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Green Exam Academy – Tips and Tricks to Pass the LEED AP Exam

Posts Tagged ‘Extra Credit’

Materials and Resources 3.2 – Material Reuse – 10% Reused Items

Same as credit MR 3.1 , except for percentage of total construction material is reused items (5% in Materials and Resources 3.1) 10% of Total Construction Material is from reused items Intention: Reduce waste Reduce processing of virgin resources and materials Implementation: Definition of Reuse: bring back to original capacity & reduce use of original […]

Materials and Resources 3.1 – Material Reuse – 5% Reused Items

Same as credit MR 3.2 , except for percentage of total construction material is reused items (10% in Materials and Resources 3.2) 5% of Total Construction Material is from reused items Intention: Reduce waste Reduce processing of virgin resources and materials Implementation: Definition of Reuse: bring back to original capacity & reduce use of original […]

Materials and Resources 2.2 – Construction Waste Management – Divert 75%

Same as credit MR 2.1, except for percentage diverted (50% in Materials and Resources 2.1) Divert 75% Intention: Divert construction and demolition debris from landfills and incinerators Redirect recyclables back to manufacturing process Redirect reusable materials to appropriate sites Implementation: Develop a construction waste management plan to at a minimum, identify materials to be diverted: […]

Materials and Resources 2.1 – Construction Waste Management – Divert 50%

Same as credit MR 2.2, except for percentage diverted (75% in Materials and Resources 2.2) Divert 50% Intention: Divert construction and demolition debris from landfills and incinerators Redirect recyclables back to manufacturing process Redirect reusable materials to appropriate sites Implementation: Develop a construction waste management plan to at a minimum, identify materials to be diverted: […]

Water Efficiency 3.2 – Water Use Reduction – 30% Reduction

Credits WE 3.1 & WE 3.2 are the same except for the percent (%) reduction. If one completes the requirements and implementation for WE 3.2 – Water Use Reduction – 30%, they would also receive a point for WE 3.1. Thus, earning two points toward LEED accreditation for the project. The posts for WE 3.1 […]

Water Efficiency 3.1 – Water Use Reduction – 20% Reduction

Credits WE 3.1 & WE 3.2 are the same except for the percent (%) reduction. If one completes the requirements and implementation for WE 3.2 – Water Use Reduction – 30%, they would also receive a point for WE 3.1. Thus, earning two points toward LEED accreditation for the project. The posts for WE 3.1 […]

Water Efficiency 2 – Innovative Wastewater Technologies

Intention: Reduce wastewater generation Reduce potable water demand Increase the recharge of local aquifers Implementation: Treatment system cycle: transport –> store –> treat –> dispose Option 1: Reduce potable water use by 50% use water conserving fixtures reuse non-potable water for flushing reuse on-site treated water Option 2: Treat and reuse 50% of wastewater on-site […]

Sustainable Sites 7.2 – Heat Island Effect – Roof

Roof Intention: Reduce heat islands Minimize impact on microclimate and habitats Implementation: option 1: 75% roof material should be: SRI 78 for a slope less than 2:12 (low-sloped roof) SRI 29 for a slope more than 2:12 (steep-sloped roof) option 2: Install a vegetated roof for at least 50% of the roof area option3: combination […]

Sustainable Sites 7.1 – Heat Island Effect – Non Roof

The Heat Island effect occurs when warm temperatures are experienced in urban areas compared to adjacent rural areas because of solar energy retention on constructed surfaces. Basically, all of that black asphalt and concrete on the ground makes areas a lot warmer. This credit reduces this effect. This credit also mentions the Solar Reflectance Index […]

Sustainable Sites 5.2 – Site Development – Maximize Open Space

Maximize Open Space Intention: A high open space to footprint ratio Promote biodiversity Implementation: Case 1: there IS a local code for open space restriction open space should exceed local code by 25% Case 2: there is NO code (campuses or military bases) open space is to be same size as building footprint Case 3: […]

Study Guides

My recommendations for the most helpful study guides and audio books that you can find for every LEED rating system.
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Study Guides

Practice Exams

There are tons of practice exams available to help you study for your LEED exam. Here are the BEST practice exams you can find that I’ve personally used and recommend to anyone.
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Practice Exams

Continuing Education (CE) Units

This 30 hour package includes everything you need to meet the GBCI Credential Maintenance requirements for LEED APs with Specialty.

Continuing Education (CE) Units


Find out where LEED exam prep classes are being held in your local area. Training courses will help you get through the exam process quickly and easily.
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About Me

Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


Thanks for the reply and most of all thanks for the website. I passed the exam last week, and your site had a lot to do with it!


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