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Green Exam Academy – Tips and Tricks to Pass the LEED AP Exam

Posts Tagged ‘LEED’

Materials and Resources 6 – Rapidly Renewable Materials

Intent: Reduce use of “long cycle” and finite raw materials. Implementation: Use rapidly renewable materials and products for 2.5% of total value of all building materials and products used (based on cost) harvested within a 10-year cycle or shorter consider: bamboo flooring wool cotton insulation cork flooring linoleum flooring wheat board cabinets straw board agrifiber […]

Materials and Resources 5.2 – Regional Materials – 20% Extracted, Processed & Manufactured Regionally

20% Extracted, Processed & Manufacturer Regionally Intent: Increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and manufactured within the region. This supports indigenous resources and reduced environmental impacts from transportation. Implementation: Use materials that have been extracted, harvested, recovered or manufactured within 500 miles of the site Minimum 20% (based on cost) of […]

Materials and Resources 5.1 – Regional Materials – 10% Extracted, Processed & Manufactured Regionally

10% Extracted, Processed & Manufacturer Regionally Intent: Increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and manufactured within the region. This supports indigenous resources and reduced environmental impacts from transportation. Implementation: Use materials that have been extracted, harvested, recovered or manufactured within 500 miles of the site Minimum 10% (based on cost) of […]

Innovation and Design Process 2 – LEED Accredited Professional

Easiest points in the book. Have a LEED-AP on the team, you gain this 1 point. Hopefully someday, it will be you earning a LEED project this one point in the near future! Good luck!!! Intent: To support and encourage the design integration required by a LEED for New Construction green building project and to […]

Innovation and Design Process 1.1 thru 1.4 – Innovation in Design

Intent: To provide design teams and projects opportunities for extra credit points or exceptional performance points for going above and beyond LEED for New Construction Green Building Rating System requirements. Implementation: Substantially exceed a LEED NC performance credit such as energy performance or water efficiency. Apply strategies that demonstrate a comprehensive approach and quantified environment […]

Indoor Environmental Air Quality 8.2 – Daylighting and Views – Views for 90% of Spaces

Intent: Provide connection between indoor and outdoor spaces through introduction of daylight and views into regularly occupied areas of the building. Implementation: Achieve direct line of site to outdoor for occupants in 90% of all regularly occupied areas glazing between 2′-6″ & 7′-6″ Plan View: area within sight lines drawing from perimeter vision glazing Section […]

Indoor Environmental Air Quality 8.1 – Daylighting and Views – Daylight 75% of Spaces

Intent: Provide connection between indoor and outdoor spaces through introduction of daylight and views into regularly occupied areas of the building. Implementation: OPTION 1 – GLAZING FACTOR CALCULATION achieve min. 2% glazing factor in minimum of 75% of regularly occupied areas. OPTION 2 – DAYLIGHT SIMULATION MODEL through computer simulation, demonstrate min. daylight illumination level […]

Indoor Environmental Air Quality 7.2 – Thermal Comfort – Verification

Intent: Assessment of building’s thermal comfort over time. Implementation: Survey within 6-18 months after occupancy anonymous responses of overall satisfaction of thermal performance If 20% or more of building occupants dissatisfied, develop a plan for corrective action Plan should be in accordance with ASHRAE 55-2004 Code: ASHRAE 55-2004: Thermal Comfort Conditions for Human Occupancy Submittal […]

Indoor Environmental Air Quality 7.1 – Thermal Comfort – Design

Intent: Provide a comfortable thermal environment supporting productivity and well-being of building occupants. Implementation: Design HVAC systems and Building Envelope per ASHRAE 55-2004. Evaluate air temp. radiant temp, air speed, relative humidity Coordinate with EQ P1. EQ 1, & EQ 2. Code: ASHRAE 55-2004: Thermal Comfort Conditions for Human Occupancy Submittal Phase: design Indoor Environmental […]

Indoor Environmental Air Quality 6.2 – Controllability of Systems – Thermal Comfort

Intent: Provide high level of thermal comfort system control for individuals and multi-occupant spaces to promote productivity, comfort and well being of building occupants. Implementation: Individual comfort controls for 50% min. of building occupants. Operable windows are OK instead if: occupants are stationed within 20′-0″ inside and 10′-0″ to either side of the window opening. […]

Study Guides

My recommendations for the most helpful study guides and audio books that you can find for every LEED rating system.
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Study Guides

Practice Exams

There are tons of practice exams available to help you study for your LEED exam. Here are the BEST practice exams you can find that I’ve personally used and recommend to anyone.
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Practice Exams

Continuing Education (CE) Units

This 30 hour package includes everything you need to meet the GBCI Credential Maintenance requirements for LEED APs with Specialty.

Continuing Education (CE) Units


Find out where LEED exam prep classes are being held in your local area. Training courses will help you get through the exam process quickly and easily.
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About Me

About Me

Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


Hey i cleared yesterday with a score of 185.. i started studyin one month back and followed this website thoroughly.. thanks a lot pat for creating this website.. i followed the same study schedule as yours..


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