Dummies or The Idiot’s Guide to LEED. Your information is essential to passing the exam!

  16. I second Tiffany. You gotta write a book: LEED for Dummies or The Idiot’s Guide to LEED!

  17. I second Tiffany. You gotta write a book!

  18. I passed my LEED NC exam yesterday! Alot of hardwork,determination, perservarence and focus but absolutely worthwhile journey and looking forward as of today to more challenges – applying what learnt into real work! Thanks to this blog (Pat) for the incredible help though it has been quite challenging for me sometimes to apply what in here to the Canada Leed-NC version. Anyways,I learnt mostly from US based-Leed study sites and materials (greenexamprep, dr harvey,colorado). There is no Canadian equivalent. And yes, the braindump was great – I had just 10mins before starting the test, to dump all P&C and referenced standards onto the scrap paper with a nervous hand! Thanks to all!.

  19. Thanks so much for putting this website together. I found it about a week before the exam (LEED CI) and realized through reading your posts that I was actually NOT in the good shape I had previously thought I was in. I crammed and crammed in those last few days and looked at info I hadn’t even considered before – and passed with a 188. Phew! Without this resource I wouldn’t have done as well.

  20. Pat,
    I took the test today and passed!
    This site has helped incredibly, I am letting another study group that recently formed know about you and your website!

    Thanks for hanging in there months after you passed, I have this impulse to take all my study materials and have my friends shower them out my second floor window, while I triumphantly parade on, ticker tape style…

    I would love to know how your life will be down the road for you Pat,and I will log on time to time…

    Thanks again!!

  21. How long does it take the USGBC to send certificates????
    I cant write this off until I get the sheepskin! :0

  22. Great website Pat! Got a 197 today, on my first try. Recent graduate, so some terminology/standards in LEED were rather new to me, but most of the concepts I knew from school. There is a large Gold project in CA in our office, which proved to be a useful reference. was definitely harder that test; I took the pool D test for the first time 3 days before my actual exam and received an 80%. Thanks for your help!

  23. Pat, thank you very much for everything you have done. I passed mine five hours ago with a 178.

  24. Dear Pat
    Thanks for your site.
    I have passes the test with 181.



  25. Pat and others – I just wanted to say ‘thanks’ for helping me pass NC v2.2 last week on my first try, and I have recommended your site to others.

  26. This site rocks! I passed with a 190 thanks to the insight and contributions of the people who make this site THE LEED AP Authority.

  27. Great job with the website, the structure is great and it certainly will help many professionals seeking accreditation.

    I recently passed the LEED AP exam as well and during my preparation I began to wonder about the significance of the certification from a professional advancement perspective. As September 2008, there are over 56,000 which is quite large and the rate with which people are taking and passing the exam the certification will quickly lose prestige, or so I may think. Please check out to discuss the merits of the certification. I look forward to a lively debate.


  28. HI Pat.,

    Can u give me more details on how to appear for the LEED exams from India. Im an architect from Bangalore and there is no test centre here in India.

  29. Hi Pat,

    In the exam where you are asked to choose 4 answers out of 6 and; say to get only 2 or 3 correct and not all of the 4 correct once, does that mean you don’t get any credit for that question or you get partial credit?


  30. @Sangeetha,

    I’m not suite sure how to go about taking the LEED exam in India. Does anyone else have any idea? I know it can be done. Please respond if you can!


    Its my understanding that there is no partial credit. see the following link for an entire explanation:


  31. Thank you Pat.

  32. Pat,
    Thanks again for your website..I’m recommendingit to all my friends. I passed the LEED exam this week with the help of your wonderful website. Now that I’m a LEED AP now, There’s a new project that we’re just starting, and the client is talking about question is: who pays the fees associated with the leed cirtifications associated with the project? I guess the client? so may be before registering the project with the USGBC we should talk to the client and make sure he really wants to go for it. Is that Correct? Please let me know if my assumptions are correct.
    Thanks as always.

  33. Hi Pat, I just took my LEED-NC exam and passed with a 195 out of 200!!! I wanted to thank you for this website (which was an excellent study resource). Good luck to everyone else getting ready to take the exam and study study study! 🙂

  34. I passed the NC 2.2 exam today!!! Then I promptly got a piece of pizza and went to see Quantum of Solace. There was some very interesting architecture, but the camera didn’t stay on the buildings long enough to try to add up any LEED credits. Oh well. Anyway, thanks for all the help your site gave me.


  35. Hi Pat,
    just passed my LEED NC test last week. Your site was the best help ever and I have recommended it to all my friends. Good job well done! I have a question regarding my certification if you have time to answer it. I am interested in helping schools and places of worship to become greener. Do I have to pass another exam to be able to consult for these areas? As a LEED AP can I consult in EB and NC and all the other things? Thanks and merry Christmas!

  36. Sabine,

    There is only one LEED AP designation and you are good to go on any of the project types including EB, NC, CI, etc.

    Congratulations and Merry Christmas to you too,


  37. Hi,

    Anyone from India wish to take leed USGBC exam, you can take it in Nepal,Srilanka or Thailand. It hurts your pocket a bit, that’s okay if you are really passionate about Sustainble design, that shouldn’t matter. I am taking in Nepal, You can choose your location, see international section of USGBC.They offer unedited or unmodified exam worldwide except India, China & Canada. All the best to everybody from india


  38. Who wrote the questions for the LEED exam? I speak and write in 4 languages and the wording of the questions kill me! I am a great lover of the English language and while reading many of the questions I find it frustrating at the lack of straight forwardness in the writing. Is the real LEED exam just as frustrating? I should also point out that unlike many of you on this site, I am a newbie. Just 4 years out of the Army, and I sit a desk for a product manufacture so I may be over reaching in my goals 🙂 I will earn this LEED AP rating if it kills me!!!!

  39. Hey Wendy,
    I am a native German and just passed the LEED NC test two weeks ago. I did not have a problem with the wording as much as learning how to take a test. If they ask for example: What ASHRAE does NOT apply to lighting, HVAC, envelope etc. you need to look at the question as if there is no ‘not’ in the sentence. When you have identified the correct answers for ‘What ASHRAE DOES apply to lighting, HVAC, envelope etc. you just choose the answer that’s left. There are a lot of questions with ‘not’ but it’s easier to figure it out the other way around. If you know the Reference Guide and have done the practice tests online you are well prepared. On the practice test I never scored beyond 90% and I passed the real test the first time around.
    So, good luck! Sabine

  40. I just passed the LEED 2.2 test on Saturday. I had taken it before after a one day workshop and nearly passed. This time however I followed your advice and signed up for the Greenexam practice tests and also the Univ. of Florida sample tests and this made a big difference in being able to stay focused. I prepared for about 100 hours and did well. Thank you for your time and effort.

  41. Phillip,


    Gary Burger

  42. Pat,
    You are a God send! Even an Art Degree holding, ex-Airborne Paratrooper can teach herself LEED with the help of your site! I passed my test today, and could not have done it without you and your site! Once Christmas is over I’m sending you some dontion joy 🙂 Thank you for all you do!
    Wendy in Ohio

  43. Dear pat,
    I just passed my lEED AP exam (first attempt) for NC by scoring 170 few hours back.It was much tougher than anything I have seen so far,What perhaps saved me was the LEED PROCESS ,I got 93% there,all because of your wonderfull book (LEED AP WALKTHROUGH).
    Exam was more designed for somebody with lot’s real life LEED experience,but I managed,I still cannot beleive it.It was a nail biting thriller.
    Thanks for all your support.

    I just

  44. Just took the LEED exam yesterday for the 2nd time. Missed it the first time by 3 little points. Studied intensely and passed yesterday. I was so confident about answering the questions correctly yesterday that I was sure I would pass with room to spare. I just about fell off my chair when the score came up at just 170. Wish they let you know what you answered wrong. Oh well, I celebrated with a bottle of champagne and a straw. Thanks for your website and all the valuable information that you pass along.

  45. Way to go Tricia!! I felt SO relieved after passing that exam last month! I chose to sip Merlot through a straw, though. 🙂

  46. Congratulations to all who’ve passed. And to all who’ve not, just remember a lot of it is luck of the draw. So don’t give up! There are so many factors involved. My hint in studying would be…concentrate on strategies. Pat, thank you so much for this site. I rescheduled my test a little over a week ago when I discovere this great bunch of sharing people and there is no doubt I’d NOT have passed had I tested when I was originally scheduled. As it was, I passed with a pretty good buffer, and I’m elated. I’d not taken a test in 30 years. I agree with all of those others who say Pat IS a god-send. You came to the rescue of many frustrated answer-seekers. Happy Holidays all!

  47. You guys are making me so happy!!! Thank you so much for all of your support. Happy Holidays to everyone 🙂

  48. Hi Pat,

    I recently took the exam. I thought I failed! But I was elated to find out that I passed! Well, just barely at 170! Thanks for such a great website! I stumbled on it the night before my test as I was getting ready to go to bed and boy was I happy that I tuned in! The three charts from your site that I found very helpful while I was taking the test were: ashrae, phase, and wimsee.

    I also read your brain dump and that was very helpful too! After the test I went quickly to my car and wrote my own. Where can I email that so you can possibly include for others?

    Well, thanks for this awesome site!

    Go Bears!
    Cal Alumni ’07

  49. Where can i take my LEED AP exam in India?

  50. Thanks for the wonderful website, Pat! I passed my exam today with 185. The questions seemed tougher than the ones in practice exams, and some did not referred to the information available in the reference book, as mentioned in the various sections on your website. Its been a great help! Thank you!

  51. I just passed the LEED NC exam on saturday. Can I place the LEEP® AP after my name now or do I have to wait for the certificate?

  52. Pat, thanks for everything! I used your website and and passed my LEED AP exam! It was a thriller but all of the preparation paid off. Again, thanks for your insight!

  53. Hi Pat,

    I passed my LEED exam before Christmas. I am wondering how I can approve that I passed the exam other than the piece of paper that I got from testing place. Do I supposed to get some certificate from USGBC?
    Thank you in advance.

  54. Kim,

    I passed the exam on Nov. 21 and finally got my certificate a few days ago. Anyway, the piece of paper you got after the exam is official enough. Go to and download the LEED AP Candidate Handbook if you haven’t already. You’ll find the reassurance you seek on page 17 under the heading “Passing the Exam.” Also, check the LEED AP member directory to edit your newly created profile.

    Welcome to the club!

    Gary Burger, LEED AP

  55. I took the LEED NC yesterday and got a 165, so close! I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. I did well on every section except the “Coordinate Project and Team ” section. Im guessing that was all the questions on the project administrator. Anyways, any help you can give me would be great.

  56. hi pat,
    must first thank you for your extremely helpful site, which helped me clear the LEED AP test this fortnight…!, i wonder and appreciate your patience and dedication..!, i wouldnt have the guts to do this kind of a job.. pal.., kudos and cheerz to u.., ! i wish you success and great times to come.!!
    rg, nilesh gandhi, india

  57. Hi,
    I just saw a post from Nilesh Gandhi in India…would like to speak with you regarding the exam testing procedure..could you pls drop me a line at would be a great help!

    • Hi,

      I am from bangalore andwant to apply for LEED AP exam. please can any one help me for the procedure and total cost for the exam.

  58. Pat,

    After about a year of procrastination, I finally bucked up and scheduled my LEED AP exam, using your AP Walkthrough Materials and audio study guide as a supplementary study guide to the Reference Manual.

    With your help, I PASSED the LEED AP exam for New Construction with a score of 192 last Saturday (2/7/09)!

    Thanks for all your help!!!

    Adam Aaron Wapniak, AIA, LEED AP

  59. Hi,
    Can someone help me in giving info about preparation for leed exam.
    I have visited USGbc. com website and very scared about the exam.
    Also i would like to know how much time is required for preparation.
    I would also like to speak with guys who have passed exam from India.
    Do write me at

  60. Pat-

    I absolutely loved this website while studying for my exam! Now I’ve returned as an AP searching for more of that…now what? I wish this section of the website was a little more developed. I’d love to know more to help out my firm in starting the LEED process for the first time.

  61. Weak test. I scored a 195 and started studying on Saturday. You guys must either have Alzheimers or just be natural born idiots. wow. i am thinking about spending hours starting a website on how tough this test is.

  62. Hugh, Get a life!

  63. I agree with Rob – Hugh, you clearly have nothing better to do than make yourself feel better by making light of other peoples foibles. Without knowing you i would assume you are a late 20’s, balding, buffoon

  64. So Jhass passed, with a 195 under his belt… he then takes his credentials and is going to start a blog?

    What about actually getting all that big-head knowledge and putting it to some good use… like working on real a LEED certification project? The problem of climate change doesn’t need any high horses or infantile mentalities (my-score-was-higher-than-your-score). We’re not on the school playground anymore.

    Isn’t the whole deal to becoming a LEED AP to promote integrated sustainable design practices and environmental stewardship by being inclusive and getting more people involved in the effort? That’s one of the things I laud Pat and this site for. It is really bringing people together for a greater good.

    Sorry for ranting, but we’ve been struggling to persuade clients here to buy into getting their projects LEED certified. The current economic situation and shortsighted management decisions are getting in the way. Some projects are on hold, others have simply decided that LEED was not a priority.

    And then you read some puffed-up ego-centric brainiac stroking himself narccistically and giving everyone else a kick down, rather than pulling others up. Not a good way to start the day.

    There’s an expression in Thai for people like that… “nak pen din”.

  65. Hi Pat,

    I just passed the LEED NC exam today afternoon, 3-2-2009! Your website, charts, synergies & everyone that comments have really helped the studying. Keep up the good work with your blogging!

  66. After 9 months of anxiously reading various success stories which scale beyond the magic figure of “170”, and keeping my spirits high to someday be part of the USGBC family and Pats blog- the day finally arrived..”PASS”….3-2-2009 ! LEED AP ! wohooo…

    Thank You Pat and everyone else here…

  67. After several months of reading, studying,your charts, and good old determination, I was able to pass the LEED exam….thank you for all the info that you share…couldn’t have done it without your info!!

  68. I passed!! Whoop Whoop LEEP AP In The House!!!

    I could have not done it without all of the info and links in this website. Thank you!!!

  69. Hey all,
    Thanks for this website, I took the exam today for the first time and passed with a 180! I studied for 3 weeks, and mind you I have 3 young kids too…I attended a seminar for 2 days 3 weeks ago put on by Everblue Energy..worth every penny! It focused what I needed to study. I am an Architect and have worked on a LEED project, which helped too.
    The Exam is tricky..know those synergys, the CIR process front n back, do recycle %, know the ASHRAE numbers…

  70. Hi everyone,

    Just passed yesterday with a 179. The 5 seconds of waiting for the test results was like playing roulette. Thankfully it landed on my color and passed! Even after studying a lot the exam was very difficult. Thanks for the website and all the shared info.

  71. Hello all,
    Just got home from my LEED-NC exam. I felt like a little boy on Christmas when I saw that I passed with a 181! Pat, your LEED AP Walkthrough was well worth the money spent and I recommend it to anyone looking to take the test. Also, I found that taking many practice tests helped me understand how to think properly to answer the questions correctly. Thank you Pat for everything.

    For those that are taking the test soon, definitely remember the WIMSEE chart but especially the ASHRAE chart given on this site. I had many questions on the test pertaining to ASHRAE. Good luck to all..

  72. Hey all,
    After failing the LEED-NC the first time last week by two points, I passed it this morning with flying colors!!!! After the first test, I purchased the LEED AP walkthrough and it was well worth the money. The practice tests and the walkthrough is what I would recommend to future test takers. The 5-10 seconds of waiting for the results to show up were horrible, but it was well worth the wait.

    Thanks to Pat for the website, and everybody else for all the shared info.

  73. Pat,
    Thanks for the website. Your study guides and especially the forums and comments that this site generates, paid dividends. I passed this morning with a 194 score. Good luck to those about to take the exam. Pat’s advice is pretty much spot on.
    Let’s build something.

  74. Pat, and others, thanks for all the informative information. I passed this morning on the first try. The online forums and the practice exams were key preparation.

  75. Pat and everyone who found this site before I did, thank you; thank you for sharing your thoughts and questions. I have little to offer beyond my affirming that it truly is helpful to read Pat’s notes and advice, and to read these posts and to work through the questions to “discover” an answer …along with everyone else. these questions are asked by people who know the right questions to ask…and that would be my advice to the next test taker: *you know what questions to ask*–if there is something *you* can’t figure out while studying, then figure it out. don’t be too lazy to look for the answer (book, post, etc.). if you have the question, then you should bet the test designers do too. you may be surprised (as I was…no matter how many times you are burdened with a question…as I was…), that looking up the answer to your question does not result in having to read or remember or learn “so much more”–just realizing/seeing the answer once is probably enough. I don’t know what questions I got wrong, and my score was not stellar (though passing, thankfully), but I don’t doubt that many of the tricky subjects come up again and again. Thus all the peculiar questions people post may be especially helpful. I probably could have gotten a better score had I known the details of what a LEED Administrator does, although my fear of potentially needing to pee during the two-hour coffee-[pre]fueled session was aptly rewarded by knowing how frequently men and women use the toilet. ciao and thank you and good luck and pass or not, we all can be part of a good future together…

  76. Pat,
    Your site was a great help.
    I have passed today with score 181 in 2nd attempt.
    I got 167 in the 1st one in October ’08 w/o any deep studying.
    I think the 2nd one was more difficult and I don’t remember if there were repeated questions.
    In order to pass you need to read the reference guide and templates several times and practice some of those online exams.
    I guess mechanical engineers and architects are the best candidates.
    As a civil engineer I found SS category is more difficult.
    I took the exam because my employer advised me that there are more government agencies in NYC requiring resident engineer to be also LEED AP.
    Good luck for all.

  77. WooHoo!

    Husband and wife team Kapuno just passed today with flying colors! What a nice blessing from God. Thanks Pat! We both studied from your website and the charts were a great help. The questions were a lot like the greenexamprep as you’ve said.

    God bless to all other professionals out there trying to pass the exam. The more of us LEED AP the merrier! Hehe!

  78. Pat,

    I just passed the LEED-NC exam today!! Thanks for your study materials and this forum. It was extremely helpful.

  79. I just completed construction of the first LEED for Homes Platinum v.1 in FL and the second in the US. It is among highest scorers ever. Anyhow, I figure I ought to get my LEED AP certification now. I just registered and take the exam in May. It is a one shot deal I guess since the standard changes soon. I’ll be hard at work and I’ll update my progress. Thanks for the great resource!

  80. Hi Pat. Thanks for everything. I have written LEED AP exam on 19 March and passed with 173. Test was realy very tough.In the last hours of my greenprep mock test i scored 98% in Pool E but still in my actual exam first 15 min was very depressive for me. but anyhow almighty has blessed me. Thanks once again

  81. It seems 170 is a popular number. Three of my friends got through with that marks. They mostly studied the flashcards, one took GEP tests and other two tried the more affordable Looks like practise is key for content recollection as well as speed and focus.

  82. Hi Pat,

    Woohoo!! Today I passed the LEED NC exam!! I thought I wouldn’t pass but I did!! Thanks for your great website. I wouldn’t be able to do this without reading the valuable information here! Thanks!!


  83. Hi….

    Just passed the CI with a 185 this afternoon!Phew!..Thanks for your website..have been following up on the materials posted..You doing a great job..Passing on knowledge is the most honorable thing in the world.Thanks!!.( guess im one of those last few who are taking the old format exams)

    And there are no exam centres in India as of now. The IGBC(Indian green building council) located in Hyderabad is working towards formulating a LEEP India AP exam.( visit for more info)..guess its still in the intial stages.All we Indians have to go to one of the prometric test centres in Singapore/Dubai/Hongkong etc to write our exams:(

    Ill do my brain dump in my next mail…right now am too excited to think ( but still dont know what next!)I had to tell this on this website as only people who went through this process know what its like to “pass it”!


  84. Hey Guys,
    I passed….got 180….yesssssssss….M a LEED-AP now…god I am happy….
    Thanks for the informative was quite a source!!

    To PS,
    Congrats on clearing CI. I too am actually from INDIA but I gave my exam here in US. Do you think I would be able to register as a LEED-AP with IGBC?
    If you have more information on the same, could u please drop me a mail on:
    Would appreciate it!!


  85. Passed the exam today, 186. Great study guide, well worth the investment.
    Thanks Pat!


  86. Passed the exam yesterday in Amsterdam. 181. Thanks Pat! This website is very informative. Good work.

  87. Does anyone know how much LEED awareness is there in India – is there any push on green building development? I guess DLF in India would be a good group to ask? One of the LEED exam prep firms has Indian owners, I understand they are planning something for India as well.

  88. Hi Ron,

    There is a lot of awareness in India regarding green building development. I am working in a company which works for sustainable designs and green buildings. Please mail me if you need any help.

  89. Hi Utsav,

    Congrats!. Im not sure if one can register as LEED AP with IGBC.Please check on their website for the same.As far my knowledge goes, the LEED awareness is catching up in India and a lot of firms are working towards it. I think passing the exam is one thing, doing a LEED project in India is another ball game altogether….

    Here are my thoughts….

    I was involved in one small CI project myself.
    However, my issues are a bit different. I think USGBC is mostly focuses on projects within the US of A.( the LEED 2009 has regional credits, but doesnt address any specifics again)…As I have found some of the LEED credits-esp. CI ones are a bit out of sync with Indian scenario…for instance, development density and community connectivity….its the easiest credit for us to achieve!…I would say we need to go away from the cities/crowded and densely populated areas..and not keep building within it and make it more dense!
    Another easy one is Regional materials-we can cover half of India in a 500 mile radius!and how many of us source anything from far away places?..
    Also the Certified wood credit-There are hardly a few agencies which deal with FSC certified wood, but they are madly exorbitant…so that credit goes out of the window!….
    There are quite a bit of credits such as this which are a piece a cake for us and others impossible! But the real question is whether these credits are suitable to our scenario…Energy effeciency and environmental sustainablity of the world apart- What does sustainability actually mean to us in India?

    Hopefully USGBC or the IGBC will address all this in the course of time.


  90. Just passed! Thanks so much for writing this most excellent blog–it was a big part of my study routine.

  91. Congrads to all of you. I am getting ready for my leed ci exam. I am so behind and I see all of your comments about how helpful and easy to underestand was this web site!!!!But, where is all those information that you are talking about?????????
    I only see your posts not any reference guide. please help me to pass my exam.

  92. Hooray for Pat’s study guide!

  93. Pat, thank you so much for the site! I passed with 187 today at the 1st attempt. Even though I had the 1st edition of the Reference Guide and all the errate sheets, the info on your site was a huge help. This goes particulrly for some of the 3rd edition updates to examplary performance credits, which I could not oficially find anywhere else, such as SSc6. Green Power. Again, thank you very much!! PS: WIMSEE chart is great, too.

  94. Hi Pat,
    Great Day in the Morning,
    Today I passed the NC v2.2 test with a score of 192. Thanks for your inspirational site.

  95. Whoo hoo! I passed with a 183 on the 1st try! The blank study guide was a great tool, as well as the charts. Keep up the great work, Pat and everyone here, and keep spreading the good word about sustainable design!

  96. I have been a silent spectator of this site for the past 3 weeks and would like to say a big thanks (sob: choke: sob) to all of you who made it worthwhile…

    Yes, I faced the beast on Jun 11 and conquered it with a 186! The section wise scores are:

    Sec 1: 82%
    Sec 2: 79%
    Sec 3: 100%
    Sec 4: 79%

    I would say that greenexamprep tests were the closest to the actual exam. These GBCI guys try to trick you by wording it a little more than required and also give irrelevant info to throw you off but also make you think for a second: does this connect with that?

    I got a couple of calculation questions from WE. One of them which I happen to remember: calculate per day usage in a women’s restroom equipped with 4 ultra-low flow WC = 1.1gpf and 3 low-flow lavatories= 0.5gpm. The latter are programmed for a 15-sec hand wash. I did not prepare them well and had to take a calculated guess.

    So my point here to everyone out there: please brush up these portions of WE. Usually they are the ones with calculations. Also I got a few in-depth questions from the EA section which needed clear understanding of what each credit in there is all about.

    All in all you have to know the reference guide really well to tackle anything asked backward, forward or sideways……The only brain dump that I did before I started taking the exam is of decision maker’s chart and I needed to refer it twice.

    Once again keep your cool and everything you have studied and put your effort into will come back to you 🙂
    Good luck to all of you!

  97. I passed yesterday with a 187! Greenexamprep tests were spot on. I also got their flash cards which helped seal the deal. Worth every penny. The biggest help was Pat’s Walkthru Study Guide though.

    Priya I was asked to perform some water calcs too. Know your WE and Leed Online.

  98. Hi Pat

    Wish I were one of the many happy test takers that passed on their first try. Your website was great in the prep for it and I am very greatful it was there. Since I did not pass the test and as it is too late to sign up for another try, can you offer any suggestion for the up coming exams? I have a hugh amount of study material and I never quit a fight. I underestimated the challenge and it will not happen again.

    I congratulate all of you who passed and look forward to joining the ranks.

  99. Dear Seabee,

    First of all, thank you for speaking so forthrightly, I am sure there are many, many in your shoes and would love to hear the answers to your questions themselves.

    What helped me enormously besides this wonderful site and practice tests, (very important)was that I formed a study group where we got together once a week.
    whether we prepared or not, at least we read the credits with each other and spurred discussion and questions..and kept us on a time line.

    That personal contact was vital for me to help remember the volumes of technical information as I am not a memorizer and need to put the info in the long term memory bank!

    Also, be prepared to not only remember what the calculations are, but to be able to decipher from the scenario they give you and calculate.

    Especially know the calcs for the credits that the LEED AP is responsible for on the submittals vs when another professional is responsible.

    Also know what units of measurement are being used in the calculations.

    Every one seems to be weakest on the submittal process, so spending time on the USGBC site is helpful, I liked reading the credit interpretation requests because the answers really where illuminating, to see what would fly in the real world….

    there’s my two cents!

    I hope this helps!

    I know you will get it next time, since you took the best of all practice tests!


  100. 197 – First time score.

    Thanks to everyone who posted their thoughts and ideas on this website. I had hit the wall in my studies and was feeling pretty down about the whole experience until I found this website a week before my test. The charts, mnemonics and other advice really revitalized my efforts. The page that helped me most in clarifying my test taking stratagy was the “My LEED AP Exam Post-Test Evaluation & Brain Dump” which had great some great advice.

    I sincerly hope that Pat continues to keep the site updated with the latest information in response to the changing criteria.

    A wealth of knowledge.

    Thanks you.

  101. Pat,
    The LEED AP exam is the first exam that I’ve taken since getting my architectural license in 1983 (never thought I’d take another multiple choice exam again)! Thanks to Pat’s advice and a little studying on my part, I managed to pass the exam this past week on my first try.

    So, what’s next for a new LEED AP?

  102. pat,
    i have paased the v2.2 a few days ago for the first time. i have used ur guidebook as a main source of my leed study and it helped me A LOT. thank you!!


  103. Pat!!!!

    I passed LEED NCv2.2 with 189! whew!!! This site was my first guide to learning for the exam…Since then I’ve lost count of how many people I’ve recommended to!

    Great job Pat and thank you sooooo much for all the mails and clarifications you gave…Its really great that you keep this website running even after you passed!!!!

    Good luck and regards!!

  104. Hey I passed, I got a 184. The tests helped me out alot – there is no way I would have passed if it weren’t for taking 2-3 of those exams. They helped me better understand synergies between credits.

    Also huge kudos to Pat for this site – it streamlined the studying so much. My only recommendation for future guides is to focus more on the submittal process…i.e. not just Design vs. Construction but actually what has to be submitted (drawings, what calcs, etc.) – I was really pressing on that stuff as the exam approached. But other than that I can also say thank goodness for the study guide, I would not have passed without it and I didn’t even have to take a prep class.

  105. Pat,

    This may be a moot point after the end of this month, but I would caution other posters (and the montior of these posts) to be very careful about what they say about the exam. LEED candidates (similar to ARE candidates) should encourage others to take the exams, but should not provide explicit examples of questions or anything that would consistute cheating or helping others to cheat.

  106. Oh please!!! Helping people and exchanging tips has nothing to do with cheating.

  107. Posting the exact questions from the exam does. Doing this cheapens the value of the exam and accredidation we all spent so much time and money on.

  108. Anne do not read the questions, or visit the web site if you feel so.
    Cheating is not the intend of this website. And trust me posting a few questions with answers does not get you a passing point. Besides taking previous tests is part of the learning proccess on this test.

  109. dear pat –

    I passed LEED CI exam today with a 186 (yes, only hours before the test expires). I’m still in a complete state of shock (the test was kind of a b*tch), but I wanted to thank you so much for providing everyone with the resources in intheleed. even though it’s formulated for LEED NC, this site gave me valuable information on how to study, what to study, and incentive to make my own tables for the CI exam just like yours. I’m not sure I would have done as well without your wisdom and this whole community of LEED AP-ers 🙂

    thank you so much everyone!

  110. Passed the NC test tonight, your submital documentation chart saved me. Got a 180 even though I got an increadibly difficult aray of questions

  111. THANK YOU!!!

  112. Thank you so much for this site! I passed with a 179 today with all the help and useful tips on this site, the USGBC ref guide, Colorado study guide, and a lot of support from my hubby who took care of our toddler so I could study as much as i can in the last month!!
    phew…it does feel like I got on an almost leaving bus!!! 🙂

  113. Hello All,
    Well I passed the exam on the last day with a 188. Thankfully thats over with. I would like to thank everyone on this website, you’ve helped me tremendously. My question is based on the new credentially system. I would like to become a leed ap + homes. Am I understanding
    things correctly in that I must have experience
    in a leed project to even qualify to take the exam? I sure hope this is not the case.

  114. Thanks so much Pat and everyone who posted! Passed yesterday with a 185 after being sure I was going to fail! Y’all are the best.

  115. I got this question on my test.

    For a vegetated roof who gets impacted?(Choose 2)
    A)The Civil engineer
    B)The mechanical engineer
    C)the electrical engineer
    D)the comissioning agent
    I answered A and B but I was wondering what you guys think.

  116. I just wanted to thank everyone who has posted in this forumn. Your comments and questions were helpful. I passed the LEED AP on June 28, 2009.

  117. Hi Irini, A) because there the storm water calculations would be affected by a vegetated roof. B) because therecould be structural inplications because of the roof.

  118. I would like to thank you Pat and all of the people that took time to post comments on this website. I just passed yesterday with a 184 on my 1st try and I could not have done it without Pat’s study guide and some of the comments from all of you. This website is a tremendous resource and would like to thank all of you!

  119. I just wanted to thank you as well Pat. I passed on Monday on my first try with a 174 and a bare minimum of studying. Without some of the info on this site I would’ve failed for sure! Thanks again for all your hard work!

  120. The vegetative roof might cut down on cooling loads which would lead the mechanical engineers to be involved. Mechanical engineers are NOT structural engineers.


    The first webcast answers a lot of the questions. You can go to around minute 25 for the Q&A session.
    “From the Green Building Certification Institute’s Vice President of Credentialing Beth Holst, learn about GBCI’s upgrades to the LEED Accredited Professional credential, including the addition of specializations, as well as the new LEED Green Associate” credential.
    Includes recorded Q&A session with USGBC members.

  122. I’m still confused. As a legacy AP, are you required to take an exam to become a leed AP for Homes. I’m getting conflicting answers. Also, what is the process to opt in to V3. How do you get started. Thanks

  123. What is your current certification?

    According to the webcast I posted above, Beth Holst said that if you have LEED AP in NC it translates to BD & C and if it is in CI then it is ID&C.

    If you do have one of those, but don’t want it to directly translate you can call the GBCI and bridge over to the specialty that you have experience in.

  124. Hi Tom,
    I have Leed NC, I would like to get the Leed AP for Homes because I mainly do residential work. I guess I need to familiarize myself with
    BD & C. Thanks very much for your reply, If you
    have anymore information, I would greatly appreciate it.

  125. hello,

    can i give my LEED exam in india ..?

  126. Does anyone know who to contact if you passed the exam and never received a certificate of accreditation??

  127. where to apply to take the leed associate exam in singapore by aug 09?is there any exam centre in singapore?are the registration open as of now to apply?


  129. If you just have the Green Associate certification, is it good for anything other than as a part of the AP cert?

    • It’s great for marketing purposes, for both the company you work for (LEED Credential Employees on Staff), and for yourself for your resume. it shows that you’re taking initiative in the green building movement and LEED, which is what a lot of employers are looking for. Lastly, it may be able to get you into some LEED projects as a helper, assistant or volunteer if you want to try and get experience for a LEED registered project to qualify for the AP exam.

  130. Just passed the Canadian LEED AP yesterday with 186!! Thank you for sharing your hard work!

  131. Hi Pat,

    I want to apply for the LEED AP exam, can u please mail me the details of requirement for the exam like education, experience, No’s of days for the preparation of exam, Fees and applying procedure in INDIA.

    Please if some one know the details please forward me as I stay in Bangalore. U can mail me on

    • Hi asif,

      Required your help to appear for the USGBC LEED exam, which is the best study material for the same, I am from bangalore.


  132. Pat,

    I am not a part of any Green Builidng design, but preparing for IGBC AP and USGBC AP exams. Please clarify whether it is mandotary to have any experience in Green building design.

    Also suggest me the refrence guides for preparation for the IGBC and USGBC exams.

    Thanks n Regards,

    Deepesh Gupta

  133. I am a LEED AP working with Parsons in US , I am planning to go to India and start my own consultancy for Green Building .Can anyone let me know if I have to give the LEED exam again in India to practice in India.

  134. Hi pat,
    I have started my own firm just 9 months before. Though I am M.Arch in landscape, mostly I am doing Architectural design project. I hope the IGBC-AP Exam will help me to get a good projects in both architectural and landscape. I want you to assist me to select which department or field I have to appear for the IGBC-AP Exam.
    I want your support to assist for my better future.


  135. Hi,
    I am planning to take up LEED exam during July 10. I have just started reading V3 – 2009 but it is voluminous.I am on the right track, pls

  136. Hi,
    I am planning to take up LEED exam during July 10. I have just started reading V3 – 2009 but it is voluminous. Am I on the right track, pls…

  137. Hi,
    I have just started collecting information about the LEED AP examination. As i am from India, I have an option of giving IGBC AP exam. Can anybody suggest me i should go for it or i should take up USGBC Ap exam? what is the basic difference between both?

  138. dear readers,
    i m from ahmedabad,india and want to give igbc ap exam, by profesion i m an interior designer and having qualification of b.e.civil and keen intrest in this field so please help me for reading material, prospects and sylabus.
    my email is

  139. Hi pat,

    I have finished Mtech in Construction Technology and working in an project management company for 4 yrs, now that Iam interested in persuing and LEED AP certificate i seek your help on the study material and references which will help me get the same.Awaiting for your value added feed back.


  140. Hi Pat! I just passed my LEED AP BD+C exam this morning.. but did not now about your blog until NOW! I’m looking forward to following this during my ‘post exam recovery-celebration phase!’

  141. Hi pat,
    May i knw were LEED class held in hyderabad,Andrapradesh, India.


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About Me

Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


Pat, I took the test today and passed! This site has helped incredibly, I am letting another study group that recently formed know about you and your website! Thanks for hanging in there months after you passed…


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