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What are the LEED AP specialty exams all about?

The LEED AP Specialty exams are the 2nd tier of exams you can take. However, unlike the Green Associate exam, the LEED AP specialty exams are much more detailed, and directly correspond to a specific reference guide. The following are the different specialty exams you can take, and what they are about:

  • Building Design & Construction (BD&C): This exam actually covers three different rating systems: New Construction (which includes major renovation), Schools, and Core & Shell.
  • Interior Design & Construction (ID&C): This rating system is mainly for tenant spaces that don’t occupy an entire building, i.e. tenant improvement projects.
  • Existing Building: Operations & Maintenance (O&M): This rating system is applicable for buildings with commercial occupancies that involve building operations, process & system upgrades, minor space-use changes, facility alterations and additions.
  • Homes: This track covers single-family, low-rise multi family (under 4 stories), affordable housing, production, manufactured & modular homes.
  • Neighborhood Development (ND): Mainly developmental projects, such as neighborhoods, infill projects and larger mixed use developments.

Not all of them are live yet. In fact, only LEED for Homes and LEED for O&M are available at the moment. BD&C and ID+C are scheduled for September 15, 2009 and ND in 2010.

As you can tell, these exams are more for the people who are out on the field and working on the LEED certified projects. These are for the LEED APs who will be a part of a project team, assisting the team by streamlining and supporting the LEED Application Process. Architects, contractors, engineers, etc. are all likely test-takers for a LEED specialty exam.

The specialty exam will test your knowledge of the details in the corresponding Reference guide.

Here is some more info about the exam:

  • 2 part exam, 2 hours each (4 hours total)
  • The 1st part is actually the Green Associate Exam
  • 100 multiple-choice questions for each part (200 total)
  • Computer-based test
  • For two-part exam: USGBC national members: $300, All others: $400
  • For specialty exam only: $150/$250

For more information, please check out the handbooks which can be found on the GBCI website.

FAQs about your LEED credential:

Green Associate Exam

LEED AP Specialty Exam

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One Comment On This Post

  1. I just listened to the podcast that you did with Darren Rowse, you have a great story! I hope things keep going well for you.


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Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


Hey thanks for this all the tips on this website – and also the links- I just passed my exam this morning with a 189.


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