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What is LEED?

LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Back in 1993, the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) was established to promote sustainable building practices. To market their concept of “building green”, they had to create a system to introduce their ideas to the industry – one that has measurable performance standards and strategies to create sustainable buildings. Thus, LEED was born. LEED is essentially a rating system to measure the sustainable performance standards of different kinds of buildings.

The Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI), was formed in late 2007 as a part of the USGBC to manage all aspects of the LEED Professional Accreditation program including exam development, registration and delivery. Additionally, the GBCI has recently begun to administer LEED project certification.

That means that you will be dealing with the GBCI when earning your credential, as well as when certifying LEED projects after you pass.

Other FAQs for those new to LEED:

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7 Comments On This Post

  1. Would like to get LEED certified, my question is “where do I begin?” and what source is the best to use for preparation? I know its a loaded question– but there are so many websites and info that I want to use the USGBC recs. THANKS!!

    • Hi DA,

      It is indeed a lot of information to take in, and there are many websites and resourced out there that may confuse a lot of people.

      To get started, i think you’ve come to the right place. Going through the FAQs on (formerly, will help you understand the process and what you need to know for the exams.

      Please feel free to ask any questions and I and other people will be here to answer them. Thanks and best of luck to you!


  2. Hey Pat! No doubt that your blog is a good reference to anyone interested in LEED, many thanks for that!!
    my question is; being outside the US (in Spain) what options do i have to apply for the exam, in other words, i haven’t found any info about exams of LEED AP or centers outside the US, can you help me with that or give me any hint?

    many thanks again! and best wishes!!! 🙂


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  4. Hi pat,
    plz tell me that being a resident of india how can i apply for green associate exam?

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  6. Hi Pat,
    I am a student pursuing masters in Building Engineering & Management in Delhi, India. Are there any test centres for green associate exam here?


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Study Guides

My recommendations for the most helpful study guides and audio books that you can find for every LEED rating system.
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Study Guides

Practice Exams

There are tons of practice exams available to help you study for your LEED exam. Here are the BEST practice exams you can find that I’ve personally used and recommend to anyone.
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Practice Exams

Continuing Education (CE) Units

This 30 hour package includes everything you need to meet the GBCI Credential Maintenance requirements for LEED APs with Specialty.

Continuing Education (CE) Units


Find out where LEED exam prep classes are being held in your local area. Training courses will help you get through the exam process quickly and easily.
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About Me

Hi! My name is Pat and I’m the guy behind I graduated with a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, and was working in an Architecture firm for the last few years in Southern California...


Thanks for this wonderful resource for people who want to become LEED AP. I am really motivated to resume serious preparations again for the exam and I think that your site will be indispensable.


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