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True Testimonials

I would just like to thank each and every one of you who have personally thanked me for my hard work on this website. I created it to help people like yourself, and it’s your kind words that inspire me and keep me updating the website every chance I have for others – even long after I earned my own LEED AP credential on March 28, 2008. I decided to place this testimonial page here not only as a thank you to those who have put in their hard work and thanked me for mine, but also for those of you who have yet to take your LEED AP Exam and may need some inspiration and/or confirmation that since you are here visiting intheLEED, you’ve come to the right place. The following are all real:


“Thanks again for the great site, Pat! I passed the exam today with a 197. Your web site was a great resource.” – Chris


“Dear Mr. Pat, Thank you very much for providing me the very helpful information on preparation of LEED Exam. I have passed the exam with 189/200 in June my first attempt. intheleed was a great tool during my studies.” – Anvar


“Hey Pat! Thanks for doing this. Your sense of contributing in this way to the promotion of green building is inspiring.” – Elyce


“Your website is an awesome resource of information relative to LEED and the AP exam. I would not have passed the exam if I hadn’t come across your website during my studying period. I only studied for about two (2) weeks and In The LEED helped me jump start and focus my efforts. I took the LEED AP for Existing Building (EB) and even though alot of the content on your webpage relates to NC (New Construction), it was still very beneficial and contributed to my successful passing of the exam. Thanks again for the great compilation of LEED information and community of LEED professionals that you’ve created thru the Internet. Cheers !” – Chris


Pat, Thanks so much for keeping such a great resource here…It was excellent and
helped me out a lot…I passed this morning with a 191 thanks to your web site!” – Anna


Great website Pat! Got a 197 today, on my first try…Thanks for your help!” – Brian


“Passed the test with a 186 this morning. Thanks for the great website Pat! I am recommending it to everyone at my firm.” – Kelly


“I’m studying for the test now and I’ve found a wealth of knowledge on your site. I really appreciate your hard work!” – Courtney


“Just wanted to say ‘thanks’ for this wonderful website!” – Kelley


“Thanks for the reply and most of all thanks for the website. I passed the exam last week, and your site had a lot to do with it! – Michael


“Hey! Thank you, Pat. This is one of the best websites for the LEED exam: made me feel that I was not alone. I passed yesterday with a 185…” – Aparna


“Pat – I just wanted to thank you for all of the work you have put in to make this website so useful. I used your site along with GreenExamPrep to pass my exam today. Thank you for your help. Cheers.” – JCP


“Pat – Thanks for your virtual help! I used your site almost exclusively for my studying and passed the test yesterday. What a relief. Thanks for your help” – Nowell


“Hi Pat, Thank you so much for your website!! It helped tremendously.” – Brenda


“Pat, You’ve been instrumental in my success. I managed to declaw the big monster the first time through!! I hope to pay it forward and help others seek out thier accredidation as well. Cheers!” – Brian


“For everyone else thinking of taking the LEED AP exam, this site is an absolutely fantastic resource, and one that will certainly help you to pass the exam. Good luck!” – Jeff


“Pat, I took the test today and passed! This site has helped incredibly, I am letting another study group that recently formed know about you and your website! Thanks for hanging in there months after you passed…” – Valeria


“Thank You Pat, I was so happy to stumble across your website while trying to google a definition…You and your site are truly wonderful. With your organization and encouragement,the material becomes manageable. I wish I had found it a while ago! Thanks also for your continued visits and responses!!” – Valeria


“Pat, I am new to your web site, but I find it very well organized and helpful. I am following your tips and advices since I have look arround and your study plan seems more specific and at the same time simple and direct…” – Ernesto


“Pat, Just wanted to thank you for this great website. I took the exam yesterday and passed!!! I will continue to pass on your website to all of my friends who are interested in LEED.” – Esther


“It was nice to get connected with all of you thru this site, thanks to all, especially to Pat! I passed it on Saturday! Took Friday off, I am so relieved..” – Ana


“Thanks so much for putting this website together. I found it about a week before the exam (LEED CI) and realized through reading your posts that I was actually NOT in the good shape I had previously thought I was in. I crammed and crammed in those last few days and looked at info I hadn’t even considered before – and passed with a 188. Phew! Without this resource I wouldn’t have done as well.” – Natalie


“Thank you very much!!!I passed the exam in Italy and now I’m in the LEED AP Directory(country Italy) as a “LEED AP” in Italy!!!” – Francesco


“Thanks to this blog (Pat) for the incredible help though it has been quite challenging for me sometimes to apply what in here to the Canada Leed-NC version…” – Lilian


“Thanks Pat for your support and help. I passed the test on 20th . It was a big relief passing first time. Thanks again.” – Shanu


“I passed the lead exam yesterday thanks to your website. It is by far the most helpful out there! Your brain dump idea was GENIUS! I am telling everyone in my company about the site. You need to write a book…LEED for Dummies or The Idiot’s Guide to LEED. Your information is essential to passing the exam!” – Tiffany


“Great site=helpful for my exam prep” – Steve


“Thanks for the great work – helpful stuff.” – Don


“Pat, Thanks for your website! it helped a great deal and i just wanted you to know that. Passed the test and got a 189!” – Mari


“Took the LEED-NC Test today… and passed!!! Thanks so much Pat for all of your help…When it comes to studying aides In The LEED is by far well… In The LEED. haha” – Dan


“Great tips from (and some Memorial Weekend cramming) helped me score a 189 on the LEED NC exam. Thanks for creating such a great resource.” – Murf


“Your website has been a great help and I thank you for putting a great resource tool for everyone to follow.” – Anthony


“Thanks for creating such a great website! It really helped me study and pass (with a 184!). I have been convincing more people in my office to take the test, so I sent them the link to your site. Thanks again!” – Gwen


“I’ve been following your website and I think it is excellent and very helpful!” – Bettina


“…I’ve already passed the link to this site to other candidates in the office. You wrote the perfect Cliff’s Notes to LEED. You should publish it- heck I would buy it as a resource even after now having passed the test. Again thanks for this site!” – Rich


“Hey Pat, I’m really glad to have found this website…Thank You.” – Janet


“I just wanted to let you know that I passed the LEED for New Construction exam on my first try! Woohoo!! I cannot thank you enough for such a wonderdul website. It helped immensely in preparing for the test and getting my head in the “right” place. As an Urban Planner, this whole construction world is a little out of my league, but after navigating this site and using the tips provided here, I felt really comfortable moving forward with the test. Thanks again!!!” – Rebeca “First- FABULOUS WEBSITE! Huge help in my studies. I would use your condensed versions of the credits when i would get stuck on a greenexamprep question and wanted to cheat. The combo of time, greenexamprep, and this blog (also the quizzes on were major contributers to my passing score of 199! THANKS!” – Deanna


“Thank you, Pat, for the incredible resource. I passed today with a 196 – couldn’t have done it without this site.” – Cheri


“Pat, Great website, smart work.” – Nav


“Hay Pat, Thanks a million for this website, I am scheduled to take my exam on the 14th of June. I still have a little while but this is really going to make if a lot easier to organize my studies, love the charts and tables, Golden.” – Clint


“…Thank you Pat for liberating me of such torturous and treacherous path!!” – Sofia


“I wanted to say Great Job with the website. Your work will help alot of future LEED AP get on the right track to passing their exam.” – TAD


“Hey Pat, Great website, Wrote the Canadian exam and passed, took your tips, plus your submittal phase table really helped. Thanks” – Steven


“Pat – I’ve been loving your website – thanks!” – Debbie


“Thanks Pat for this great website. I just passed the LEED Canada NC 1.0 exam yesterday with 177. The ASHRAE charts are really helpful.” – Jeepmaster


“You have done an excellent job of compiling this wealth of information…” – Rupa


“This is really really helpful! thanks alot…” – Andrew


“Hey i cleared yesterday with a score of 185.. i started studyin one month back and followed this website thoroughly.. thanks a lot pat for creating this website.. i followed the same study schedule as yours..” -Shri


“Hey Pat!! as of 10:52 am on this very wonderful monday – I AM A LEED ACCREDITED PROFESSIONAL!! 187!!! =D I just want to say THANK YOU for creating such a wonderful website, and for all of your help answering my random little questions.” – Debby


“Hey thanks for this all the tips on this website – and also the links- I just passed my exam this morning with a 189.” – Komal


“Pat, Thanks for all you info, links, etc. I took the NC test on Saturday and passed. Your blog was a huge help. Thanks.” -Steve


“Pat, Thanks again for this site! I practiced my version of the pre-test dump on and off for a couple of hours before my test today… passed with a 188!! Thanks to your reccomendations of WIMSEE and ASHRAE brain dumps, as well as getting practice with the tests, I felt good going in, and even better coming out! I will be reccomending your site to all my co-workers… if I can study hard for 2 weeks and pass that should light a fire under them!” – Amber


“I took the exam this morning and passed with a 186! Thank you very much for this website. It was the one of the best things I found to help me study. I am a chemical engineer and have never had any experience on a LEED project…Thanks again to Pat for making this website. It helped a lot. Good Luck to everyone!” – Ashley


“My tip: visit of course! it offers so many pointers and ideas on preparing for the LEED exam and basically what to expect.” – Carl


“Thanks for this great resource, Pat!” – Brittany


“…I’m really motivated to study now!! Great job on your website.” – Angelica


“Thanks for this wonderful resource for people who want to become LEED AP. I am really motivated to resume serious preparations again for the exam and I think that your site will be indispensable.” – Chijike


“Thank you for your great website! I am taking LEED AP in May – so I am planning on having a good use of your site preparing for the exam. I appreciate any good advice – every bit of information helps…” – Lena


“Pat, I passed my exam this morning! Your blog has been very helpful to me- it help present a lot of the material in small, manageable ways, so that it wasn’t so overwhelming. Your blank sudy charts were really helpful too-Filling them out by memory and then adding more each time along with information that I missed was a way that I kept on increasing my knowledge.” – RW


“I am a LEED AP thanks to all your Tips.” – Chetan


“I’ve been studying for the past two weeks and your website has helped me tremendously…Good luck to everyone and thanks so much!” – Esther


“You have done such a great job of organizing the exam prep information for the LEED study info. to show the path for success.” – Harriet


“I have been reading your blog for about 1 week now, and have decided I need to read/study/memorize more before sitting for the exam. I have felt really encouraged by reading the entries for study methods and brain dump ideas, so thank you so much for starting this blog for all of us. The charts in the ftp server have been really useful for me to visualize all of the credit areas.” – Harriet


“Pat, Your website is extremely helpful in studying for LEED.” – Crissy


“Great site, Pat! I know it took a lot of time and work to put it together. Thanks for sharing with us…” – Jane


“This site has been sooooooo helpful for me in my preparation for the LEED AP Exam. Thank you dearly!” – CJ


“Hi.. I took the exam yesterday & passed with a score of 186…!!!…Thank[s] a lot to intheleed.” – Sara


“Pat, What a great website. I’m currently working in Dubai UAE and will be doing m[y] LEED AP exam soon. I just wanted to thank you for all your help, you’ve made this process a lot easier.” – Ali


“Hi, I just wanted to say THANK YOU!! I took my exam today and I passed~ Your website has been extremely helpful and well organized. I wish I knew your website earlier so I could concentrate on the really important points. Other APers, good luck!” – Nagi


Do YOU have something you’d like to say? Well, I’d love to hear it! Leave me a message here. Thanks to everyone!

Study Guides

My recommendations for the most helpful study guides and audio books that you can find for every LEED rating system.
Click for more info....

Study Guides

Practice Exams

There are tons of practice exams available to help you study for your LEED exam. Here are the BEST practice exams you can find that I’ve personally used and recommend to anyone.
Click for more info....

Practice Exams

Continuing Education (CE) Units

This 30 hour package includes everything you need to meet the GBCI Credential Maintenance requirements for LEED APs with Specialty.

Continuing Education (CE) Units


Find out where LEED exam prep classes are being held in your local area. Training courses will help you get through the exam process quickly and easily.
Click for more info....


About Me

About Me

Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


Thanks for this wonderful resource for people who want to become LEED AP. I am really motivated to resume serious preparations again for the exam and I think that your site will be indispensable.


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