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What is the LEED Green Associate exam about?

The Green Associate Exam is the 1st tier exam for LEED v3.

The GBCI website states that the Green Associate exam is “for professionals who want to demonstrate green building expertise in non-technical fields of practice…[it] denotes basic knowledge of green design, construction and operations.”

This exam is for the product manufacturers, the marketers, the finance people, students, people in customer service for a large construction firm, etc. It’s also for people who are not yet eligible to take a LEED AP specialty exam.

The Green Associate exam will test your knowledge of:

  • The LEED Application Process
  • Project Site Factors
  • Water Management
  • Project Systems and Energy Impacts
  • Acquisition, Installation and Management of Project Materials
  • Stakeholder Involvement in Innovation
  • Project Surroundings and Public Outreach
  • Synergistic Opportunities between various LEED strategies

The information is less detailed than what is required to know for the specialty exams, but it covers information that can span across all of the various LEED Rating Systems.

Here is some more quick info about the exam:

  • 2 hour exam
  • 100 multiple-choice questions
  • computer-based test
  • USGBC national members/full-time students: $150, All others: $200.

For more information, please take a look at the Green Associate exam candidate handbook, which can be found on the GBCI website.

FAQs about your LEED credential:

Green Associate Exam

LEED AP Specialty Exam

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11 Comments On This Post

  1. Dear Pat, You are doing a great job for aspirants in LEED. Your website was one of the major resource on which i have spend most of the time before exam and i have scored 191.I have also recomended your website in areforum. You are my inspiration, i m planing to do a similar work but particularly in Energy Simulation,commissioning, Sustainalbe operations and maitanance etc. I ld like to ask how easy is it for a non IT professional to manage such websites? Did you get it done from IT professionals? Great Work.Looking forward for your reply. Thanks

  2. What happens to the old LEED AP credential? It would be nice if, for example, the marketing people with a LEED AP under the old system could trade it in for a Green Associate title without having to take the test again. I don’t actually work on LEED projects, so I won’t ever be eligible for a LEED AP+ specialty exam. What is a regular old LEED AP worth these days?

  3. Hi Pat,
    I cleared the LEED GA exam with a score of 182. Your study guides – especially the Fill in the blanks one is a great idea.
    I noticed that the audio does not exactly follow the written content but is consistent within itself. Noticed a few typos in the guide as well but nothing major.
    Keep up the good work and will be ordering your BD+C guide soon..

    • Apoorva,

      Thanks so much for your message, and I’m really glad the guides have helped you. I get a few emails each day thanking me for my work, but since other people can read this on the website, I just wanted to thank you for that 🙂

      I’m always looking to improve my products, so if you wouldn’t mind shooting me an email with the typos, I’d really appreciate it. I want the guides to be the best they can be.

      Thanks again!

  4. A very general question for you Pat. How many days of preparation do you think is required to clear the GA exam? Thanks.

  5. I am currently attend university of phoenix pursuing a business degree with a focus on green and sustainable enterprises, I want to learn more about LEED and wondering which courses you recommend for a beginner.

    • Hi Brandy,

      There are several courses available that you could take. Many are offered on the USGBC website here:

      Additionally, you may want to take a look through the FAQ section of this site to understand the requirements and different exams available. That would be where I would start.

      All the best to you!


    • Please follow the FAQ on this site on how to learn about and pass the LEED AP exam. I know a lot of people who have passed that are in Dubai as well.

  7. if iam a practising architect what is my scope of improvement after giving these exams.

    • You will learn a lot about green building and sustainable practices that can be used in your business.


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