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What can I do if I’m not eligible to take a LEED specialty exam?

If you are not eligible for a LEED specialty exam, your best bet is to take the LEED Green Associate exam first, since you will have to take that portion of the exam anyways (it’s the 1st part of the 2 part specialty exam). From there, I would try and get onto a LEED registered project.

I’m going to ask the USGBC if there are other ways to become eligible for the exam, but as far as I know – you need that experience on a registered project in order to take the exam.

FAQs about your LEED credential:

Green Associate Exam

LEED AP Specialty Exam

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5 Comments On This Post

  1. I am a recent graduate w/ a 5 year degree in Architecture. I am looking to become LEED AP but am not eligible as I have not worked on a LEED project yet. Is there anyway around this? If not and I take the LEED GA exam, once I become eligible to take the LEEP AP BD+C exam will I have to retake the LEED GA portion of the exam?

  2. Hello Pat,
    I intend to sit for the Green Associate exam by taking required class since I do not have LEED project experience.
    Now my question is will the class and the study aid books etc. sufficient enough to pass the exam ?
    I think about this because I have absolutely no idea about the exam or the green industry.
    What are your thoughts on this ?

    • Hi SJK, the class and the study aids that are available with them should be enough to pass the GA exam. The GA exam isn’t as extensive as the AP exams, so what you learn in the classes should be sufficient, along with the supplemental study guides to go along with them. That being said, I don’t think you could ever study too much material in case you are worried. Best of luck!

  3. Thanks Pat for the reply.

  4. I already have a LEED AP, and see two different rules on the GCBI website. Either A) I’m not qualified to take an exam because I can’t document project experience, B) I can become a LEED AP+ through continuing education instead of testing, without project experience. Somewhere else I saw that I don’t have to show project experience. What’s the deal?


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Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


Hay Pat, Thanks a million for this website, I am scheduled to take my exam on the 14th of June. I still have a little while but this is really going to make if a lot easier to organize my studies, love the charts and tables, Golden.


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